PLANDEMIC CONSEQUENCES : Spike in Kid’s Mariages…

Kids Mariage Covid Plandemic

It is to wonder which filth this giant swindle did not create… It is with a heavy heart and hatred in our fists that we expose you this article today. In addition to having voluntarily ruined all the small businesses, forcing people to submit like slave dogs, locking us up like criminals at home, their muzzle on their mouth, the plandemic has also increased the number of forced child marriages. Here is why and how. There were many school closures because of the plandemic. As a result, millions of refugee girls were forced to leave their homes and get married, sold by their very own parents. This affects many parts of the world, but in the source article, reference is made to Lebanon and Jordan. Researchers, lawyers and associations are concerned that by the time schools reopen, many of these girls will not return. The plandemic has made the poor around the world even poorer. Of course, we all know that this is very voluntary but it is causing a lot of butterfly effect that no one could have seen coming earlier and the results are going to be catastrophic. The first consequence was to create a spike in child marriages, as families marry their daughters to get a marriage bonus to get something to eat and also to get rid of a mouth to feed. We will not talk about the lack of morale, conscience, humanity and respectability of these people. Honestly? If they are ready to sell their children, even if it’s for food, let them die, because nothing justifies that… A large part of these victims (past, present or future) are little Syrian girls who reached Jordan to escape the war of power launched by the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia, with the support of the elite’s dogs, France, Germany and all the European collaborators. It is said that :

“Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey together host nearly eight million refugees, the majority from Syria, but also Iraqis, Palestinians, Yemenis, Somalis and Sudanese. Since the “plandemic” struck, these countries – which are among the world’s top ten refugee-hosting countries – have experienced severe economic contractions, including a spiral of inflation and unemployment. Lebanon is on the verge of economic collapse”.

You will notice that we are talking about the countries devastated by the same garbage mentioned above … It is said that the affected population reaches an unemployment rate and a loss of monthly earnings of about 95%. According to these same researchers, all this results in a huge increase in child labor, child marriages and school dropouts, regardless of the laws of the host country. These bastards can pretend that they are helping them, which is totally false. All that would be required is that funds be made available for these people on the spot. No need to make them travel or try to get them to come to this or that country. The money spent would be better invested directly on the spot but, due to lobbying, Soros’ and Rotten-schild’s plans, this is not the way it is done. State aid to companies, from any country, is sick when you look at it more closely. Billions offered to banks, collaborating media, large multinational companies, but the small, the poor, the victims of wars of these same garbages, nothing for them! If all the taxpayer’s money, stolen from the taxpayer, diverted through corruption to help companies that only deserve a total extinction and the hanging of their leaders, had been partially (and I say partially) given to these people and to the men and women who are already shouting with open mouths in our respective countries, we wouldn’t be here! But hey… That’s not the plan… Wait until you see the numbers. Before the Syrian war, the marriage of little girls in this country was about 13%. Today it is 52% according to UNICEF. (in their report, they speak of a multiplication by 4). Already in 2017, 24% of the girls were married among these same refugees. So in the meantime, children are sold to pedophile scum who marry little girls to satisfy their pedo perversities in exchange for money to the treacherous and filthy families and nobody cares. Now do you understand why we say Fuck Society? Yeah… Fuck society…

Source 1, 2, 3, 4

