Sorry this is in Deutsche but the name are not to be translated so here is the raw list. This liste was made here and just copy from there to here.

Bilderbergtreffen 2009

Athen, Griechenland

Liste der Teilnehmer

Beatrix – Königin der Niederlande

Sofia – Königin von Spanien

Konstantin – ehemaliger König von Griechenland

Philipp – Prinz von Belgien, Mitglied des Club of Rome

Joseph Ackerman – Vorstandsvorsitzende der Deutschen Bank

Kieth Alexander – Direktor der US National Security Agency (NSA), grösster Geheimdienst der Welt

Georgios Alogoskoufis – ehemaliger Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Griechenland

Roger Altman – Vizefinanzminister unter Präsident Clinton

Efstratios-Georgios A. Arapoglou – Zentralbankchef Griechenland

Ali Babacan – Aussenminister Türkei, Koordinator für die Beitrittsverhandlungen der Türkei mit der EU

Dora Bakoyannis – Aussenminister Griechenland

+Jon Frederik Baksaas – Chef von Telenor Norwegen

Francisco Pinto Balsemão – Portugisischer Ministerpräsident

Nicolas Baverez – Herausgeber Le Point Frankreich

Franco Bernabè – Chef von Telecom Italia, stellvertretender Vorsitzender von Rothschild Europe

-Xavier Bertrand – Generalsekretär der UMP Partei Frankreich

Nils Daniel Carl Bildt – Aussenminister Schweden

Jan Arne Björklund – Bildungsminister, Parteivorsitzenden der Folkpartiet liberalerna Schweden

Christoph Blocher – ehemaliger Bundesrat und ehemaliger Parteichef der SVP

Alexandre Bompard – Journalist Radio Europe 1 Frankreich

+Vendeline von Bredow – Wirtschaftsjournalist The Economist

+Oscar Bronner – Herausgeber Der Standard Österreich

+Max Boot – Autor, Berater, Historiker, Ober-Neocon und CFR Mitglied

-Ana Botín – Tochter des Präsidenten der Banco de Santander Emilio Botín

+Henri de Castries – Chef der AXA

Juan Luis Cebrián – Chef er PRISA Group of Media Spanien

-W. Edmund Clark – Chef Toronto-Dominion Bank Kanada

-Kenneth Harry Clarke – ex-Finanzminister Grossbritannien

Luc Coene – Chef der belgischen Nationalbank

+Timothy C. Collins – Chef von Ripplewood Holdings

George David – Präsident CocaCola Griechenland

Sir Richard Billing Dearlove – ex-Chef des britischen Geheimdienstes MI6

Anna Diamantopoulou – Parlamentsmitglied der PASOK Griechenland

Mario Draghi – Chef der italienischen Zentralbank

+Nicolas N. Eberstadt – American Enterprise Institute 

Anders Eldrup – Chef und Präsident von DONG Energy Dänemark

John Jacob Philip Elkann – Vizepräsident des Fiat-Konzerns

Thomas Enders – Chef Airbus

José Manuel Entrecanales – Chef des Baukonzerns Acciona Spanien

+Werner Feymann – Bundesparteivorsitzender der SPÖ österreichischer Bundeskanzler

-Isidro Fainé Casas – Präsident der Caixa Bank und SEAT Berater

Niall Ferguson – Professor für Wirtschaft an der Havard Business School

-Timothy Franz Geithner – Finanzminister der USA

Dermot Gleeson – Berater der irischen Regierung und Geschäftsmann

Donald E. Graham – Chef der Washinton Post

-Alfred Gusenbauer – ex-Bundeskanzler Österreich

Victor Halberstadt – Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Uni Leiden

Ernst Hirsch Ballin – Justizminister der Niederlande

Richard Holbrooke – Sonderbeauftragter für Pakistan und Afghanistan für Obama

+Jan H.M. Hommen – Vorsitzender ING Bank

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer – NATO-Generalsekretär

James Logan Jones Jr. – Sicherheitsberater von Präsident Obama

Vernon Eulion Jordan – ehemaliger Sicherheitsberater von Präsident Clinton

-Robert Kagan – US-Regierungsberater für Sicherheitspolitik, Terrorismus und den Balkan

Jyrki Katainen – Finanzminister Finnland

-Henry Alfred Kissinger – ex-US-Sicherheitsberater und US-Aussenminister, Chef von alles

+John M. Keane – SCP Partner, ex-US-General

+Muhtar Kent – Präsident der Coca Cola Company

+John Kerr – Mitglied des House of Lords, Vizevorsitzender Royal Dutch Shell

+Eckart von Klaeden – MdB, Aussenpolitischer Sprecher der CDU/CSU

+Klaus Kleinfed – Präsident von Alcoa Inc.

Mustafa Koç – Vorsitzender der Koç Holding der grösste türkische Mischkonzern

Roland Koch – hessischer Ministerpräsident

Sami Kohen – aussenpolitische Kolumnist der türkischen Zeitung Milliyet

Henry Kravis – Hudson Institute

Marie-Josee Kravis – Hudson Institute

Neelie Kroes – EU-Kommissar für Wettbewerb

Odysseas Kyriakopoulos – Präsident des Verbandes Griechischer Industrien

+Christine Lagarde – Ministerin für Wirtschaft, Industrie und Arbeit Frankreich

+Pascal Lamy – Generaldirektor Welthandelsorgansation WTO

Manuela Ferreira Leite – Chefin der portugiesischen Sozialdemokraten PSD

Bernardino León – spanische Staatssekretär für auswärtige Angelegenheiten

+Peter Löscher – Chef Siemens AG

+Peter Mandelson – Wirtschaftsminister GB

-Jessica Tuchman Mathews – Präsidentin der Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Denkfabrik

Philippe Maystadt – Präsident der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB)

+Edward McBride – Wirtschaftsredaktor The Economist

Frank McKenna – Vizevorsitzender der TD Bank Financial Group

John Micklethwait – Wirtschaftsredakteur The Economist

Thierry Montbrial – President des l’Institut français des relations internationales

Mario Monti – Präsident der Wirtschaftsuniversität Luigi Bocconi

Miguel Ángel Moratinos – Aussenminister Spanien

Craig Mundie – Chefstratege Microsoft

Egil Myklebust – ex-Vorsitzender der SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA, Mitglied des Weltwirtschaftsrat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Matthias Nass – Stellvertretender Herausgeber “Die Zeit”

+Juan Maria Nin Génova – Präsident la Caixa Bank

Denis Olivennes – Direktor Nouvel Observateur Frankreich

+Jorma Ollila – Vorsitzender Royal Dutch Shell

+George Osboren – Schatzkanzler GB

Frederic Oudea – Chef Societe General Bank Frankreich

-Cem Özdemir – Bundesvorsitzender der Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa – ex-Finanzminister Italien

+Alexis Papahelas – Journalist Kathimerini

Dimitris Papalexopoulos – Chef Titan Cement Company S.A. Griechenland

Jannos Papathanasiou – Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Griechenland

Richard Perle – Sicherheitsberater unter George W. Bush, Hauptverantwortliche für den Irakkrieg

-David Petraeus – US-Viersternegeneral, Kommandeur des US Central Command, zuständig für den Nahen Osten und Zentralasien

Manuel Pinho – Minister für Wirtschaft und Inovation Portugal

+Jean Pisani-Ferry – Direktor von Bruegel

Robert S. Prichard – Chef der Zeitung Toronto Star Kanada

Romano Prodi – ex-Ministerpräsident Italien, ex-Präsident der Europäischen Kommission

+Hanna Rajalahti – Chefredakteur Talouselämä

-Olli Rehn – EU-Erweiterungskommissar Finnland

Heather Reisman – Chefin Indigo Books & Music Inc Kanada

Eivind Reiten – Generaldirektor des Petroleumskonzerns Norsk Hydro

Michael Ringier – Verwaltungsratspräsident der Ringier Holding AG, grösster Verlag der Schweiz

David Rockefeller – Banker, Gründer der Council on Foreign Relations und Trilateralen Kommission, Capo di tutti Capi

-Dennis B. Ross – Direktor des Washington Institute for Near East Policy Denkfabrik

Barnett R. Rubin – Director of Studies and Senior Fellow Center of International Cooperation

-Alberto Ruiz-Gallardòn – Bürgermeister von Madrid

Suzan Sabanc? Dinçer – Chefin der Akbank Türkei

Indira Samarasekera – Präsidentin der University of Alberta

Rudolf Scholten – Mitglied des Vorstandes Österreichische Kontrollbank AG

-Jürgen Schrempp – ex-Vorstandsvorsitzender der DaimlerChrysler AG

+Josette Sheeran – Diektor UNO Welternährungsprogramm 

+Domenico Siniscalco – Vizevorsitzender Morgan Stanley Int.

Pedro Solbes Mira – ex-Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Spanien

-Sampatzi Saraz – türkischer Banker

-Sanata Seketa – Kanada

+James B. Steinberg – US-Vizeaussenminister

+Björn Stigson – Präsident des Weltwirtschaftrats für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (WBCSD) 

+Yannis Stournaras – Direktor bei der Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE)

-Dominique Strauss-Kahn – Chef des Internationalen Währungsfonds

-Lawrence Summers – ex-Chefökonom der Weltbank, ex-Finanzminister unter Clinton, Wirtschaftsberater von Obama

Peter Denis Sutherland – ex-EU-Wettbewerbskommissar, Vorsitzender von BP and Goldman Sachs International

+Nobuo Tanaka – Direktor Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung

Martin Taylor – ex-Chef der Barclays Bank, Vorsitzender von Syngenta, ex-Generalsekretär der Bilderberg Group

Peter Thiel – ex-Chef PayPal, Clarium Capital Management

+Helle Thorning-Schmidt – Parteichef der Sozialdemokraten Dänemark

+Thomas Thune Andersen – Chef Maersk Oil Dänemark

+Andreas Treichl – Chef Erste Group Bank AG Österreich

Jean-Claude Trichet – Chef der Europäischen Zentralbank

+Loukas Tsoukalis – Sonderberater von Kommissionspräsident Barroso, Chef der ELIAMEP

Agah Ugur – Chef Borusan Holding Türkei

Matti Vanhanen – Premieminister Finnland

Daniel Vasella – Chef von Novartis

Jeroen van der Veer – Chef Royal Dutch Shell

-Guy Verhofstadt – ehemaliger Premierminister Belgien

Paul Volcker – ehemaliger Fed Chef, Wirtschaftsberater von Barack Obama

Jacob Wallenberg – Bankier und Grossindustrieller Schweden

Marcus Wallenberg – Bankier und Grossindustrieller Schweden

Nout Wellink – Chef der niederländischen Zentralbank, Mitglied der Europäischen Zentralbank

Gerardus Johannes Wijers – Chef von AkzoNobel, ex-Wirtschaftsminister der Niederlande

Martin Wolf – Journalist der Financial Times

James David Wolfensohn – ehemaliger Präsident der Weltbank

Paul Wolfowitz – ex-Präsident der Weltbank, Berater von George W. Bush, und stellvertretender ex-Verteidigungsminister der USA, Ober-Neocon und Hauptverantwortlicher für den Irakkrieg

-Fareed Zakaria – Chefredakteur von Newsweek International und politischer Kommentator bei ABC News, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New Yorker und CNN

Robert Zoellick – Präsident der Weltbank


Chantilly, Virginia, USA

5-8 June 2008


Honorary Chairman

BEL “Davignon, Etienne” “Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel”

DEU “Ackermann, Josef” “Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG”

CAN “Adams, John” Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada

USA “Ajami, Fouad” “Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University”

USA “Alexander, Keith B.” “Director, National Security Agency”

INT “Almunia, Joaquín ” “Commissioner, European Commission”

GRC “Alogoskoufis, George” Minister of Economy and Finance

USA “Altman, Roger C.” “Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.”

TUR “Babacan, Ali ” Minister of Foreign Affairs

NLD “Balkenende, Jan Peter” Prime Minister

PRT “Balsemão, Francisco Pinto” “Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister”

FRA “Baverez, Nicolas” “Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP”

ITA “Bernabè, Franco” “CEO, Telecom Italia Spa”

USA “Bernanke, Ben S.” “Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System”

SWE “Bildt, Carl” Minister of Foreign Affairs

FIN “Blåfield, Antti ” “Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat”

DNK “Bosse, Stine” “CEO, TrygVesta”

CAN “Brodie, Ian ” “Chief of Staff, Prime Minister’s Office”

AUT “Bronner, Oscar” “Publisher and Editor, Der Standard”

FRA “Castries, Henri de ” “Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA”

ESP “Cebrián, Juan Luis” “CEO, PRISA”

CAN “Clark, Edmund” “President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group”

GBR “Clarke, Kenneth” Member of Parliament

NOR “Clemet, Kristin” “Managing Director, Civita”

USA “Collins, Timothy C.” “Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC”

FRA “Collomb, Bertrand” “Honorary Chairman, Lafarge”

PRT “Costa, António” Mayor of Lisbon

USA “Crocker, Chester A.” James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies

USA “Daschle, Thomas A.” Former US Senator and Senate Majority Leader

CAN “Desmarais, Jr., Paul ” “Chairman and co-CEO, Power Corporation of Canada”

GRC “Diamantopoulou, Anna” Member of Parliament

USA “Donilon, Thomas E.” “Partner, O’Melveny & Myers”

ITA “Draghi, Mario” “Governor, Banca d’Italia”

AUT “Ederer, Brigitte” “CEO, Siemens AG Österreich”

CAN “Edwards, N. Murray ” “Vice Chairman, Candian Natural Resources Limited”

DNK “Eldrup, Anders ” “President, DONG A/S”

ITA “Elkann, John” “Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.”

USA “Farah, Martha J.” “Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience; Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania”

USA “Feldstein, Martin S.” “President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research”

DEU “Fischer, Joschka” Former Minister of Foreign Affairs

USA “Ford, Jr., Harold E.” “Vice Chairman, Merill Lynch & Co., Inc.”

CHE “Forstmoser, Peter” “Professor for Civil, Corporation and Capital Markets Law, University of Zürich”

IRL “Gallagher, Paul ” Attorney General

USA “Geithner, Timothy F. ” “President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York”

USA “Gigot, Paul ” “Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal”

IRL “Gleeson, Dermot ” “Chairman, AIB Group”

NLD “Goddijn, Harold” “CEO, TomTom”

TUR “Gögüs, Zeynep ” “Journalist; Founder,”

USA “Graham, Donald E.” “Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company”

NLD “Halberstadt, Victor” “Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings”

USA “Holbrooke, Richard C. ” “Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC”

FIN “Honkapohja, Seppo” “Member of the Board, Bank of Finland”

INT “Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de” “Secretary General, NATO”

USA “Hubbard, Allan B.” “Chairman, E & A Industries, Inc.”

BEL “Huyghebaert, Jan” “Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group”

DEU “Ischinger, Wolfgang” Former Ambassador to the UK and US

USA “Jacobs, Kenneth” “Deputy Chairman, Head of Lazard U.S., Lazard Frères & Co. LLC”

USA “Johnson, James A.” “Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC” (Obama’s man tasked with selecting his running mate)

SWE “Johnstone, Tom ” “President and CEO, AB SKF”

USA “Jordan, Jr., Vernon E.” “Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC”

FRA “Jouyet, Jean-Pierre ” Minister of European Affairs

GBR “Kerr, John ” “Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc.”

USA “Kissinger, Henry A.” “Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.”

DEU “Klaeden, Eckart von” “Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU/CSU”

USA “Kleinfeld, Klaus” “President and COO, Alcoa”

TUR “Koç, Mustafa ” “Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.”

FRA “Kodmani, Bassma” “Director, Arab Reform Initiative”

USA “Kravis, Henry R.” “Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.”

USA “Kravis, Marie-Josée” “Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.”

