PEDO WOMAN – Or how natural instinct is switched for sadism against kids

Women Pedophiles 01

November 2020A few days ago, two women were sentenced to six months in suspended prison and a large fine. They were convicted of posting on social networks the rape video of two children, aged 2 and 5, respectively. They attempted to minimize the facts on the stand. They “didn’t know that it was forbidden and just relayed a message in order to find the rapist” said one of them. “Why didn’t they notify the police in this case? “ asked the judge. Do these two women, mothers, have no empathy for the small victims? They certainly did not act of their own as executioners. But their gesture, in addition to minimizing the seriousness of the facts, proves an abnormal perversion. It’s also important to know that this fact is not rare or isolated. On the other hand, some monstrous women act out. Like Vanessa George, nicknamed the “worst British paedophile”, released in 2019 after ten years in prison for the rape of 64 children, from the age of two, in the nursery where she worked. She then shared the evidence of her crap with a man and another woman, who were also convicted at the time. On her release, she was placed in a probation hostel costing up to £50,000 a year. And the hostel was only 547 meters from a nursery and less than half a mile from a children’s club, according to The Sunday People. Source 1, 2.


In terms of garbages, let’s quote Malka Leifer, a 54-year-old paedo protected by Israel despite the many crap she committed in Australia (74 charges at least), in a girls’ school of which she was the director. In this kind of sordid case, we can also talk about this 40-year-old Australian who was sentenced to six years in prison after giving birth to a little girl… whom she had a 12-year-old child, after having abused him on numerous occasions. What about the future of the baby born from these rapes? Indescribable… Let’s continue. There is also a reference in the highly publicized Outreau case in France, a pedoring highly protected by the state itself (you can read our english article here). Let us recall that this case was treated in an absolutely despicable manner in favor of the many acquitted pedophiles who fall back for the same kind of crimes a few years later. And in this paedophile network were a certain number of women. Let us also look at the case of the Angers trial, another pedoring in France also state-protected. 39 men and 27 women accused of having raped, prostituted, and martyred 45 children between the ages of 6 months and 12 years. Or the more recent one in Bourgoin-Jallieu, in which three children from the same sibling group were abused by seven people, including their mother, stepfather, uncle and grandmother.. Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

And how could we not mention one of the most famous pedo women, Ghislaine Maxwell! Epstein’s companion, the thinking head of this huge ignoble pedoring, supplier of fresh flesh for these elites, and she too is a rapist. To cite one last example of a dirty rapist, this story just recently came out involving nine men and five women in the Glasgow area. This listing above is just a very small part of the iceberg. Every year, all over the world, women abuse children, knowingly feeding them to predators, turning a blind eye to what they are going through, or watching it with excitement. A question then arises. Are their motivations the same as those of men? Why do they do this to the innocent little people they are supposed to protect? Shrinks have looked into the problem and have drawn some explanations. In most cases, the assaults are not purely sexual, but rather highly unhealthy behavior: revenge against their offspring, whom they hold responsible for their misfortunes, an attempt to create an emotional dependence tinged with vice and guilt, or a resurgence of behavior that they themselves have experienced. If these hypotheses are real, it means that these women are simply passing on deviances to their children. At the very least, this underlines a huge lack of follow-up and care before acting, when the assailants were still only assaulted.


In one of the few published studies about this, it is estimated that there is one woman for every 60 men among pedophiles. However, this figure should be taken with caution, since these cases are less often reported, whether out of shame for the victims or ignorance of the seriousness of the facts. Moreover, men’s sexuality is more often perceived as active, as opposed to women’s, which is passive and supposedly devoid of aggression. In any case, and whatever the events that led women paedophiles to become paedophiles, it is absolutely necessary to punish them in the same way as men! Treating them differently would be unfair. All the more so since it is their role, written even in their genes, to prevent children from being assaulted or suffer any abuse. For a child, a mother, a teacher, a nanny is seen as, and must be, a bulwark against adult violence. A woman is a place of refuge and tenderness, a haven of peace in which to recharge one’s batteries and forget about external horrors. But then, if they don’t play this fundamental role, who are the children going to be able to count on to grow up and live without danger? And with the rise of feminists that promote the concept that a woman is first a woman before being a mother ? That kids are secondary, career, sex encounter and fun, standing on top of the list before children, for these sick unfuckable fat bitches, are things not going to be even more serious and creates even more monsters ? We ask the question…

Source 1, 2, 3, 4.