INT “Kroes, Neelie ” “Commissioner, European Commission”

POL “Kwasniewski, Aleksander ” Former President

AUT “Leitner, Wolfgang” “CEO, Andritz AG”

ESP “León Gross, Bernardino” “Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister”

INT “Mandelson, Peter” “Commissioner, European Commission”

FRA “Margerie, Christophe de” “CEO, Total”

CAN “Martin, Roger” “Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto”

HUN “Martonyi, János” “Professor of International Trade Law; Partner, Baker & McKenzie; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs”

USA “Mathews, Jessica T. ” “President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace”

INT “McCreevy, Charlie ” “Commissioner, European Commission”

USA “McDonough, William J.” “Vice Chairman and Special Advisor to the Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.”

CAN “McKenna, Frank” “Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group”

GBR “McKillop, Tom ” “Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group”

FRA “Montbrial, Thierry de” “President, French Institute for International Relations”

ITA “Monti, Mario” “President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi”

USA “Mundie, Craig J. ” “Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation”

NOR “Myklebust, Egil” “Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA”

DEU “Nass, Matthias” “Deputy Editor, Die Zeit”

NLD “Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the”

FRA “Ockrent, Christine” “CEO, French television and radio world service”

FIN “Ollila, Jorma” “Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc”

SWE “Olofsson, Maud ” Minister of Enterprise and Energy; Deputy Prime Minister

NLD “Orange, H.R.H. the Prince of”

GBR “Osborne, George” Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer

TUR “Öztrak, Faik” Member of Parliament

ITA “Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso ” Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe

GRC “Papahelas, Alexis” “Journalist, Kathimerini”

GRC “Papalexopoulos, Dimitris” “CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A.”

USA “Paulson, Jr., Henry M.” Secretary of the Treasury

USA “Pearl, Frank H.” “Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC”

USA “Perle, Richard N.” “Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research”

FRA “Pérol, François” Deputy General Secretary in charge of Economic Affairs

DEU “Perthes, Volker” “Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik”

BEL “Philippe, H.R.H. Prince”

CAN “Prichard, J. Robert S.” “President and CEO, Torstar Corporation”

CAN “Reisman, Heather M.” “Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.”

USA “Rice, Condoleezza” Secretary of State

PRT “Rio, Rui ” Mayor of Porto

USA “Rockefeller, David ” “Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank”

ESP “Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias” “Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander”

USA “Rose, Charlie” “Producer, Rose Communications”

DNK “Rose, Flemming” “Editor, Jyllands Posten”

USA “Ross, Dennis B.” “Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy”

USA “Rubin, Barnett R.” “Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation, New York University”

TUR “Sahenk, Ferit ” “Chairman, Dogus Holding A.S.”

USA “Sanford, Mark” Governor of South Carolina

USA “Schmidt, Eric” “Chairman of the Executive Committee and CEO, Google”

AUT “Scholten, Rudolf ” “Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG”

DNK “Schur, Fritz H. ” Fritz Schur Gruppen

CZE “Schwarzenberg, Karel ” Minister of Foreign Affairs

USA “Sebelius, Kathleen” Governor of Kansas

USA “Shultz, George P.” “Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University”

ESP “Spain, H.M. the Queen of”

CHE “Spillmann, Markus” “Editor-in-Chief and Head Managing Board, Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG”

USA “Summers, Lawrence H.” “Charles W. Eliot Professor, Harvard University”

GBR “Taylor, J. Martin” “Chairman, Syngenta International AG”

USA “Thiel, Peter A.” “President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC”

NLD “Timmermans, Frans ” Minister of European Affairs

RUS “Trenin, Dmitri V.” “Deputy Director and Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center”

INT “Trichet, Jean-Claude” “President, European Central Bank”

USA “Vakil, Sanam” “Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University”

FRA “Valls, Manuel ” Member of Parliament

GRC “Varvitsiotis, Thomas” “Co-Founder and President, V + O Communication”

CHE “Vasella, Daniel L.” “Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG”

FIN “Väyrynen, Raimo” “Director, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs”

FRA “Védrine, Hubert” Hubert Védrine Conseil

NOR “Vollebaek, Knut” “High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE”

SWE “Wallenberg, Jacob” “Chairman, Investor AB”

USA “Weber, J. Vin” “CEO, Clark & Weinstock”

USA “Wolfensohn, James D. ” “Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC”

USA “Wolfowitz, Paul ” “Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research”

INT “Zoellick, Robert B. ” “President, The World Bank Group”


GBR “Bredow, Vendeline von” “Business Correspondent, The Economist”

GBR “Wooldridge, Adrian D.” “Foreign Correspondent, The Economist”



[with the royals removed – ed.]

  Ali Babacan, Minister of Economic Affairs (Turkey)

  Kemal Derviþ, Administrator, UNDP (Turkey)

  Mustafa V. Koç, Chairman, Koç Holding A.Þ. (Turkey)

  Fehmi Koru, Senior Writer, Yeni Þafak (Turkey)

  George Alogoskoufis, Minister of Economy and Finance (Greece)

  Edward Balls, Economic Secretary to the Treasury (UK)

  Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister (Portugal)

  José M. Durão Barroso, President, European Commission (Portugal/International)

  Franco Bernabé, Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe (Italy)

  Nicolas Beytout, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro (France)

  Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister (Sweden)

  Hubert Burda, Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding (Belgium)

  Philippe Camus, CEO, EADS (France)

  Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA (France)

  Juan Luis Cebrian, Grupo PRISA media group (Spain)

  Kenneth Clark, Member of Parliament (UK)

  Timothy C. Collins, Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC (USA)

  Bertrand Collomb, Chairman, Lafarge (France)

  George A. David, Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. (USA)

  Anders Eldrup, President, DONG A/S (Denmark)

  John Elkann, Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A (Italy)

  Martin S. Feldstein, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research (USA)

  Timothy F. Geithner, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (USA)

  Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page, The Wall Street Journal (USA)

  Dermot Gleeson, Chairman, AIB Group (Ireland)

  Donald E. Graham, Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company (USA)

  Victor Halberstadt, Professor of Economics, Leiden University, (the Netherlands)

  Jean-Pierre Hansen, CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A. (Belgium)

  Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations (USA)

  Richard C. Holbrooke, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA)

  Jaap G. Hoop de Scheffer, Secretary General, NATO (the Netherlands/International)

  Allan B. Hubbard, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Director National Economic Council (USA)

  Josef Joffe, Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit (Germany)

  James A. Johnson, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA)

  Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC (USA)

  Anatole Kaletsky, Editor at Large, The Times (UK)

  John Kerr of Kinlochard, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Netherlands)

  Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates (USA)

  Bernard Kouchner, Minister of Foreign Affairs (France)

  Henry R. Kravis, Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (USA)

  Marie-Josée Kravis, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. (USA)

  Neelie Kroes, Commissioner, European Commission (the Netherlands/International)

  Ed Kronenburg, Director of the Private Office, NATO Headquarters (International)

  William J. Luti, Special Assistant to the President for Defense Policy and Strategy, National Security Council (USA)

  Jessica T. Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (USA)

  Frank McKenna, Ambassador to the US, member Carlyle Group (Canada)

  Thierry de Montbrial, President, French Institute for International Relations (France)

  Mario Monti, President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)

  Craig J. Mundie, Chief Technical Officer Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation (USA)

  Egil Myklebust, Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA (Norway)

  Matthias Nass, Deputy Editor, Die Zeit (Germany)

  Adnrzej Olechowski, Leader Civic Platform (Poland)

  Jorma Ollila, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc/Nokia (Finland)

  George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (UK)

  Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Minister of Finance (Italy)

  Richard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA)

  Heather Reisman, Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. (Canada)

  David Rockefeller (USA)

  Matías Rodriguez Inciarte, Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander Bank, (Spain)

  Dennis B. Ross, Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy (USA)

  Otto Schily, Former Minister of Interior Affairs (Germany)

  Jürgen E. Schrempp, Former Chairman of the Board of management, DaimlerChrysler AG (Germany)

  Tøger Seidenfaden, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Politiken (Denmark)

  Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International (Ireland)

  Giulio Tremonti, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies (Italy)

  Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor, European Central Bank (France/International)

  John Vinocur, Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune (USA)

  Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman, Investor AB (Sweden)

  Martin H. Wolf, Associate Editor, The Financial Times (UK)

  James D. Wolfensohn, Special Envoy for the Gaza Disengagement (USA)

  Robert B. Zoellick, Deputy Secretary of State (USA)

  Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman of the Board of management, Deutsche Post AG (USA)

  Adrian D. Wooldridge, Foreign Correspondent, The Economist



Ottawa, Canada

8-11 June 2006

List of participants

Honorary Chairman

B – Davignon, Etienne Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel

PNA – Abu-Amr, Ziad  Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council; President of the Palestinian Council on Foreign Relations; Professor of Political Science, Birzeit University

P – Aguiar-Branco, José Pedro  Former Minister of Justice; Member of Parliament (PSD)

CH – Aigrain, Jacques  CEO, Swiss Re

USA – Ajami, Fouad  Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University

GR – Alogoskoufis, George  Minister of Economy and Finance

TR – Bagis, Egemen  Member of Parliament; Poreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister

GB – Balls, Edward  Economic Secretary to the Treasury

P – Balsemão, Prancisco Pinto  Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister

F – Barnier, Michel  Former Minister for Foreign Affairs; Corporate Vice-President, Mérieux Alliance

A – Bartenstein, Martin  Minister of Economies and Labour

I – Barnabè, Franco  Vice Chariman, Rothschild Europe

S – Bildt, Carl  Former Prime Minister

TR – Boyner, Ümit N.  Member of the Executive Board, Boyner Holding

F – Bressand, Albert  Professor and Managing Director designate, Center for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

A – Bronner, Oscar  Publisher and Editor, Der Standard

GB – Browne, John  Group Chief Executive, BP plc

B – Burda, Hubert  Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding GmbH & Co. KG

F – Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA

E – Cebrián, Juan Luis  CEO, PRISA

IRQ – Chalabi, Ahmad  Former Deputy Prime Minister

CDN – Clark, Edmund  President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group

GB – Clark, Kenneth  Member of Parliament

USA – Collins, Timothy C.  Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC

F – Collomb, Bertrand  Chairman, Lafarge

CDN – Comper, Tony  President and CEO, BMO Financial Group

CDN – Crawley, Phillip  Publisher and CEO, The Globe and Mail

GR – David, George A.  Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.

INT – Dervis, Kemal  Administrator, UNDP

F – Descoing, Richard  Director, Institut d’Études Politiques

CDN – Desmarais, Jr., Paul  CEO, Power Corporation

F – Devedjian, Patrick  Member of Parliament

USA – Donilon, Thomas E.  Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP

D – Döpfner, Mathias  Chairman of the Board of Management, Axel Springer AG

DK – Eldrup, Anders  President, DONG A/S

I – Elkann, John Vice  Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.

USA – Feldstein, Martin S.  President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research

USA – Geithner, Timothy F.  President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

USA – Gigot, Paul A.  Editor of the Editorial Page, The Wall Street Journal

ISR – Gilady, Eival  Head of Coordination and Strategy at the Office of the Prime Minister

IRL – Gleeson, Dermot  Chairman, AIB Group

B – Goldschmidt, Pierre  Former IAEA Deputy Director General and Former Head of the Department of Safeguards; Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

A – Gusenbauer, Alfred  Parliamentary Leader SPÖ

NL – Halberstadt, Victor  Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings

B – Hansen, Jean-Pierre  CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A.

FIN – Heinäluoma, Eero  Minister of Finance

USA – Holbrooke, Richard C.  Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC

USA – Hubbard, Allan B.  Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Director National Economic Council

N – Jensen, Siv  Member of Parliament

D – Joffe, Josef  Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit

USA – Johnson, James A.  Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC

USA – Jordan, Jr., Vernon E.  Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC

GB – Kaletsky, Anatole  Editor at Large, The Times

F – Kerdrel, Yves de  Editor, Le Figaro

GB – Kerr of Kinlochard, John  Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc

USA – Kimsey, James V.  Founding CEO and Chairman Emeritus, America Online, Inc.

USA – Kissinger, Henry A.  Chairman, Kissinger Associates

NL – Kleisterlee, Gerard J.  President and CEO, Royal Philips Electronics

TR – Koç, Mustafa V.  Chariman, Koç Holding A.S.

TR – Köprülü, Kemal  Founding Chairman, ARI Movement

FIN – Korkman, Sixten  Managing Director, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA and Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA

TR – Koru, Fehmi  Senior Writer, Yeni Safek

CDN – Koss, Johann O.  President and CEO, Right To Play

USA – Kravis, Henry R.  Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA – Kravis, Marie-Josée  Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.

INT – Kroes, Neelie  Commissioner, European Commission

INT – Kronenburg, Ed  Director of the Private Office, NATO Headquarters

CH – Kudelski, André  Chairman of the Board and CEO, Kudelski Group

F – Lauvergeon, Anne  Chairman of the Executive Board, AREVA

E – Leòn Gross, Bernardino  Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

B – Lippens, Maurice  Chairman, FORTIS

CDN – Lloyd, Ronald S.  Chairman and CEO, Credit Suisse First Boston

USA – Luti, William J.  Special Assistant to the President for Defense Policy and Strategy, National Security Council

USA – Mathews, Jessica T.  President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

CDN – McKenna, Frank  Deputy Chair, Toronto Dominion Bank Financial Group

USA – Medish, Mark C.  Partner, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

F – Montbrial, Thierry de  President, French Institute for International Relations

INT – Monti, Mario President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

USA – Mundie, Craig J.  Chief Technical Officer Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation

N – Myklebust, Egil  Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA

D – Nass, Matthias  Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

NL – Netherlands, M.H. the Queen of The

CDN – Nickerson, Ken  iBinary Corp

CDN – Nixon, Gordon  President and CEO, Royal Bank of Canada

N – Norvik, Harald  Chairman & Partner, ECON Management AS

IRL – O’Brien, Denis  Chairman, Communicorp Group Ltd.

PL – Olechowski, Adnrzej  Leader Civic Platform

FIN – Ollila, Jorma  Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc

GB – Osborne, George  Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer

TR – Özel, Soli  Professor of International Relations and Political Sience, Istanbul Bilgi University

I – Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso  Minister of Finance

USA – Pataki, George E.  Governor of New York State

USA – Pearlstine, Norman  Senior Advisor, Time Warner Inc.

USA – Pei, Minxin  Director, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA – Perle, Richard N.  Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

D – Pflüger, Friedberg  State Secretary of Defence

INT – Piebalgs, Andris  Commissioner, European Commission

F – Pinault, François-Henri  President, Artemis; Chairman and CEO, PPR Group

CDN – Prichard, J. Robert S.  Preisdent, Torstar Corporation

USA – Rattner, Steven  Managing Principal, Quadrangle Group LLC

S – Reinfeldt, Fredrik  Chairman Conservative Party

CDN – Reisman, Heather  Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

USA – Rockefeller, David  Former Member, JP Morgan International Council

E – Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías  Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander, Ciudad Grupo Santander

USA – Ross, Dennis B.  Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy

F – Roy, Oliver  Senior Researcher, French National Center for Scientific Research

USA – Roy, J. Stapleton  Managing Director, Kissinger Associates, Inc.

USA – Sadjapour, Karim  Analyst, International Crisis Group

USA – Sant, Roger  Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus, The AES Corporation The Summit Foundation

IRN – Sariolghalam, Mahmood  Associate Professor of International Relations, School of Economic and Political Sciences, National University of Iran (Shahid Beheshti)

I – Scaroni, Paolo  CEO, Eni S.p.A.

D – Schily, Otto  Former Minister of Interior Affairs; Member of Parliament; Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs

A – Scholten, Rudolf  Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Österreichische Kontrollbank AG

D – Schrempp, Jürgen E.  Former Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG

D – Schulz, Ekkehard D.  Chairman, ThyssenKrupp AG

DK – Seidenfaden, Tøger  Executive Editor-in-Chief, Politiken

P – Silva, Augusto Santos  Minister for Parliamentary Affairs

USA – Steinberg, James B.  Dean, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas

S – Stråberg, Hans  President and CEO, AB Electrolux

IRL – Sutherland, Peter D.  Chariman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International

I – Tremonti, Giulio  Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies

GR – Tsoukalis, Loukas  President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)

NL – Verhagen, Maxime J.M.  Parliamentary Leader, Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA)

USA – Vinocur, John  Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune

S – Wallenberg, Jacob  Chairman, Investor AB

CDN – Waugh, Richard E.  President and CEO, Bank of Nova Scotia

NL – Wellink, A.H.E.M.  President, De Nederlandsche Bank

GB – Wolf, Martin H.  Associate Editor and Economics Conmmentator, The Financial Times

USA – Wolfensohn, James D.  Special Envoy for the Gaza Disengagement

USA – Zelikow, Philip D.  Counselor of the Department, US Department of State

CHN – Zhang, Yi  Deputy Secretary General, China Society for Strategy and Management Research

USA – Zoellick, Robert B.  Deputy Secretary of State

D – Zumwinkel, Klaus  Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Post AG


GB – Bredow, Vendelin von  Paris Correspondent, The Economist

GB – Wooldridge, Adrian D.  Foreign Correspondent, The Economist



Rottach-Egern, Germany

5-8 May 2005

On the 2005 agenda: Iran, Iraq, The Middle East, Non-Proliferation, Asia, Economic Problems, Russia, European-American relations.


Honorary Chairman

B, Davignon, Etienne, Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel

Honorary Secretary General

GB, Taylor, J. Martin, International Advisor, Goldman Sachs International

NL, Aartsen, Jozias J. van, Parliamentary Leader, Liberal Party (VVD)

PNA, Abu-Amr, Ziad, Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council; President of the Palestinian Council on Foreign Relations; Professor of Political Science, Birzeit University

D, Ackermann, Josef, Chairman, Group Executive Committee. Deutsche Bank AG

INT, Almunia Amann, Joaquin, Commissioner, European Commission

GR, Alogoskoufis, George, Minister of Economy and Finance

TR, Babacan, Ali, Minister of Economic Affairs

P, Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister

INT, Barroso. José M. Durão, President, European Commission

S, Belfrage, Erik, Senior Vice President, SEB

I, Bernabè, Franco, Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe

F, Beytout, Nicolas, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro

A, Bronner, Oscar, Publisher and Editor, Der Standard

GB, Browne, John, Group Chief Executive, BP plc

D, Burda, Hubert, Chairman of the Board of Management, Hubert Burda Media

IRL, Byrne, David, WHO Special Envoy on Global Cornmunicable Diseases; Former Commissioner, European Commission

F, Camus, Philippe, CEO, EADS

F, Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Board, AXA

E, Cebrián. Juan Luis, CEO, PRISA

USA, Collins, Timothy C., Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC

F, Collomb, Bertrand, Chairman, Lafarge

CH, Couchepin, Pascal, Head, Department of Home Affairs

GR, David, George A., Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.

F, Delpech, Thérèse, Director for Strategic Affairs, Atomic Energy Commission

GR, Diamantopoulou, Anna, Member of Parliament

NL, Docters van Leeuwen, Arthur W.H., Chairman of the Executive Board, Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets

USA, Donilon, Thomas E., Partner, O’Melveny & Myers

D, Döpfner, Mathias, CEO, Axel Springer AG

DK, Eldrup, Anders, President, DONG A/S

I, Elkann, John, Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.

USA, Feldstein, Martin S, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research

USA, Ford, Jr., William C., Chairman and CEO, Ford Motor Company

USA, Geithner, Timothy F., President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

TR, Gencer, Imregul, Member of the Board, Global Investment Holding

ISR, Gilady, Eival, Strategic Advisor to Prime Minister Sharon

IRL, Gleeson, Dermot, Chairman, AIB Group

USA, Graham, Donald E., Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company

N, Grydeland, Bjørn T., Ambassador to the EU

P, Guterres, António, Former Prime Minister; President, Socialist International

USA, Haass, Richard N., President, Council on Foreign Relations

NL, Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University

B,  Hansen, Jean-Pierre, CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A.

A, Haselsteiner, Hans Peter, CEO, Bauholding Strabag SE (Societas Europea)

DK, Hedegaard, Connie, Minister for the Environment

USA, Holbrooke, Richard C., Vice Chairman, Perseus

INT, Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de Secretary General, NATO

USA, Hubbard, Allan B., Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council

B, Huyghebaert, Jan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group

USA, Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus LLC

INT, Jones, James L., Supreme Allied Commander Euope, SHAPE

USA, Jordan, Jr.,Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC

USA, Keane, John M., President, GSI, LLC; General, US Army, Retired

GB, Kerr, John, Director, Shell, Rio Tinto, Scottish Americal Investment Trust

USA, Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.

D, Kleinfeld, Klaus, President and CEO, Siemens AG

TR, Koç, Mustafa V., Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.

D, Kopper, Hilmar, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, DaimlerChrysler AG

F, Kouchner, Bernard, Director, “Santé et développement”, CNAM

USA, Kravis, Henry R., Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA, Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.

INT, Kroes, Neelie, Commissioner, European Commission

CH, Kudelski, André, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Kudelski Group

F, Lamy, Pascal, President, Notre Europe; Former Commissioner, European Commission

USA, Ledeen, Michael A., American Enterprise Institute

FIN, Liikanen, Erkki, Govemor and Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland

N, Lundestad, Geir, Director, Norwegian Nobel Institute; Secretary, Norwegian Nobel Committee

USA, Luti, William J., Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

DK, Lykketoft, Mogens, Chairman, Social Democratic Party

CDN, Manji, Irshad, Author/Founder of “Project Ijtihad”

USA, Mathews, Jessica T., President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

CDN, Mau, Bruce, Bruce Mau Design

CDN, McKenna, Frank, Ambasssador to the US

USA, Medish, Mark C., Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

USA, Mehlman,  Kenneth B., Chairman, Republican National Committee

D, Merkel, Angela, Chairman, CDU; Chairman CDU/CSU-Fraction

SVK, Miklos, Ivan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

F, Montbrial, Thierry de, President, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)

INT, Monti, Mario, President, Bocconi University; Former Commissioner for Competition, European Commission

CDN, Munroe-Blum, Heather, Principal and Vice Chancellor, McGill University

N, Myklebust, Egil, Chairman of the Board of Directors, SAS

D, Nass, Matthias, Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

RUS, Nemirovskaya, Elena, Founder and Director, Moscow School of Political Studies

NL, Netherlands, H.M. tihe Queen of The

PL, Olechowski, Andrzej, Leader Civic Platform

FIN, Ollila, Jorma, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation

INT, Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

E, Palacio, Loyola de, President, Council on Foreign Relations, Partido Popular

GR, Papandreou, George A., President, Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK)

USA, Pearl, Frank H., Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC

USA, Pearlstine, Norman, Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc.

FIN, Pentikäinen, Mikael, President, Sanoma Corporation

USA, Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

D, Pflüger, Friedbert, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion

B, Philippe, H.R.H. Prince

CDN, Prichard, J. Robert S., President. Torstar Media Group and CEO, Torstar Corporation

IN’T, Rato y Figaredo, Rodrigo de, Managing Director, IMF

CDN, Reisman, Heather, President and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

USA, Rockefeller, David, Member, JP Morgan International Council

USA, Rodin, Judith, President, The Rockefeller Foundation

E, Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias, Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander

USA, Ross, Dennis B., Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

F, Roy, Olivier, Senior Researcher, CNRS

P, Sarmento, Nuno Morais, Former Minister of State and of Presidency; Member of Parliament

I, Scaroni, Paolo, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Enel S.p.A.

D, Schily, Otto, Minister of the Interior

A, Scholten, Rudolf, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

D, Schrempp , Jürgen E., Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG

D, Schulz, Ekkehard D., Chairman of the Executive Board, ThyssenKrupp AG

E, Sebastián Gascón, Miguel, Chief Economic Adviser to Prime Minister

ISR, Sharansky, Natan, Former Minister for Jerusalem & Diaspora Affairs

I, Siniscalco, Domenico, Minister for Economy and Finance

GB, Skidelsky, Robert, Professor of Political Economy, Warwick University

E, Spain, H.M. the Queen of

IRL, Sutherland, Peter D., Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP p.l.c.

PL, Szwajcowski, Jacek, CEO, Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna

FIN, Tiilikainen, Teija H., Director, University of Helsinki, Network for European Studies

NL, Tilmant, Michel, Chairman, ING N.V.

INT, Trichet, Jean-Claude, Governor, European Central Bank

TR, Ülsever, Cüneyt, Columnist, Hürriyet

CH, Vasella, Daniel L., Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

NL, Veer, Jeroen van der, Chairman Committee of.Managing Directors, Royal Dutch Shell Group

USA, Vinocur, John, Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune

S, Wallenberg, Jacob, Chairman of the Board, Investor AB; Vice-Chairman, SEB

USA, Warner, Mark R., Governor of Virginia

GB, Weinberg, Peter, CEO, Goldman Sachs International

D, Wissmann, Matthias, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion

GB, Wolf, Martin H., Asscociate Editor and Economics Commentator, The Financial Times

INT/USA, Wolfensohn, James D., President, The World Bank

USA, Wolfowitz, Paul, President designate, The World Bank

USA, Zakaria, Fareed, Editor, Newsweek International

D, Zumwinkel, Klaus, Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Post AG


GB, Micklethwait, R., John, United States Editor, The Economist

GB, Wooldridge, Adrian D., Foreign Correspondent, The Economist




S T R I C T L Y   C O N F I D E N T I A L

Honorary Chairman – Davignon, Etienne – Vice-Chairman, Suez-Tractebel

Honorary Secretary General – Taylor, Martin – International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International

Nationalities of participants followed by names and partial portfolios

N – Auser, Svein – CEO, DnB NOR ASA

D – Ackermann, Josef – Chairman, Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG; Member of supervisory boards Siemens AG. & Bayer AG; Director, World Trade Center Memorial Foundation 

I – Ambrosetti, Alfredo – Chairman, Abbrosetti Group

TR – Babacan, Ali – Minister of Economic Affairs

P – Balsemao, Francisco Pinto – Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, SGPS, Former Prime Minister

ISR – Barnavie, Elie – Department of General History, Tel-Aviv University

I – Benedetti, Rodolfo De – CEO, CIR

I – Bernabe, Franco – Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe

F – Beytout, Nicolas – Editor In Chief, Les Echos

INT – Bolkestein, Frits – Commissioner for the Internal Market, European Commission, former leader of Dutch right wing Liberal Party VVD.

USA – Boot, Max – Neoconservative, Council on foreign Relations, Features Editor, Wall Street Journal

CH – Borel, Daniel – Chairman, Logitech International S.A.

I – Bortoli, Ferrucio de – CEO, RCS Libri

S – Brock, Gunnar – CEO, Atlas Copco AB

GB – Browne, John – Group Chief Executive, BP plc

NL – Burgmans, Antony – Chairman, Unilever NV

F – Camus, Phillipe – CEO, European Aeronautic Defence and Space NV

I – Caracciolo, Lucio – Director, Limes Geopolitical Review

F – Castries, Henri de – Chairman, AXA Insurance

E – Cebrian, Juan Luis – CEO, PRISA (Spanish language media company), former Chairman, International Press Institute

TR – Cemal, Hasan – Senior Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper

GB – Clarke, Kenneth – Member of Parliament (Con.), Deputy Chairman, British American Tobacco

USA – Collins, Timothy C – MD and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings LLC, Yale School of Management, Trilateral Commission

USA – Corzine, Jon S. – Senator (D, New Jersey), Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs

CH – Couchepin, Pascal – Former Swiss President, Head of Home affairs Dept.

GR – David, George A. – Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA

B – Dehaene, Jean-Luc – Former Prime Minister, Mayor of Vilvoorde

TR – Dervis, Kemal – Member of Parliament, former senior World bank official

GR – Diamantopoulou, Anna – Member of Parliament, former European Commissioner for Social Affairs

USA – Donilon, Thomas L – Vice-President, Fannie Mae, Council on Foreign Relations

I – Draghi, Mario – Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

USA – Edwards, John – Senator (D. North Carolina), Democratic Presidential Candidate

DK – Eldrup, Anders – Chairman, DONG gas company (becoming privatised) A/S

DK – Federspiel, Ulrik – Ambassador to the USA

USA – Feith, Douglas J. – Undersecretary for Policy, Department of Defense

I – Galateri, Gabriele – Chairman, Mediobanca

USA – Gates, Melinda F. – Co-Founder, Gates Foundation, wife of Bill Gates

USA – Geithner, Timothy F. – President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

I – Giavazzi, Francesco – Professor of Economics, Bocconi University; adviser, world bank and European Central bank

IRL – Gleeson, Dermot – Chairman Allied Irish Bank Group (currently being investigated for personal and corporate tax evasion)

USA – Graham, Donald E. – Chairman and CEO, Washington Post Company

USA – Haas, Richard N. – President, Council on Foreign Relations, former Director of Policy and Planning staff, State Department

NL – Halberstadt, Victor – Professor of Economics, Leiden University

B – Hansen, Jean-Pierre – Chairman, Suez Tractabel SA

S – Heikensten, Lars – Governor, Swedish Central Bank

USA – Holbrooke, Richard C – Vice Chairman, Perseus, former Director, Council on Foreign Relations, former Assistant Secretary of State

USA – Hubbard, Allen B – President E&A Industries

USA – Issacson, Walter – President and CEO, Aspen Institute

USA – Janow, Merit L. – Professor, International Economic Law and International Affairs, Columbia University, member of apellate body, WTO

USA – Jordan, Vernon E. Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co LLC

USA – Kagan, Robert – Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

GB – Kerr, John – Director, Shell, Rio Tinto and Scottish American Investment Trust, former secretary of European Constitution Commission

USA – Kissinger Henry A. – Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.

TR – Koc, Mustafa V. – Chairman, Koc Holdings AS

NL – Koenders, Bert (AG) – Member of Parliament, president, Parliamentary Network of the World Bank

USA – Kovner, Bruce – Chairman Caxton Associates LLC, Chairman, American Enterprise Institute

USA – Kravis, Henry R. – Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., acquisitions financier

USA – Kravis, Marie Josee – Senoir Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.

FIN –  Lehtomaki, Paula – Minister of Foreigh Trade and Development

FIN – Lipponen, Paavo – Speaker of Parliament; former Prime Minister

CHN – Long, Yongtu – Secretary General, Boao forum for Asia – [actually his name shouiuld read “Tu, Yonglong” the Bilderberg secretariat mistyped it]

P – Lopes, Pedro M. Santana – Mayor of Lisbon

USA – Luti, William J. – Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

CDN – Lynch, Kevin G. – Deputy Minister, Department of Finance

USA – Mathews, Jessica T. – President, Carnegie Endowment for International War Peace

USA – McDonough, William J. – Cahirman and CEO, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, former president, Federal Reserve Bank of New York 

CDN – McKenna, Frank – Counsel, McInnes Cooper, former premier of New Brunswick

I – Merlini, Cesare – Executive Vice Chairman, Council for the United States and Italy, Council on Foreign Relations, former director, Italian Institute for International Affairs

F – Montbrial, Thierry de – President, French Institute of International Relations

INT – Monti, Mario – Competition/Antitrust Commissioner, European Commission

USA – Mundie, Craig J. – Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policies, Microsoft Corporation

N – Myklebust, Egil – Chairman, Scandinavian Airline System (SAS)

D – Naas, Matthias – Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

NL – Netherlands, Beatrix HM Queen of The – Lady Shell, nuff said

GB – Neville-Jones, Pauline – Chairman, QuinetiQ (UK privatised military research/services company), governor of the BBC, Chairman Information Assurance Advisory Council, formar Chairman Joint Intelligence Committee, former Managing Director NatWest Markets

USA – Nooyi, Indra K. – President  and CEO, PepsiCo Inc.

PL – Olechowski, Andrzej – Leader, Civic Platform

FIN – Ollila, Jorma – Chairman, Nokia Corporation

INT – Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso – Director, European Central Bank

CY – Pantelides, Leonidas – Ambassoador to Greece

I – Passera, Corrado – CEO, Banca Intesa SpA

USA – Perle, Richard N. – Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, former Likud policy adviser, former chair Defence Policy Board, former co-chairman, Hollinger Digital

B – Phillipe, HRH Prince

USA – Reed, Ralph E. – President, Century Strategies

CDN – Reisman, Heather – President and CEO, Indigo Books and Music Inc.

I – Riotta, Gianni – Editorialist, Corriere della Serra

USA – Rockefeller, David – Member JP Morgan International Council, Chairman, Council of the Americas

E – Riodriguez Inearte, Matias – Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander

USA – Ross, Dennis B – Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

D – Sandschneider, Eberhard – Director, Research Institute, German Society for Foreign Policy

I – Scaroni, Paolo – CEO, Enel SpA

D – Schilly, Otto – Minister of the Interior

USA – Schnabel, Rockwell A. – Ambassador to the EU

A – Scholten, Rudolf – Director, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

D – Schrempp, Jurgen E. – Chairman, DaimlerChrysler AG

E – Serra Rexach, Eduardo – Head, Real Institute Elcano

RUS – Shevtsova, Lilia – Senior Associate. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

PL – Sikora, Slawomir – President and CEO, Citibank Handlowy

I – Siniscalo, Domenico – Director General Ministry of the Economy

P – Socrates, Jose – Member of Parliament

USA – Strmecki, Marin J. – Smith Richardson Foundation

B – Struye de Swielande, Dominique – Permanant repressentative of Belguim, NATO

IRL – Sutherland, Peter D. – Chairman, Goldman Sachs International, Chairman, BP plc

USA – Thornton, John L. – Chairman, Brookings Institution, Professor, Tsinghua University

I – Tremonti, Giulio – Minister of Economy and Finance

INT – Trichet, Jean-Claude – President, European Central Bank

I – Tronchetti Provera, Marco – Chairman and CEO, Pirelli SpA

N – Underdal, Arild – Rector, University of Oslo

CH – Vasella, Daniel L. – Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

NL – Veer, Jeroen van der – Chairman, Committee of Managing Directors, Royal Dutch/Shell

GB – Verwaayen, Ben J. M. – CEO, British Telecom; former director, Lucent Technologies

I – Visco, Ignazio – Foriegn Affairs Manager, Banca D’Italia

INT – Vitorino, Antonio M. – Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner, European Union

INT – Vries, Gijs M. de – EU Counter Terrorism Co-ordinator

S – Wallenberg, Jacob – Chairman, SEB investments (including biotech); Chairman, W Capital Management AB

D – Weber, Jurgen – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutche Lufthansa AG

GB/USA – Weinberg, Peter – CEO, Goldman Sachs International

NL – Wijers, Hans – Chairman, AkzoNobel NV

D – Wissmann, Matthias – Member of Parliament

GB – Wolf, Martin H. – Associate Editor/Economic Commentator, The Financial Times

INT/USA – Wolfenson, James D. – President, The World Bank

RUS – Yavlinsky, Grigory A. – Member of Parliament

USA – Yergin, Daniel – Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates

D – Zumwinkel, Klaus – Chairman, Deutche Post Worldnet AG; Chairman, Deutche Telekom


GB – Rachman, Gideon – Brussels Correspondent, The Economist

GB – Wooldridge, Adrian D. – Foreign Correspondant, The Economist



Versailles, France, 15-18th May 2003


B – Honorary Chairman – Davignon, Etienne – Vice-Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique

GB – Honorary Secretary General – Taylor. J Martin – Chairman WH Smith PLC; International advisor, Goldman Sachs International

F – Adler, Alexandre – Editorial counsel, Le Figaro (*)

I – Ambrosetti, Alfredo – Chairman Ambrosetti Group

TR – Babacan, Ali – Minister of Economic Affairs

GR – Bakoyannis, Dora – Mayor of Athens

GB – Balls, Edward – Chief Economic Advisor to the Treasury

P – Balsemão, Francisco Pinto – Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister

P – Barroso, José M. Durão – Prime Minister

TR – Bayar, Mehmet A. – Deputy Chairman of DYP (True Path Party)

A – Becker, Erich – Chairman of the Managing Board and CEO, VA Technologie AG

I –  Bendetti, Rodolfo de – Managing Director CIR S.p.A.

I – Bernabè, Franco – Chairman Franco Bernabe & C. S.p.A.

F – Beytout, Nicolas – Editor-in-Chief, Les Echos

KW – Bishara, Ahmad E. – Secretary General of Kuwait’s liberal National Democratic Party

CDN – Black, Conrad M. – Chairman, Telegraph Group Limited

INT – Bolkestein, Frits – Internal Markets Commissioner, European Commission

USA – Bolton, John R. – Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security

F – Bon, Michel – Honorary Chairman, France Telecom

F – Bruguière, Jean-Louis – First Vice President, Justice Department

D – Burda, Hubert – Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding GmbH & Co.

F – Camus, Phillipe – CEO, European Aeronautics Defence and Space company European Aeronautics Defence and Space company (EADS)

INT – Cary, Anthony J. – Head of Christopher Patten’s cabinet, EU. [Patten is European Commissioner for Enlargement] 

F – Castries, Henri de – Chairman of the Board, AXA

E – Cebrián, Juan Luis – CEO, PRISA

B – Claes, Willy – Minister of State [Willy Claes is not now a Belgian Minister but former Belgian Foreign Minister and former Secretary General of NATO 1994-1995 – now disgraced – TG]

GB – Clarke, Kenneth – Member of Parliament, [former Chancellor of the Exchequer]

USA – Collins, Timothy C. – Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings LLC

F – Collomb, Bertrand – Chairman and CEO, Lafarge

F – Copé, Jean-François – Secretary of State in charge of relations with Parliament; Government Spokesman

USA – Corzine, Jon S. – Senator (D, New Jersey)

S – Dahlbäck, Claes – Chairman, Investor AB

GR – David, George A. – Chairman of the Board, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.

USA – Donilon, Thomas E. – Executive Vice President, Fannie Mae

I – Draghi, Mario – Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International

DK – Eldrup, Anders – CEO, Danish Oil and Gas Corporation

USA – Feldstein, Martin S. – President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research

CDN – Fell, Anthony S. – Chairman, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

USA – Friedman, Thomas L. – Foreign Affairs Columnist, The New York Times

F – Gergorin, Jean-Luis – Executive Vice President, Strategic Coordination, European Aeronautics Defence and Space company (EADS)

USA – Gigot, Paul A. – Editorial page editor, The Wall Street Journal

F – Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry – French President 1974-81; Chairman of the Convention on the Future of Europe

N – Gjedrem, Svein – Governor, Central Bank of Norway

IRL – Gleeson, Dermot – Chairman designate, Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.

GB – Gould, Philip – Public Relations Adviser to Prime Minister Blair

USA – Haass, Richard N. – Director, Office of Policy Planning Staff, State Department

NL – Halberstadt, Victor – Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings

CDN – Harper, Stephen – Leader of the Opposition

USA – Hertog, Roger – Vice-Chairman, Alliance Capital Management

NL – Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de – Minister for Foreign Affairs

USA – Hubbard, Allan B. – President, E&A Industries

USA – Hubbard, R. Glenn – Russell L. Carson Professor of Economics and Finance, Columbia University

USA – Johnson, James A. – Vice Chairman, Perseus L.L.C.

USA – Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. – Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. L.L.C.

CH – Kielholz, Walter B. – Former Chairman of the Board, Credit Suisse; Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Swiss Re

GB – King, Mervyn A. – Deputy Governor, Bank of England

USA – Kissinger, Henry A. – Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.; Member, Defense Policy Board; Member J.P. Morgan International Council

FIN – Kivinen, Olli – Senior Editor & Columnist, Helsingin Sanomat

NL – Kok, Wim – Former Prime Minister

D – Kopper, Hilmar – Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

USA – Kravis, Henry R. – Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA – Kravis, Marie-Joseé – Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.

INT – Lamy, Pascal – Trade Commissioner, European Commission

F – Lellouche, Pierre – Vice Chairman, NATO Parliamentary Assembly (**)

F – Lévy-Lang, André – Former Chairman, Paribas

S – Lindh, Anna – Minister for Foreign Affairs

FIN – Lipponen, Paavo – Former Prime Minister; Speaker of the Parliament

DK – Lykketoft, Mogens – Chairman, Social Democrat Party

CDN – MacMillan, Margaret O. – Provost, Trinity College, University of Toronto

RUS – Margelov, Mikhail V. – Chairman, Committee for Foreign Affairs, Council of Federation

F – Montbrial, Thierry de – President, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)

INT – Monti, Mario – Competition Commissioner, European Commission

USA – Mundie, Craig J. – Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation

N – Myklebust, Egil – Chairman, Norsk Hydro ASA

D – Naas, Matthias – Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

NL – Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the [Queen Beatrix – Royal Dutch Shell]

PL – Olechowski, Andrzej – Leader, Civic Platform

FIN – Ollila, Jorma – Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation

INT – Padoa-Schioppa, Thomasso – Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

I – Panara, Marco – Journalist, La Republica

I – Passera, Corrado – Managing Director, Banca IntesaBCI

USA – Perkovich, George – Vice President for Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA – Perle, Richard N. – Member, Defense Policy Board ; Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) for Public Policy Research; member Project for a New American Century (PNAC) 

B – Philippe, H.R.H. Prince – Crown Prince of Belgium

I – Poli, Roberto – Chairman, Eni S.p.A.

F – Ranque, Denis – Chairman and CEO, Thales Aerospace and Defence

DK – Rasmussen, Anders Fogh – Prime Minister

CDN – Reisman, Heather – President and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

F – Riboud, Franck – Chairman and CEO, Danone Foods

CH – Ringier, Michael – CEO, Ringier AG

USA – Rockefeller, David – Member, J.P. Morgan International Council

P – Rodrigues, Eduardo Ferro – Leader of the Socialist Party; Member of Parliament

E – Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias – Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Santander Central Hispano

F – Roy, Olivier – Senior Researcher, CNRS

USA – Ruggie, John – Director, Center for Business and Government, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

NL – Ruys, Anthony – Chairman of the Board, Heineken N.V.

TR – Sanberk, Özdem – Director, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation

I – Scaroni, Paolo – Managing Director, Enel S.p.A.

D – Schäuble, Wolfgang – Deputy Parliamentary Leader, CDU/CSU Group

D – Schily, Otto – Minister of the Interior

A – Scholten, Rudolf – Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

D – Schrempp, Jurgen E – Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler Chrysler AG

INT – Schwab, Klaus – President, World Economic Forum

DK – Seidenfaden, Toger – Editor in Chief, Politiken

RUS – Shevtsova, Lilia – Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

E – Spain, H.M. the Queen of   [King Juan Carlos (see photo) arrived with the queen, but he is not on this list]

USA – Steinberg, James B. – Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy Studies Program, The Brookings Institution

CDN – Steyn, Mark – Journalist for various publications

IRL – Sutherland, Peter D. – Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP Amoco

USA – Thornton, John L. – President and CEO, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

F – Trichet, Jean Claude – Governor, Banque de France

GR – Tsoukalis, Loukas – Professor, University of Athens; President Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy

A – Trumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude – Vice Governor, Central Bank of Austria

CH – Vasella, Daniel L. – Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

NL – Veer, Jeroen van der – President, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company; Vice Chairman of the Committee of Managing Directors of Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies

F – Villin, Philippe – Vice Chairman, Lehman Brothers Europe

NL – Vries, Klaas de – Member of Parliament (Labour); Former Minister of the Interior

FIN – Whalroos, Björn – President and CEO, Sampo plc.

S – Wallenberg, Jacob – Chairman of the Board, Skandinavivska Enskilda Banken

GB – Williams, Gareth – Leader of the House of Lords

GB – Wolf, Martin H. – Associate Editor/Economics Commentator, The Financial Times

USA/INT – Wolfensohn, James D. – President, The World Bank

USA – Wolfowitz, Paul – Deputy Secretary of Defense, US Department of Defense

USA – Zakaria, Fareed – Editor, Newsweek International

USA – Zoellick, Robert – Principal Trade Adviser to the President

D – Zumwinkel, Klaus – Chairman, Deutsche Post Worldnet AG


GB – Micklethwait, R. John – United States Editor, The Economist

GB – Rachman, Gideon – Brussels Correspondent, The Economist



Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A.

30 May – 2 June 2002


Honorary Chairman

Davignon, Etienne

Vice Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique

USA  Allaire, Paul A. – Former Chairman and CEO, Xerox Corporation

CDN  Baillie, A. Charles – Chairman and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group

GB  Balls, Edward – Chief Economic Advisor to the Treasury

P  Balsemão, Francisco Pinto – Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman of IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.

F  Belot, Jean de – Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro

USA  Bergsten, C. Fred – Director, Institute for International Economics

N  Bernander, John G. – Director General, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

CDN  Black, Conrad M. – Chairman, Telegraph Group Ltd.

INT  Bolkestein, Frits – Commissioner, European Commission

P  Borges, António – Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

USA  Boyd, Charles G. – President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security

F  Castries, Henri de – Chairman of the Board, AXA

E  Cebrián, Juan Luis – CEO, Prisa (El Pais)

F  Collomb, Bertrand – Chairman and CEO, Lafarge

CH  Couchepin, Pascal – Federal Councillor; Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs

GB  Dahrendorf, Ralf – Member, House of Lords; Former Warden, St. Antony’s College, Oxford

USA  Dam, Kenneth W. – Deputy Secretary, US Department of Treasury

GR  David, George A. – Chairman of the Board, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.

USA  David-Weill, Michel A. – Chairman, Lazard Frères & Co.

TR  Dervis, Kemal – Minister of Economic Affairs

USA  Deutch, John M. – Institute Professor, MIT

USA  Dinh, Viet D. Assistant Attorney General for Office of Policy Development

USA  Donilon, Thomas E. – Executive Vice President, Fannie Mae

I  Draghi, Mario – Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International [Chairman of the Deputies of the Group of Ten, Bank of International Settlements]

USA  Eizenstat, Stuart – Covington & Burling

DK  Eldrup, Anders – Chairman of the Board of Directors, Danish Oil & Gas Consortium

USA  Feldstein, Martin S. – President and CEO, NAtional Bureau of Economic Research

P  Ferreira, Elisa Guimarães – Member of Parliament, Former Minister of Planning

USA  Foley, Thomas S. – Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld

INT  Fortescue, Adrian – Director General, Justice and Internal Affairs, European Commission

CDN  Frum, David – American Enterprise Institute; Former Special Assistant to President Bush

F  Gergorin, Jean-Louis – Executive Vice President, Strategic Coordination, EADS

USA  Gigot, Paul A. – Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal

USA  Greenspan, Alan – Chairman, Federal Reserve System

NL  Groenink, Rijkman W.J. – Chairman of the Board, ABN AMRO Bank N.V.

A  Gusenbauer, Alfred – Member of Parliament; Chairman, Social Democratic Party

NL  Halberstadt, Victor – Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings

USA  Hills, Carla A. – Chairman and CEO, Hills & Company, International Consultants

USA  Hoagland, Jim – Associate Editor, The Washington Post

USA  Hubbard, Allan B. – President, E&A Industries

USA  Hutchison, Kay Bailey – Senator (Republican, Texas)

B  Huyghebaert, Jan – Chairman, Almanij N.V.

D  Ischinger, Wolfgang – Ambassador to the US

USA  James, Charles A. – Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust

USA  Johnson, James A. – Vice Chairman, Perseus, L.L.C.

USA  Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. – Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC

USA  Kissinger, Henry A. – Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.

NL  Kist, Ewald – Chairman of the Board ING N.V.

NL  Kleisterlee, Gerard J. – President and CEO, Royal Philips Elecronics

D  Kopper, Hilmar – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

USA  Krauthammer, Charles – Columnist, The Washington Post

USA  Kravis, Henry R. – Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA  Kravis, Marie-Josée – Senior Fellow – Hudson Institute Inc.

CH  Kudelski, André – Chairman of the Board & CEO, Kudelski Group

USA  LaFalce, John J. – Congressman (Democrat, New York)

USA  Leschly, Jan – Chairman & CEO, Care Capital LLC

F  Lévy-Lang, André – Former Chairman, Paribas

B  Lippens, Maurice – Chairman, Fortis

USA  Mathews, Jessica T. – President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA  McAuliffe, Terry – Chairman, Democratic National Committee

USA  McDonough, William J. – President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

E  Miguel, Ramón de – Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

USA  Mitchell, Andrea – Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondant, NBC News

F  Moïsi, Dominique – Deputy Director, French Institute of International Relations

F  Montbrial, Thierry de – Director, French Institute of International Relations

USA  Moskow, Michael H. – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

N  Myklebust, Egil – Chairman, Norsk Hydro ASA

FIN  Ollila, Jorma – Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation

TR  Özaydinlí, Bulend – CEO, Koç Holding A.S.

INT  Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso – Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

GR  Papahelas, Alexis – Foreign policy columnist. TO VIMA

USA  Pearl, Frank H. – Chairman and CEO, Perseus, L.L.C.

USA  Perle, Richard N. – Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

D  Polenz, Ruprecht – Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU

USA  Prestowitz, Jr., Clyde V. – President, Economic Strategy Institute

USA  Racicot, Mark – Chairman, Republican National Committee

USA  Raines, Franklin D. – Chairman and CEO, Fannie Mae

A  Randa, Gerhard – Chairman and CEO, Bank Austria AG

USA  Rattner, Steven – Managing Principal, Quadrangle Group LLC

CDN  Reisman, Heather – President and CEO, Indigo Books and Music Inc.

USA  Rockefeller, David – Member, JP Morgan International Council

E  Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías – Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Santander Central Hispano

GB  Roll, Eric – Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg Ltd.

USA  Rose, Charlie – Producer, Rose Communications

F  Roy, Olivier – University Professor and Researcher, CNRS

USA  Rumsfeld, Donald H. – Secretary of Defense

TR  Sanberk, Özdem – Director, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation

D  Schrempp, Jurgen E. – Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG

D  Schulz, Ekkehard – Chairman, ThyssenKrupp AG

F  Schweitzer, Louis – Chairman and CEO, Renault S.A.

DK  Seidenfaden, Tøger – Editor-in-Chief, Politiken

F  Seillière, Ernest-Antoine – Chairman and CEO, CGIP

RUS  Shevtsova, Lilia – Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center

USA  Siegman, Henry – Council on Foreign Relations

USA  Soros, George – Chairman, Soros Fund Management

USA  Steinberg, James B. – Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy Studies Program

N  Stoltenberg, Jens – Leader of the Opposition (Social Democratic Party)

USA  Summers, Lawrence H. – President, Harvard University

IRL  Sutherland, Peter D. – Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman BP Amoco

FIN  Taxell, Christoffer – President and CEO, Partek Oyj

USA  Thoman, G. Richard – Senior Advisor, Evercore Partners Inc.

USA  Thornton, John L. – President and co-CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

FIN  Tiilikainen, Teija H. – Director of Research, Centre for European Studies

S  Treschow, Michael – Chairman, Ericsson

F  Trichet, Jean-Claude – Governor, Banque de France

CH  Vasella, Daniel L. – Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

USA  Vink, Lodewijk J. R. de – Chairman, Global Health Care Partners; Credit Suisse First

A  Vranitzky, Franz – Former Federal Chancellor

S  Wallenberg, Jacob – Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

CDN  Whyte, Kenneth – Editor, The National Post

GB  Williams, Gareth – Leader, House of Lords; Member of the Cabinet

INT  Wolfensohn, James D. – President, The World Bank

D  Zumwinkel, Klaus – Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Post AG



Stenungsund, Sweden

24-27May 2001


Honorary Secretary General – Taylor, Martin J

Honorary Chairman – Davignon, Etienne

USA. Allaire, Paul A. – Chairman of the board of directors and CEO, Xerox Corporation; member, Council on Foreign Relations

DK.  Andersen, Bodil Nyboe – Governor, Central Bank of Denmark

GB. Balls, Ed – Chief Economic Adviser, Spads, HM Treasury

P. Balsemão, Francisco Pinto – Professor of Communication Science, New University of Lisbon; Chairman, Impresa SGPS; Former Prime Minister.

S. Barnevik, Percy – Chairman, Investor AB and ABB (Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.)

N. Bergesen, Jr. Finn – Administrative director, NHO (Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry)

I. Bernabè, Franco – Chairman, Franco Bernabè Group; International Board of the World Economic Forum; Special Representative of the Government of Italy to the Balkan, Board member of Peres Center for Peace (President – Uri Savir).

F. Beytout, Nicolas – Editor-in-Chief, Les Echos

CDN. Black, Conrad M. – Canada, Chairman and C.E.O., Hollinger International, Inc.; Chairman, Telegraph Group Ltd.

F. Bon, Michel – Chairman and CEO of France Télécom

IRL. Bruton, John – Former Prime Minister of Ireland; Vice Chairperson of the EPP and CDI

D. Burda, Hubert – Germany, Publisher, Burda Verlag (magazines) media

NL. Burgmans, Antony – Netherlands, C.E.O, Unilever NV

E. Cebrián, Juan L. – VC, Sogecable, S.A. (TV Broadcasting); CEO PRISA (El Pais)

F. Collomb, Bertrand – Chairman and CEO, Lafarge; Director, Total Fina Elf Group (petroleum & chemicals), Atco; Supervisory Board, Allianz; Board of Directors, Credit Commercial de France

CH. Couchepin, Pascal – Minister of Economic Affairs; Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Public Economy, (Swiss Federal Councillor)

INT. Courtis, Kenneth S. – Vice President for Asia of Goldman Sachs, (Japan) Inc.; International Research Council of the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CSIS) in Washington and Economic Strategy Institute in Washington.[Canadian]

IRL. Cox, Pat – President of the Liberal Democrat Group (ELDR), European Parliament.

USA. Dam, Kenneth S. – Deputy Secretary designate at US Department of the Treasury; member, Council on Foreign Relations (New York)

B. Davignon, Etienne – Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities

GR. David, George A. – Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA.

USA. Dodd, Christopher J. – Senator, Democratic Party, Connecticut; member, Council on Foreign Relations

USA. Donilon, Thomas E. – Executive Vice President, Law and Policy, FannieMae; member, Council on Foreign Relations

I. Draghi, Mario – President of the Economic and Financial Committee, Council of the EU – Director General, Ministry of the Treasury

USA. Eisenhower, Susan – Tufts University, Asst. Director, Communications and Media Studies; President, the Eisenhower World Affairs Institute

DK. Eldrup, Anders – Permanant Secretary, Ministry of Finance; Danish government representative to SAS (airlines)

TR. Erçel, Gazi – Merkez Bank; former governor Central Bank of Turkey

USA. Feldstein, Martin – Professor of economics at Harvard University; President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research.; member, Council on Foreign Relations

INT. Fischler, Franz – E.U. Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission

USA. Glickman, Dan – Former Secretary of Agriculture; Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld L.L.P.

USA. Graham, Donald E. – Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company

I. Gros-Pietro, Gian Maria – Chairman, ENI S.p.A.( Italian energy group)

USA. Hagel, Chuck – Senator, Republican, Nebraska

NL. Halberstadt, Victor – Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University; former Honorary Secretary of Bilderberg Meetings

S. Hedelius, Tom C. – Chairman, Svenska Handelsbanken; Vice Chairman of the Board, Ericsson

FIN. Heinonen, Olli-Pekka – Minister of Transport and Communications

N. Heyerdahl, d.y., Jens P. – Group president and CEO, Orkala ASA

N. Höegh, Westye – Chairman of the Board, Leif Hoegh & Co ASA

NL. Hoeven, Cees H. van der – President, Koninklijke Ahold nv

CDN. Hunkin, John – Chairman and C.E.O., Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

B. Huyghebaert, Jan – Chairman, Almanij NV

S. Johansson, Leif – President and C.E.O., AB Volvo

USA. Johnson, James A. – Johnson Capital; Vice-Chairman Perseus, LLC; member, Council on Foreign Relations

USA. Jordan Jr., Vernon E. – Managing Director, Lazard Freres & co LLC [Senior Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Field is a possible misprint]; member, Council on Foreign Relations

USA. Kissinger, Henry A. – Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.; Former Secretary of State; member, Council on Foreign Relations

D. Kopper, Hilmar – Chairman of Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank A.G.

USA. Kravis, Henry R. – Founding partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.; member, Council on Foreign Relations

USA. Kravis, Marie Josée – Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.

INT. Lamy, Pascal – EU, European Trade Commissioner

F. Lévy-Lang, André – Former Chairman, Paribas

USA. Lewis, Bernard – Emeritus Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University; member, Council on Foreign Relations

FIN. Lipponen, Paavo – Prime Minister

CDN. Lord, Bernard – Prime Minister of New Brunswick

CDN. MacMillan, Margaret O. – Editor, International Journal, Canadian Institute of International Affairs

GR. Manos, Stephanos – Member of the Greek Parliament & Former Minister of National Economy; President of the Liberal Party

P. Martins, Guilherme. d’Oliveira. – Minister of Presidency

USA. Mathews, Jessica T. – President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; member, Council on Foreign Relations

NL. Melkert, Ad P.W. – Parliamentary Leader PvdA, (Labour Party)

E. Miguel, Ramon de – Secretary of State for European Affairs

F. Montbrial, Thierry de – Director, French Institute of International Relations

INT. Monti, Mario – European Commissioner for Competition (internal market, financial services, financial integration, customs, taxation)

D. Mosdorf, Siegmar – Secretary of State for Economics and Technology

USA. Moskow, Michael H. – President , Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; member, Council on Foreign Relations

P. Moura, Vasco Graça – Member, European Parliament; 1st Vice President, Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport

CDN. Monroe-Blum, Heather – Vice-President for Research and International Relations, University of Toronto

F. Nallet, Henri – International Secretary, Socialist Party

ISR. Nashashibi, Mohammed – Former Roving Ambassador of the Arab League; Finance Minister for Palestine Authority; Author

D. Nass, Matthias – Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

NL. Netherlands, Her Majesty the Queen of The – Beatrix, [reputedly the richest woman in the world]

PL. Olechowski, Andrzej – Former presidential candidate; Leader, Civic Platform

FIN. Ollila, Jorma – Chairman of the Board and C.E.O., Nokia Corporation; Member of the board of directors, Ford Motor Company and UPM-Kymmene (large timber/paper company)

NL. Orange, His Royal Highness the Prince of – Willem-Alexander, just married the daughter of an Argentinian fascist.

CH. Ospel, Marcel – President & Group Chief Executive, Union Bank Of Switzerland AG (UBS – total assets $ 1,1 Trillion)

INT. Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso – Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank; President of the International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies; Member of the G -7 & G -20 Deputies; Chairman of the G -10 Committee on Payments and Settlement Systems

S. Padgrotsky, Leif – Minister of Trade

USA. Pearl, Frank H. – Chairman & C.E.O of Perseus LLC; Founder & Chairman, Rappahannock Investment Company and Counterpoint Press.

CZ. Pehe, Jiri – Director, New York University, Prague; former advisor to President Havel

USA. Perle, Richard N. – Resident Fellow, The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; Chairman and chief executive officer, Hollinger Digital, Inc.; Director, Jerusalem Post; member, Council on Foreign Relations

GB. Pragnell, Michael P. – CEO Syngenta AG; Director, AstraZeneca plc

USA. Prestowitz Jr., Clyde V. – Founder & President, Economic Strategy Institute (areas of expertise: Globalization, Asia, Technology Policy, Business Strategy); former senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment

A. Raidl, Claus J – CEO and Director, Böhler Uddeholm AG (steel)

S. Ramqvist, Lars – Chairman & C.E.O., Ericsson (world’s third largest mobile phone manufacture); Board member, Skandia & Volvo

USA. Rattner, Steven – Investment Banker, Director and Managing Principal Quandrangle Group; US Treasury advisory committee on IMF matters; “old hand” at Davos meetings of the World Economic Forum; Chairman of New York Channel 13; member, Council on Foreign Relations

I. Riotta, Gianni – Co-Editor, La Stampa

INT. Robertson, George – Secretary General, NATO

USA. Rockefeller, David – Chairman of the International Advisory Committee, Chase Manhattan Bank; Member JPMorgan International Council; Founder and Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission; member, Council on Foreign Relations

E. Rodriques Inciarte, Matías – Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Santander Central Hispano

GB. Roll, Eric – Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg Ltd,

TR. Sanberk, Özdem – Turkish Ambassador to the U.K.; Director General, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV)

A. Scholten, Rudolf, A. – Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Österreichische Kontrollbank AG

D. Schrempp, Jürgen E. – Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG

DK. Seidenfaden, Tøger – Editor-in-Chief, Politiken – one of the biggest Danish newspapers

RUS. Shevtsova, Lilia – Carnegie Endowment for International Misery, Visiting Professor, University of California at Berkeley & Cornell University

US/GB. Siedentop, Larry A. – Fellow of Keble College & lecturer on political philosophy at Oxford University; Author of Democracy in Europe

GB. Sieghart, Mary Ann – Editorial writer and assistant editor, Times of London

E.  Spain, Her Majesty the Queen of, – Sofia

GB. Taylor, J. Martin – Chairman, WH Smith PLC, International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International

USA. Thornton, John L. – Director, Ford Motor Co.; President and co-CEO, Goldman Sachs & co Inc.; member, Council on Foreign Relations and the Brookings Institution

S. Treschcow, Michael – President and C.E.O., Electrolux Group AB

F. Trichet, Jean-Claude – Governor, Banque de France

CH. Vasella, Daniel L. – Chairman & C.E.O., Novartis AG (Pharmaceuticals)

FIN. Virkkunen, Janne – Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat

S. Wallenberg, Jacob – Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

S. Wallenberg, Marcus – President and C.E.O, Investor AB; Vice Chairman of the Board, Ericsson

CDN. Whyte, Kenneth – Canada, Editor-in-Chief, The National Post

GB. Wolf, Martin – Associated Editor/Economics Commentator, The Financial Times

D. Wolff von Amerongen, Otto – Chairman and C.E.O., Otto Wolff Industrieberatung und Beteiligungen GmbH.


GB. Micklethwait, R John – United Stated Editor, The Economist

GB.Wooldridge, Adrian D – Foreign Corespondent, The Economist



Brussels, Belgium

1-3 June 2000


3 June 2000

Honorary Chairman:

B, Etienne Davignon; Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique;

Honorary Secretary General:

GB, J. Martin Taylor; Chairman, WH Smith Group PLC, International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International

I, Agnelli, Giovanni; Honourary Chairman, Fiat SpA.

I, Agnelli, Umberto; Chairman, IFIL – Finanziaria di Partecipazioni SpA.

E, Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, Esperenza; President, The Spanish Senate

USA, Allaire, Paul; Chairman of the boardof Directors and CEO, Xerox Corporation

I, Ambrosetti, Alfredo, Ambrosetti Group

DK, Andersen, Bodil Nyboe; Governor, Central Bank of Denmark

CDN, Asper, Israel; Chairman, CanWest Capital Group Inc.

INT, Avery, Graham; Chief Adviser for Enlargement, European Community

P, Balsemão, Francisco Pinto; Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.

S, Barnevik, Percy; Chairman, Investor AB

NL, Benschop, Dick; State Secretary for European Affairs

I, Bernabè, Franco; Special Representative of Italy for Reconstruction Initiatives in the Balkans

D, Betz, Hans-Georg; Visiting Proffessor, European Studies, Centre for European Studies, Columbia and New York Universities

INT, Bildt, Carl; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Balkans, United Nations

CDN, Black, Conrad; Chair, Telegraph Group Ltd.

IRL, Bruton, John; Leader of Fine Gael (Opposition Party)

GB, Buchanan, Robin WT; Senior Partner, Bain & Co Inc.

GB, Clarke, Kenneth; Member of Parliament (Conservative)

TR, Çolakoglu, Nuri; Chairman and CEO, NTV

F, Collomb, Bertrand; Chairman and CEO, Lafarge

D, Cromme, Gerhard; Chairman of the Executive Board, Thyssen Krupp AG

GR, David, George A; Chairman of the Board, Hellenic Bottling Company SA

USA, Deutch, John M, Institute Professor, MIT; Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.)

GR, Diamandouros, P Nikiforos; National Ombudsman

USA, Dodd, Christopher J; Senator (Democrat, Connecticut)

USA, Donilon, Thomas E; Senior Vice-President, General Counsel and Secretary, FannieMae

USA, Dyson, Esther; Chairman, EDventure Holdings Inc.

INT, Fréchette, Louise; Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations

I, Fresco, Paolo; Chairman, Fiat SpA

CDN, Frum, David; Columnist, National Post Newspaper

P, Gouveia, Teresa Patrício; Member of Parliament (PSD)

USA, Graham, Donald E; Publisher, The Washington Post

USA, Hagel, Chuck; Senator (Republican, Nebraska)

NL, Halberstadt, Victor; Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary-General of Bilderberg Meetings

N, Hambro, Christian; Director-General, Research Council of Norway

A, Hampel, Erich; Chairman, Creditanstalt-Bankverein

USA, Hutchison, Kay Bailey; Senator (Republican, Texas)

B, Huyghebaert, Jan; Chairman, Almanij NV

B, Janssen, Daniel E; Chairman, Solvay SA

S, Johansson, Leif; President and CEO, Volvo AB

USA, Johnson, James A; Chairman and CEO, Johnson Capital Partners

USA, Jordan Jr, Vernon E; Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC

TR, Kayhan, Muharrem; Vice-Chairman of the Board, Söktas, Former President, Tusiad

USA, Kissinger, Henry A; Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.

D, Kopper, Hilmar; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

USA, Kravis, Henry R; Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA, Kravis, Marie-Josée; Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.

INT, Lamy, Pascal; Commissioner, European Commission

F, Lévy-Lang, André; Former Chairman, Paribas

B, Lippens, Maurice; Chairman, FORTIS Bank

FIN, Lipponen, Paavo; Prime Minister

USA, Mathews, Jessica T; President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA, McDonough, William J; President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

F, Montbrial, Thierry de; Director, French Institure of International Relations

INT, Moore, Mike; Director-General, WTO

D, Nass, Matthias; Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

NL, Queen Beatrix; Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and of the House of Orange

FIN, Ollila, Jorma; Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation

INT, Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso; Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

S, Pagrotsky, Leif; Minister of Trade

GR, Papandreou, George A; Minister for Foreign Affairs

S, Petersson, Lars-Eric; President and CEO, Skandia

A, Petritsch, Wolfgang; The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina; EU chief negotiator at the Kosovo peace talks in Rambouillet and Paris

CH, Pury, David de; Chairman, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Co Ltd.

DK, Rasmussen, Anders Fogh; Chairman, Liberal Party

N, Reiten, Eivind; Executive Vice-President, Corporate Management, Norsk Hydro SA

USA, Richardson, Bill; Secretary of Energy

I, Riotta, Gianni; Deputy Editor, La Stampa

USA, Rockefeller, David; Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Council

E, Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías, Executive Vice Chairman, BSCH

GB, Roll, Eric; Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg

I, Ruggiero, Renato; Vice-Chairman, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney; Chairman, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Italy

A, Scholten, Rudolf; Member of the board of executive directors, Öesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

B, Schoutheete de Tervarent, Ph de; Former permanant representative of Belgium to the EU

DK, Seidenfaden, Tøger; Editor-in-Chief, Politiken

INT, Solana Madariaga, Javier; Secretary General, Council of the European Union

USA, Soros, George; Chairman, Soros Fund Management

USA, Steinberg, James B; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs

F, Strauss-Kahn, Dominique; Former Minister of Finance; Professor, University of Paris

KS, Surroi, Veton; Publisher, KOHA Ditore

IRL, Sutherland, Peter D; Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP Amoco PLC

USA, Tarullo, Daniel K; Visiting Profesor of Law, Georgetown University Law centre

USA, Thornton, John L; President and CEO, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

I, Tremonti, Giulio; Member of the Finance Commission, Chamber of Deputies

F, Trichet, Jean-Claude; Governor, Banque de France

CH, Vasella, Daniel L; Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

NL, Veer, Jeroen van der; Group managing director, Royal Dutch/Shell group of companies; designate President of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company

USA, Vink, Lodewijk JR de; Chairman, President and CEO, Warner-Lambert Company

A, Vranitzky, Franz; Former Federal Chancellor

S, Wallenberg, Jacob; Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

GB, Wolf, Martin; Associated Editor/Economics Commentator [what does this mean???]

INT/USA, Wolfensohn, James D; President, The World Bank

D, Wolff von Amerongen, Otto; Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH

USA, Wolfowitz, Paul; Dean, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The John Hopkins University

Bilderbergtreffen 2009  Athen, Griechenland  Liste der Teilnehmer    Beatrix - Königin der Niederlande Sofia - Königin von Spanien Konstantin - ehemaliger König von Griechenland Philipp - Prinz von Belgien, Mitglied des Club of Rome Joseph Ackerman - Vorstandsvorsitzende der Deutschen Bank Kieth Alexander - Direktor der US National Security Agency (NSA), grösster Geheimdienst der Welt Georgios Alogoskoufis - ehemaliger Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Griechenland Roger Altman - Vizefinanzminister unter Präsident Clinton Efstratios-Georgios A. Arapoglou - Zentralbankchef Griechenland Ali Babacan - Aussenminister Türkei, Koordinator für die Beitrittsverhandlungen der Türkei mit der EU Dora Bakoyannis - Aussenminister Griechenland +Jon Frederik Baksaas - Chef von Telenor Norwegen Francisco Pinto Balsemão - Portugisischer Ministerpräsident Nicolas Baverez - Herausgeber Le Point Frankreich Franco Bernabè - Chef von Telecom Italia, stellvertretender Vorsitzender von Rothschild Europe -Xavier Bertrand - Generalsekretär der UMP Partei Frankreich Nils Daniel Carl Bildt - Aussenminister Schweden Jan Arne Björklund - Bildungsminister, Parteivorsitzenden der Folkpartiet liberalerna Schweden Christoph Blocher - ehemaliger Bundesrat und ehemaliger Parteichef der SVP Alexandre Bompard - Journalist Radio Europe 1 Frankreich +Vendeline von Bredow - Wirtschaftsjournalist The Economist +Oscar Bronner - Herausgeber Der Standard Österreich +Max Boot - Autor, Berater, Historiker, Ober-Neocon und CFR Mitglied -Ana Botín - Tochter des Präsidenten der Banco de Santander Emilio Botín +Henri de Castries - Chef der AXA Juan Luis Cebrián - Chef er PRISA Group of Media Spanien -W. Edmund Clark - Chef Toronto-Dominion Bank Kanada -Kenneth Harry Clarke - ex-Finanzminister Grossbritannien Luc Coene - Chef der belgischen Nationalbank +Timothy C. Collins - Chef von Ripplewood Holdings George David - Präsident CocaCola Griechenland Sir Richard Billing Dearlove - ex-Chef des britischen Geheimdienstes MI6 Anna Diamantopoulou - Parlamentsmitglied der PASOK Griechenland Mario Draghi - Chef der italienischen Zentralbank +Nicolas N. Eberstadt - American Enterprise Institute  Anders Eldrup - Chef und Präsident von DONG Energy Dänemark John Jacob Philip Elkann - Vizepräsident des Fiat-Konzerns Thomas Enders - Chef Airbus José Manuel Entrecanales - Chef des Baukonzerns Acciona Spanien +Werner Feymann - Bundesparteivorsitzender der SPÖ österreichischer Bundeskanzler -Isidro Fainé Casas - Präsident der Caixa Bank und SEAT Berater Niall Ferguson - Professor für Wirtschaft an der Havard Business School -Timothy Franz Geithner - Finanzminister der USA Dermot Gleeson - Berater der irischen Regierung und Geschäftsmann Donald E. Graham - Chef der Washinton Post -Alfred Gusenbauer - ex-Bundeskanzler Österreich Victor Halberstadt - Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Uni Leiden Ernst Hirsch Ballin - Justizminister der Niederlande Richard Holbrooke - Sonderbeauftragter für Pakistan und Afghanistan für Obama +Jan H.M. Hommen - Vorsitzender ING Bank Jaap de Hoop Scheffer - NATO-Generalsekretär James Logan Jones Jr. - Sicherheitsberater von Präsident Obama Vernon Eulion Jordan - ehemaliger Sicherheitsberater von Präsident Clinton -Robert Kagan - US-Regierungsberater für Sicherheitspolitik, Terrorismus und den Balkan Jyrki Katainen - Finanzminister Finnland -Henry Alfred Kissinger - ex-US-Sicherheitsberater und US-Aussenminister, Chef von alles +John M. Keane - SCP Partner, ex-US-General +Muhtar Kent - Präsident der Coca Cola Company +John Kerr - Mitglied des House of Lords, Vizevorsitzender Royal Dutch Shell +Eckart von Klaeden - MdB, Aussenpolitischer Sprecher der CDU/CSU +Klaus Kleinfed - Präsident von Alcoa Inc. Mustafa Koç - Vorsitzender der Koç Holding der grösste türkische Mischkonzern Roland Koch - hessischer Ministerpräsident Sami Kohen - aussenpolitische Kolumnist der türkischen Zeitung Milliyet Henry Kravis - Hudson Institute Marie-Josee Kravis - Hudson Institute Neelie Kroes - EU-Kommissar für Wettbewerb Odysseas Kyriakopoulos - Präsident des Verbandes Griechischer Industrien +Christine Lagarde - Ministerin für Wirtschaft, Industrie und Arbeit Frankreich +Pascal Lamy - Generaldirektor Welthandelsorgansation WTO Manuela Ferreira Leite - Chefin der portugiesischen Sozialdemokraten PSD Bernardino León - spanische Staatssekretär für auswärtige Angelegenheiten +Peter Löscher - Chef Siemens AG +Peter Mandelson - Wirtschaftsminister GB -Jessica Tuchman Mathews - Präsidentin der Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Denkfabrik Philippe Maystadt - Präsident der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) +Edward McBride - Wirtschaftsredaktor The Economist Frank McKenna - Vizevorsitzender der TD Bank Financial Group John Micklethwait - Wirtschaftsredakteur The Economist Thierry Montbrial - President des l'Institut français des relations internationales Mario Monti - Präsident der Wirtschaftsuniversität Luigi Bocconi Miguel Ángel Moratinos - Aussenminister Spanien Craig Mundie - Chefstratege Microsoft Egil Myklebust - ex-Vorsitzender der SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA, Mitglied des Weltwirtschaftsrat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Matthias Nass - Stellvertretender Herausgeber "Die Zeit" +Juan Maria Nin Génova - Präsident la Caixa Bank Denis Olivennes - Direktor Nouvel Observateur Frankreich +Jorma Ollila - Vorsitzender Royal Dutch Shell +George Osboren - Schatzkanzler GB Frederic Oudea - Chef Societe General Bank Frankreich -Cem Özdemir - Bundesvorsitzender der Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa - ex-Finanzminister Italien +Alexis Papahelas - Journalist Kathimerini Dimitris Papalexopoulos - Chef Titan Cement Company S.A. Griechenland Jannos Papathanasiou - Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Griechenland Richard Perle - Sicherheitsberater unter George W. Bush, Hauptverantwortliche für den Irakkrieg -David Petraeus - US-Viersternegeneral, Kommandeur des US Central Command, zuständig für den Nahen Osten und Zentralasien Manuel Pinho - Minister für Wirtschaft und Inovation Portugal +Jean Pisani-Ferry - Direktor von Bruegel Robert S. Prichard - Chef der Zeitung Toronto Star Kanada Romano Prodi - ex-Ministerpräsident Italien, ex-Präsident der Europäischen Kommission +Hanna Rajalahti - Chefredakteur Talouselämä -Olli Rehn - EU-Erweiterungskommissar Finnland Heather Reisman - Chefin Indigo Books & Music Inc Kanada Eivind Reiten - Generaldirektor des Petroleumskonzerns Norsk Hydro Michael Ringier - Verwaltungsratspräsident der Ringier Holding AG, grösster Verlag der Schweiz David Rockefeller - Banker, Gründer der Council on Foreign Relations und Trilateralen Kommission, Capo di tutti Capi -Dennis B. Ross - Direktor des Washington Institute for Near East Policy Denkfabrik Barnett R. Rubin - Director of Studies and Senior Fellow Center of International Cooperation -Alberto Ruiz-Gallardòn - Bürgermeister von Madrid Suzan Sabanc? Dinçer - Chefin der Akbank Türkei Indira Samarasekera - Präsidentin der University of Alberta Rudolf Scholten - Mitglied des Vorstandes Österreichische Kontrollbank AG -Jürgen Schrempp - ex-Vorstandsvorsitzender der DaimlerChrysler AG +Josette Sheeran - Diektor UNO Welternährungsprogramm  +Domenico Siniscalco - Vizevorsitzender Morgan Stanley Int. Pedro Solbes Mira - ex-Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Spanien -Sampatzi Saraz - türkischer Banker -Sanata Seketa - Kanada +James B. Steinberg - US-Vizeaussenminister +Björn Stigson - Präsident des Weltwirtschaftrats für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (WBCSD)  +Yannis Stournaras - Direktor bei der Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE) -Dominique Strauss-Kahn - Chef des Internationalen Währungsfonds -Lawrence Summers - ex-Chefökonom der Weltbank, ex-Finanzminister unter Clinton, Wirtschaftsberater von Obama Peter Denis Sutherland - ex-EU-Wettbewerbskommissar, Vorsitzender von BP and Goldman Sachs International +Nobuo Tanaka - Direktor Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Martin Taylor - ex-Chef der Barclays Bank, Vorsitzender von Syngenta, ex-Generalsekretär der Bilderberg Group Peter Thiel - ex-Chef PayPal, Clarium Capital Management +Helle Thorning-Schmidt - Parteichef der Sozialdemokraten Dänemark +Thomas Thune Andersen - Chef Maersk Oil Dänemark +Andreas Treichl - Chef Erste Group Bank AG Österreich Jean-Claude Trichet - Chef der Europäischen Zentralbank +Loukas Tsoukalis - Sonderberater von Kommissionspräsident Barroso, Chef der ELIAMEP Agah Ugur - Chef Borusan Holding Türkei Matti Vanhanen - Premieminister Finnland Daniel Vasella - Chef von Novartis Jeroen van der Veer - Chef Royal Dutch Shell -Guy Verhofstadt - ehemaliger Premierminister Belgien Paul Volcker - ehemaliger Fed Chef, Wirtschaftsberater von Barack Obama Jacob Wallenberg - Bankier und Grossindustrieller Schweden Marcus Wallenberg - Bankier und Grossindustrieller Schweden Nout Wellink - Chef der niederländischen Zentralbank, Mitglied der Europäischen Zentralbank Gerardus Johannes Wijers - Chef von AkzoNobel, ex-Wirtschaftsminister der Niederlande Martin Wolf - Journalist der Financial Times James David Wolfensohn - ehemaliger Präsident der Weltbank Paul Wolfowitz - ex-Präsident der Weltbank, Berater von George W. Bush, und stellvertretender ex-Verteidigungsminister der USA, Ober-Neocon und Hauptverantwortlicher für den Irakkrieg -Fareed Zakaria - Chefredakteur von Newsweek International und politischer Kommentator bei ABC News, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New Yorker und CNN Robert Zoellick - Präsident der Weltbank  	  	2008 	  	 BILDERBERG MEETING Chantilly, Virginia, USA 5-8 June 2008 CURRENT LIST OF PARTICIPANTS   Honorary Chairman BEL "Davignon, Etienne" "Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel"  DEU "Ackermann, Josef" "Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG" CAN "Adams, John" Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada USA "Ajami, Fouad" "Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University" USA "Alexander, Keith B." "Director, National Security Agency" INT "Almunia, Joaquín " "Commissioner, European Commission" GRC "Alogoskoufis, George" Minister of Economy and Finance USA "Altman, Roger C." "Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc." TUR "Babacan, Ali " Minister of Foreign Affairs NLD "Balkenende, Jan Peter" Prime Minister PRT "Balsemão, Francisco Pinto" "Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister" FRA "Baverez, Nicolas" "Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP" ITA "Bernabè, Franco" "CEO, Telecom Italia Spa" USA "Bernanke, Ben S." "Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System" SWE "Bildt, Carl" Minister of Foreign Affairs FIN "Blåfield, Antti " "Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat" DNK "Bosse, Stine" "CEO, TrygVesta" CAN "Brodie, Ian " "Chief of Staff, Prime Minister's Office" AUT "Bronner, Oscar" "Publisher and Editor, Der Standard" FRA "Castries, Henri de " "Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA" ESP "Cebrián, Juan Luis" "CEO, PRISA" CAN "Clark, Edmund" "President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group" GBR "Clarke, Kenneth" Member of Parliament NOR "Clemet, Kristin" "Managing Director, Civita" USA "Collins, Timothy C." "Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC" FRA "Collomb, Bertrand" "Honorary Chairman, Lafarge" PRT "Costa, António" Mayor of Lisbon USA "Crocker, Chester A." James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies USA "Daschle, Thomas A." Former US Senator and Senate Majority Leader CAN "Desmarais, Jr., Paul " "Chairman and co-CEO, Power Corporation of Canada" GRC "Diamantopoulou, Anna" Member of Parliament USA "Donilon, Thomas E." "Partner, O'Melveny & Myers" ITA "Draghi, Mario" "Governor, Banca d'Italia" AUT "Ederer, Brigitte" "CEO, Siemens AG Österreich" CAN "Edwards, N. Murray " "Vice Chairman, Candian Natural Resources Limited" DNK "Eldrup, Anders " "President, DONG A/S" ITA "Elkann, John" "Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A." USA "Farah, Martha J." "Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience; Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania" USA "Feldstein, Martin S." "President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research" DEU "Fischer, Joschka" Former Minister of Foreign Affairs USA "Ford, Jr., Harold E." "Vice Chairman, Merill Lynch & Co., Inc." CHE "Forstmoser, Peter" "Professor for Civil, Corporation and Capital Markets Law, University of Zürich" IRL "Gallagher, Paul " Attorney General USA "Geithner, Timothy F. " "President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York" USA "Gigot, Paul " "Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal" IRL "Gleeson, Dermot " "Chairman, AIB Group" NLD "Goddijn, Harold" "CEO, TomTom" TUR "Gögüs, Zeynep " "Journalist; Founder," USA "Graham, Donald E." "Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company" NLD "Halberstadt, Victor" "Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings" USA "Holbrooke, Richard C. " "Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC" FIN "Honkapohja, Seppo" "Member of the Board, Bank of Finland" INT "Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de" "Secretary General, NATO" USA "Hubbard, Allan B." "Chairman, E & A Industries, Inc." BEL "Huyghebaert, Jan" "Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group" DEU "Ischinger, Wolfgang" Former Ambassador to the UK and US USA "Jacobs, Kenneth" "Deputy Chairman, Head of Lazard U.S., Lazard Frères & Co. LLC" USA "Johnson, James A." "Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC" (Obama's man tasked with selecting his running mate) SWE "Johnstone, Tom " "President and CEO, AB SKF" USA "Jordan, Jr., Vernon E." "Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC" FRA "Jouyet, Jean-Pierre " Minister of European Affairs GBR "Kerr, John " "Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc." USA "Kissinger, Henry A." "Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc." DEU "Klaeden, Eckart von" "Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU/CSU" USA "Kleinfeld, Klaus" "President and COO, Alcoa" TUR "Koç, Mustafa " "Chairman, Koç Holding A.S." FRA "Kodmani, Bassma" "Director, Arab Reform Initiative" USA "Kravis, Henry R." "Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co." USA "Kravis, Marie-Josée" "Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc." INT "Kroes, Neelie " "Commissioner, European Commission" POL "Kwasniewski, Aleksander " Former President AUT "Leitner, Wolfgang" "CEO, Andritz AG" ESP "León Gross, Bernardino" "Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister" INT "Mandelson, Peter" "Commissioner, European Commission" FRA "Margerie, Christophe de" "CEO, Total" CAN "Martin, Roger" "Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto" HUN "Martonyi, János" "Professor of International Trade Law; Partner, Baker & McKenzie; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs" USA "Mathews, Jessica T. " "President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace" INT "McCreevy, Charlie " "Commissioner, European Commission" USA "McDonough, William J." "Vice Chairman and Special Advisor to the Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc." CAN "McKenna, Frank" "Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group" GBR "McKillop, Tom " "Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group" FRA "Montbrial, Thierry de" "President, French Institute for International Relations" ITA "Monti, Mario" "President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi" USA "Mundie, Craig J. " "Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation" NOR "Myklebust, Egil" "Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA" DEU "Nass, Matthias" "Deputy Editor, Die Zeit" NLD "Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the" FRA "Ockrent, Christine" "CEO, French television and radio world service" FIN "Ollila, Jorma" "Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc" SWE "Olofsson, Maud " Minister of Enterprise and Energy; Deputy Prime Minister NLD "Orange, H.R.H. the Prince of" GBR "Osborne, George" Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer TUR "Öztrak, Faik" Member of Parliament ITA "Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso " Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe GRC "Papahelas, Alexis" "Journalist, Kathimerini" GRC "Papalexopoulos, Dimitris" "CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A." USA "Paulson, Jr., Henry M." Secretary of the Treasury USA "Pearl, Frank H." "Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC" USA "Perle, Richard N." "Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research" FRA "Pérol, François" Deputy General Secretary in charge of Economic Affairs DEU "Perthes, Volker" "Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik" BEL "Philippe, H.R.H. Prince" CAN "Prichard, J. Robert S." "President and CEO, Torstar Corporation" CAN "Reisman, Heather M." "Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc." USA "Rice, Condoleezza" Secretary of State PRT "Rio, Rui " Mayor of Porto USA "Rockefeller, David " "Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank" ESP "Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias" "Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander" USA "Rose, Charlie" "Producer, Rose Communications" DNK "Rose, Flemming" "Editor, Jyllands Posten" USA "Ross, Dennis B." "Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy" USA "Rubin, Barnett R." "Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation, New York University" TUR "Sahenk, Ferit " "Chairman, Dogus Holding A.S." USA "Sanford, Mark" Governor of South Carolina USA "Schmidt, Eric" "Chairman of the Executive Committee and CEO, Google" AUT "Scholten, Rudolf " "Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG" DNK "Schur, Fritz H. " Fritz Schur Gruppen CZE "Schwarzenberg, Karel " Minister of Foreign Affairs USA "Sebelius, Kathleen" Governor of Kansas USA "Shultz, George P." "Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University" ESP "Spain, H.M. the Queen of" CHE "Spillmann, Markus" "Editor-in-Chief and Head Managing Board, Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG" USA "Summers, Lawrence H." "Charles W. Eliot Professor, Harvard University" GBR "Taylor, J. Martin" "Chairman, Syngenta International AG" USA "Thiel, Peter A." "President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC" NLD "Timmermans, Frans " Minister of European Affairs RUS "Trenin, Dmitri V." "Deputy Director and Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center" INT "Trichet, Jean-Claude" "President, European Central Bank" USA "Vakil, Sanam" "Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University" FRA "Valls, Manuel " Member of Parliament GRC "Varvitsiotis, Thomas" "Co-Founder and President, V + O Communication" CHE "Vasella, Daniel L." "Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG" FIN "Väyrynen, Raimo" "Director, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs" FRA "Védrine, Hubert" Hubert Védrine Conseil NOR "Vollebaek, Knut" "High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE" SWE "Wallenberg, Jacob" "Chairman, Investor AB" USA "Weber, J. Vin" "CEO, Clark & Weinstock" USA "Wolfensohn, James D. " "Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC" USA "Wolfowitz, Paul " "Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research" INT "Zoellick, Robert B. " "President, The World Bank Group"  Rapporteurs GBR "Bredow, Vendeline von" "Business Correspondent, The Economist" GBR "Wooldridge, Adrian D." "Foreign Correspondent, The Economist"  	  	2007 	  	 BILDERBERG 2007 INVITED GUESTS  [with the royals removed - ed.]    Ali Babacan, Minister of Economic Affairs (Turkey)  Kemal Derviþ, Administrator, UNDP (Turkey)  Mustafa V. Koç, Chairman, Koç Holding A.Þ. (Turkey)  Fehmi Koru, Senior Writer, Yeni Þafak (Turkey)  George Alogoskoufis, Minister of Economy and Finance (Greece)  Edward Balls, Economic Secretary to the Treasury (UK)  Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister (Portugal)  José M. Durão Barroso, President, European Commission (Portugal/International)  Franco Bernabé, Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe (Italy)  Nicolas Beytout, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro (France)  Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister (Sweden)  Hubert Burda, Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding (Belgium)  Philippe Camus, CEO, EADS (France)  Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA (France)  Juan Luis Cebrian, Grupo PRISA media group (Spain)  Kenneth Clark, Member of Parliament (UK)  Timothy C. Collins, Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC (USA)  Bertrand Collomb, Chairman, Lafarge (France)  George A. David, Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. (USA)  Anders Eldrup, President, DONG A/S (Denmark)  John Elkann, Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A (Italy)  Martin S. Feldstein, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research (USA)  Timothy F. Geithner, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (USA)  Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page, The Wall Street Journal (USA)  Dermot Gleeson, Chairman, AIB Group (Ireland)  Donald E. Graham, Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company (USA)  Victor Halberstadt, Professor of Economics, Leiden University, (the Netherlands)  Jean-Pierre Hansen, CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A. (Belgium)  Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations (USA)  Richard C. Holbrooke, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA)  Jaap G. Hoop de Scheffer, Secretary General, NATO (the Netherlands/International)  Allan B. Hubbard, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Director National Economic Council (USA)  Josef Joffe, Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit (Germany)  James A. Johnson, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA)  Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC (USA)  Anatole Kaletsky, Editor at Large, The Times (UK)  John Kerr of Kinlochard, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Netherlands)  Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates (USA)  Bernard Kouchner, Minister of Foreign Affairs (France)  Henry R. Kravis, Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (USA)  Marie-Josée Kravis, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. (USA)  Neelie Kroes, Commissioner, European Commission (the Netherlands/International)  Ed Kronenburg, Director of the Private Office, NATO Headquarters (International)  William J. Luti, Special Assistant to the President for Defense Policy and Strategy, National Security Council (USA)  Jessica T. Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (USA)  Frank McKenna, Ambassador to the US, member Carlyle Group (Canada)  Thierry de Montbrial, President, French Institute for International Relations (France)  Mario Monti, President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)  Craig J. Mundie, Chief Technical Officer Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation (USA)  Egil Myklebust, Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA (Norway)  Matthias Nass, Deputy Editor, Die Zeit (Germany)  Adnrzej Olechowski, Leader Civic Platform (Poland)  Jorma Ollila, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc/Nokia (Finland)  George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (UK)  Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Minister of Finance (Italy)  Richard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA)  Heather Reisman, Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. (Canada)  David Rockefeller (USA)  Matías Rodriguez Inciarte, Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander Bank, (Spain)  Dennis B. Ross, Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy (USA)  Otto Schily, Former Minister of Interior Affairs (Germany)  Jürgen E. Schrempp, Former Chairman of the Board of management, DaimlerChrysler AG (Germany)  Tøger Seidenfaden, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Politiken (Denmark)  Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International (Ireland)  Giulio Tremonti, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies (Italy)  Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor, European Central Bank (France/International)  John Vinocur, Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune (USA)  Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman, Investor AB (Sweden)  Martin H. Wolf, Associate Editor, The Financial Times (UK)  James D. Wolfensohn, Special Envoy for the Gaza Disengagement (USA)  Robert B. Zoellick, Deputy Secretary of State (USA)  Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman of the Board of management, Deutsche Post AG (USA)  Adrian D. Wooldridge, Foreign Correspondent, The Economist  	  	2006 	 BILDERBERG MEETINGS Ottawa, Canada 8-11 June 2006 List of participants    Honorary Chairman  B - Davignon, Etienne Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel  PNA - Abu-Amr, Ziad  Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council; President of the Palestinian Council on Foreign Relations; Professor of Political Science, Birzeit University  P - Aguiar-Branco, José Pedro  Former Minister of Justice; Member of Parliament (PSD)  CH - Aigrain, Jacques  CEO, Swiss Re  USA - Ajami, Fouad  Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University  GR - Alogoskoufis, George  Minister of Economy and Finance  TR - Bagis, Egemen  Member of Parliament; Poreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister  GB - Balls, Edward  Economic Secretary to the Treasury  P - Balsemão, Prancisco Pinto  Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister  F - Barnier, Michel  Former Minister for Foreign Affairs; Corporate Vice-President, Mérieux Alliance  A - Bartenstein, Martin  Minister of Economies and Labour  I - Barnabè, Franco  Vice Chariman, Rothschild Europe  S - Bildt, Carl  Former Prime Minister  TR - Boyner, Ümit N.  Member of the Executive Board, Boyner Holding  F - Bressand, Albert  Professor and Managing Director designate, Center for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University  A - Bronner, Oscar  Publisher and Editor, Der Standard  GB - Browne, John  Group Chief Executive, BP plc  B - Burda, Hubert  Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding GmbH & Co. KG  F - Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA  E - Cebrián, Juan Luis  CEO, PRISA  IRQ - Chalabi, Ahmad  Former Deputy Prime Minister  CDN - Clark, Edmund  President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group  GB - Clark, Kenneth  Member of Parliament  USA - Collins, Timothy C.  Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC  F - Collomb, Bertrand  Chairman, Lafarge  CDN - Comper, Tony  President and CEO, BMO Financial Group  CDN - Crawley, Phillip  Publisher and CEO, The Globe and Mail  GR - David, George A.  Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.  INT - Dervis, Kemal  Administrator, UNDP  F - Descoing, Richard  Director, Institut d'Études Politiques  CDN - Desmarais, Jr., Paul  CEO, Power Corporation  F - Devedjian, Patrick  Member of Parliament  USA - Donilon, Thomas E.  Partner, O'Melveny & Myers LLP  D - Döpfner, Mathias  Chairman of the Board of Management, Axel Springer AG  DK - Eldrup, Anders  President, DONG A/S  I - Elkann, John Vice  Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.  USA - Feldstein, Martin S.  President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research  USA - Geithner, Timothy F.  President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York  USA - Gigot, Paul A.  Editor of the Editorial Page, The Wall Street Journal  ISR - Gilady, Eival  Head of Coordination and Strategy at the Office of the Prime Minister  IRL - Gleeson, Dermot  Chairman, AIB Group  B - Goldschmidt, Pierre  Former IAEA Deputy Director General and Former Head of the Department of Safeguards; Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  A - Gusenbauer, Alfred  Parliamentary Leader SPÖ  NL - Halberstadt, Victor  Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings  B - Hansen, Jean-Pierre  CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A.  FIN - Heinäluoma, Eero  Minister of Finance  USA - Holbrooke, Richard C.  Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC  USA - Hubbard, Allan B.  Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Director National Economic Council  N - Jensen, Siv  Member of Parliament  D - Joffe, Josef  Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit  USA - Johnson, James A.  Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC  USA - Jordan, Jr., Vernon E.  Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC  GB - Kaletsky, Anatole  Editor at Large, The Times  F - Kerdrel, Yves de  Editor, Le Figaro  GB - Kerr of Kinlochard, John  Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc  USA - Kimsey, James V.  Founding CEO and Chairman Emeritus, America Online, Inc.  USA - Kissinger, Henry A.  Chairman, Kissinger Associates  NL - Kleisterlee, Gerard J.  President and CEO, Royal Philips Electronics  TR - Koç, Mustafa V.  Chariman, Koç Holding A.S.  TR - Köprülü, Kemal  Founding Chairman, ARI Movement  FIN - Korkman, Sixten  Managing Director, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA and Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA  TR - Koru, Fehmi  Senior Writer, Yeni Safek  CDN - Koss, Johann O.  President and CEO, Right To Play  USA - Kravis, Henry R.  Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.  USA - Kravis, Marie-Josée  Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.  INT - Kroes, Neelie  Commissioner, European Commission  INT - Kronenburg, Ed  Director of the Private Office, NATO Headquarters  CH - Kudelski, André  Chairman of the Board and CEO, Kudelski Group  F - Lauvergeon, Anne  Chairman of the Executive Board, AREVA  E - Leòn Gross, Bernardino  Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs  B - Lippens, Maurice  Chairman, FORTIS  CDN - Lloyd, Ronald S.  Chairman and CEO, Credit Suisse First Boston  USA - Luti, William J.  Special Assistant to the President for Defense Policy and Strategy, National Security Council  USA - Mathews, Jessica T.  President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  CDN - McKenna, Frank  Deputy Chair, Toronto Dominion Bank Financial Group  USA - Medish, Mark C.  Partner, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP  F - Montbrial, Thierry de  President, French Institute for International Relations  INT - Monti, Mario President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi  USA - Mundie, Craig J.  Chief Technical Officer Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation  N - Myklebust, Egil  Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA  D - Nass, Matthias  Deputy Editor, Die Zeit  NL - Netherlands, M.H. the Queen of The  CDN - Nickerson, Ken  iBinary Corp  CDN - Nixon, Gordon  President and CEO, Royal Bank of Canada  N - Norvik, Harald  Chairman & Partner, ECON Management AS  IRL - O'Brien, Denis  Chairman, Communicorp Group Ltd.  PL - Olechowski, Adnrzej  Leader Civic Platform  FIN - Ollila, Jorma  Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc  GB - Osborne, George  Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer  TR - Özel, Soli  Professor of International Relations and Political Sience, Istanbul Bilgi University  I - Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso  Minister of Finance  USA - Pataki, George E.  Governor of New York State  USA - Pearlstine, Norman  Senior Advisor, Time Warner Inc.  USA - Pei, Minxin  Director, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  USA - Perle, Richard N.  Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research  D - Pflüger, Friedberg  State Secretary of Defence  INT - Piebalgs, Andris  Commissioner, European Commission  F - Pinault, François-Henri  President, Artemis; Chairman and CEO, PPR Group  CDN - Prichard, J. Robert S.  Preisdent, Torstar Corporation  USA - Rattner, Steven  Managing Principal, Quadrangle Group LLC  S - Reinfeldt, Fredrik  Chairman Conservative Party  CDN - Reisman, Heather  Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.  USA - Rockefeller, David  Former Member, JP Morgan International Council  E - Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías  Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander, Ciudad Grupo Santander  USA - Ross, Dennis B.  Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy  F - Roy, Oliver  Senior Researcher, French National Center for Scientific Research  USA - Roy, J. Stapleton  Managing Director, Kissinger Associates, Inc.  USA - Sadjapour, Karim  Analyst, International Crisis Group  USA - Sant, Roger  Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus, The AES Corporation The Summit Foundation  IRN - Sariolghalam, Mahmood  Associate Professor of International Relations, School of Economic and Political Sciences, National University of Iran (Shahid Beheshti)  I - Scaroni, Paolo  CEO, Eni S.p.A.  D - Schily, Otto  Former Minister of Interior Affairs; Member of Parliament; Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs  A - Scholten, Rudolf  Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Österreichische Kontrollbank AG  D - Schrempp, Jürgen E.  Former Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG  D - Schulz, Ekkehard D.  Chairman, ThyssenKrupp AG  DK - Seidenfaden, Tøger  Executive Editor-in-Chief, Politiken  P - Silva, Augusto Santos  Minister for Parliamentary Affairs  USA - Steinberg, James B.  Dean, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas  S - Stråberg, Hans  President and CEO, AB Electrolux  IRL - Sutherland, Peter D.  Chariman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International  I - Tremonti, Giulio  Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies  GR - Tsoukalis, Loukas  President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)  NL - Verhagen, Maxime J.M.  Parliamentary Leader, Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA)  USA - Vinocur, John  Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune  S - Wallenberg, Jacob  Chairman, Investor AB  CDN - Waugh, Richard E.  President and CEO, Bank of Nova Scotia  NL - Wellink, A.H.E.M.  President, De Nederlandsche Bank  GB - Wolf, Martin H.  Associate Editor and Economics Conmmentator, The Financial Times  USA - Wolfensohn, James D.  Special Envoy for the Gaza Disengagement  USA - Zelikow, Philip D.  Counselor of the Department, US Department of State  CHN - Zhang, Yi  Deputy Secretary General, China Society for Strategy and Management Research  USA - Zoellick, Robert B.  Deputy Secretary of State  D - Zumwinkel, Klaus  Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Post AG Rapporteurs  GB - Bredow, Vendelin von  Paris Correspondent, The Economist  GB - Wooldridge, Adrian D.  Foreign Correspondent, The Economist  	  	2005 	  	 BILDERBERG MEETINGS Rottach-Egern, Germany 5-8 May 2005    On the 2005 agenda: Iran, Iraq, The Middle East, Non-Proliferation, Asia, Economic Problems, Russia, European-American relations.  LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Honorary Chairman  B, Davignon, Etienne, Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel Honorary Secretary General  GB, Taylor, J. Martin, International Advisor, Goldman Sachs International  NL, Aartsen, Jozias J. van, Parliamentary Leader, Liberal Party (VVD)  PNA, Abu-Amr, Ziad, Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council; President of the Palestinian Council on Foreign Relations; Professor of Political Science, Birzeit University  D, Ackermann, Josef, Chairman, Group Executive Committee. Deutsche Bank AG  INT, Almunia Amann, Joaquin, Commissioner, European Commission  GR, Alogoskoufis, George, Minister of Economy and Finance  TR, Babacan, Ali, Minister of Economic Affairs  P, Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister  INT, Barroso. José M. Durão, President, European Commission  S, Belfrage, Erik, Senior Vice President, SEB  I, Bernabè, Franco, Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe  F, Beytout, Nicolas, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro  A, Bronner, Oscar, Publisher and Editor, Der Standard  GB, Browne, John, Group Chief Executive, BP plc  D, Burda, Hubert, Chairman of the Board of Management, Hubert Burda Media  IRL, Byrne, David, WHO Special Envoy on Global Cornmunicable Diseases; Former Commissioner, European Commission  F, Camus, Philippe, CEO, EADS  F, Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Board, AXA  E, Cebrián. Juan Luis, CEO, PRISA  USA, Collins, Timothy C., Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC  F, Collomb, Bertrand, Chairman, Lafarge  CH, Couchepin, Pascal, Head, Department of Home Affairs  GR, David, George A., Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.  F, Delpech, Thérèse, Director for Strategic Affairs, Atomic Energy Commission  GR, Diamantopoulou, Anna, Member of Parliament  NL, Docters van Leeuwen, Arthur W.H., Chairman of the Executive Board, Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets  USA, Donilon, Thomas E., Partner, O’Melveny & Myers  D, Döpfner, Mathias, CEO, Axel Springer AG  DK, Eldrup, Anders, President, DONG A/S  I, Elkann, John, Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.  USA, Feldstein, Martin S, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research  USA, Ford, Jr., William C., Chairman and CEO, Ford Motor Company  USA, Geithner, Timothy F., President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York  TR, Gencer, Imregul, Member of the Board, Global Investment Holding  ISR, Gilady, Eival, Strategic Advisor to Prime Minister Sharon  IRL, Gleeson, Dermot, Chairman, AIB Group  USA, Graham, Donald E., Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company  N, Grydeland, Bjørn T., Ambassador to the EU  P, Guterres, António, Former Prime Minister; President, Socialist International  USA, Haass, Richard N., President, Council on Foreign Relations  NL, Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University  B,  Hansen, Jean-Pierre, CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A.  A, Haselsteiner, Hans Peter, CEO, Bauholding Strabag SE (Societas Europea)  DK, Hedegaard, Connie, Minister for the Environment  USA, Holbrooke, Richard C., Vice Chairman, Perseus  INT, Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de Secretary General, NATO  USA, Hubbard, Allan B., Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council  B, Huyghebaert, Jan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group  USA, Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus LLC  INT, Jones, James L., Supreme Allied Commander Euope, SHAPE  USA, Jordan, Jr.,Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC  USA, Keane, John M., President, GSI, LLC; General, US Army, Retired  GB, Kerr, John, Director, Shell, Rio Tinto, Scottish Americal Investment Trust  USA, Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.  D, Kleinfeld, Klaus, President and CEO, Siemens AG  TR, Koç, Mustafa V., Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.  D, Kopper, Hilmar, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, DaimlerChrysler AG  F, Kouchner, Bernard, Director, "Santé et développement", CNAM  USA, Kravis, Henry R., Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.  USA, Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.  INT, Kroes, Neelie, Commissioner, European Commission  CH, Kudelski, André, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Kudelski Group  F, Lamy, Pascal, President, Notre Europe; Former Commissioner, European Commission  USA, Ledeen, Michael A., American Enterprise Institute  FIN, Liikanen, Erkki, Govemor and Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland  N, Lundestad, Geir, Director, Norwegian Nobel Institute; Secretary, Norwegian Nobel Committee  USA, Luti, William J., Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs  DK, Lykketoft, Mogens, Chairman, Social Democratic Party  CDN, Manji, Irshad, Author/Founder of "Project Ijtihad”  USA, Mathews, Jessica T., President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  CDN, Mau, Bruce, Bruce Mau Design  CDN, McKenna, Frank, Ambasssador to the US  USA, Medish, Mark C., Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP  USA, Mehlman,  Kenneth B., Chairman, Republican National Committee  D, Merkel, Angela, Chairman, CDU; Chairman CDU/CSU-Fraction  SVK, Miklos, Ivan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance  F, Montbrial, Thierry de, President, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)  INT, Monti, Mario, President, Bocconi University; Former Commissioner for Competition, European Commission  CDN, Munroe-Blum, Heather, Principal and Vice Chancellor, McGill University  N, Myklebust, Egil, Chairman of the Board of Directors, SAS  D, Nass, Matthias, Deputy Editor, Die Zeit  RUS, Nemirovskaya, Elena, Founder and Director, Moscow School of Political Studies  NL, Netherlands, H.M. tihe Queen of The  PL, Olechowski, Andrzej, Leader Civic Platform  FIN, Ollila, Jorma, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation  INT, Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank  E, Palacio, Loyola de, President, Council on Foreign Relations, Partido Popular  GR, Papandreou, George A., President, Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK)  USA, Pearl, Frank H., Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC  USA, Pearlstine, Norman, Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc.  FIN, Pentikäinen, Mikael, President, Sanoma Corporation  USA, Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research  D, Pflüger, Friedbert, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion  B, Philippe, H.R.H. Prince  CDN, Prichard, J. Robert S., President. Torstar Media Group and CEO, Torstar Corporation  IN'T, Rato y Figaredo, Rodrigo de, Managing Director, IMF  CDN, Reisman, Heather, President and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.  USA, Rockefeller, David, Member, JP Morgan International Council  USA, Rodin, Judith, President, The Rockefeller Foundation  E, Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias, Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander  USA, Ross, Dennis B., Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy  F, Roy, Olivier, Senior Researcher, CNRS  P, Sarmento, Nuno Morais, Former Minister of State and of Presidency; Member of Parliament  I, Scaroni, Paolo, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Enel S.p.A.  D, Schily, Otto, Minister of the Interior  A, Scholten, Rudolf, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG  D, Schrempp , Jürgen E., Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG  D, Schulz, Ekkehard D., Chairman of the Executive Board, ThyssenKrupp AG  E, Sebastián Gascón, Miguel, Chief Economic Adviser to Prime Minister  ISR, Sharansky, Natan, Former Minister for Jerusalem & Diaspora Affairs  I, Siniscalco, Domenico, Minister for Economy and Finance  GB, Skidelsky, Robert, Professor of Political Economy, Warwick University  E, Spain, H.M. the Queen of  IRL, Sutherland, Peter D., Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP p.l.c.  PL, Szwajcowski, Jacek, CEO, Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna  FIN, Tiilikainen, Teija H., Director, University of Helsinki, Network for European Studies  NL, Tilmant, Michel, Chairman, ING N.V.  INT, Trichet, Jean-Claude, Governor, European Central Bank  TR, Ülsever, Cüneyt, Columnist, Hürriyet  CH, Vasella, Daniel L., Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG  NL, Veer, Jeroen van der, Chairman Committee of.Managing Directors, Royal Dutch Shell Group  USA, Vinocur, John, Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune  S, Wallenberg, Jacob, Chairman of the Board, Investor AB; Vice-Chairman, SEB  USA, Warner, Mark R., Governor of Virginia  GB, Weinberg, Peter, CEO, Goldman Sachs International  D, Wissmann, Matthias, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion  GB, Wolf, Martin H., Asscociate Editor and Economics Commentator, The Financial Times  INT/USA, Wolfensohn, James D., President, The World Bank  USA, Wolfowitz, Paul, President designate, The World Bank  USA, Zakaria, Fareed, Editor, Newsweek International  D, Zumwinkel, Klaus, Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Post AG Rapporteurs  GB, Micklethwait, R., John, United States Editor, The Economist  GB, Wooldridge, Adrian D., Foreign Correspondent, The Economist  	  	2005 	  	 BILDERBERG 2004  CURRENT LIST OF PARTICIPANTS  S T R I C T L Y   C O N F I D E N T I A L  Honorary Chairman - Davignon, Etienne - Vice-Chairman, Suez-Tractebel  Honorary Secretary General - Taylor, Martin - International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International  Nationalities of participants followed by names and partial portfolios  N - Auser, Svein - CEO, DnB NOR ASA  D - Ackermann, Josef - Chairman, Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG; Member of supervisory boards Siemens AG. & Bayer AG; Director, World Trade Center Memorial Foundation   I - Ambrosetti, Alfredo - Chairman, Abbrosetti Group  TR - Babacan, Ali - Minister of Economic Affairs  P - Balsemao, Francisco Pinto - Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, SGPS, Former Prime Minister  ISR - Barnavie, Elie - Department of General History, Tel-Aviv University  I - Benedetti, Rodolfo De - CEO, CIR  I - Bernabe, Franco - Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe  F - Beytout, Nicolas - Editor In Chief, Les Echos  INT - Bolkestein, Frits - Commissioner for the Internal Market, European Commission, former leader of Dutch right wing Liberal Party VVD.  USA - Boot, Max - Neoconservative, Council on foreign Relations, Features Editor, Wall Street Journal  CH - Borel, Daniel - Chairman, Logitech International S.A.  I - Bortoli, Ferrucio de - CEO, RCS Libri  S - Brock, Gunnar - CEO, Atlas Copco AB  GB - Browne, John - Group Chief Executive, BP plc  NL - Burgmans, Antony - Chairman, Unilever NV  F - Camus, Phillipe - CEO, European Aeronautic Defence and Space NV  I - Caracciolo, Lucio - Director, Limes Geopolitical Review  F - Castries, Henri de - Chairman, AXA Insurance  E - Cebrian, Juan Luis - CEO, PRISA (Spanish language media company), former Chairman, International Press Institute  TR - Cemal, Hasan - Senior Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper  GB - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament (Con.), Deputy Chairman, British American Tobacco  USA - Collins, Timothy C - MD and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings LLC, Yale School of Management, Trilateral Commission  USA - Corzine, Jon S. - Senator (D, New Jersey), Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs  CH - Couchepin, Pascal - Former Swiss President, Head of Home affairs Dept.  GR - David, George A. - Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA  B - Dehaene, Jean-Luc - Former Prime Minister, Mayor of Vilvoorde  TR - Dervis, Kemal - Member of Parliament, former senior World bank official  GR - Diamantopoulou, Anna - Member of Parliament, former European Commissioner for Social Affairs  USA - Donilon, Thomas L - Vice-President, Fannie Mae, Council on Foreign Relations  I - Draghi, Mario - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs  USA - Edwards, John - Senator (D. North Carolina), Democratic Presidential Candidate  DK - Eldrup, Anders - Chairman, DONG gas company (becoming privatised) A/S  DK - Federspiel, Ulrik - Ambassador to the USA  USA - Feith, Douglas J. - Undersecretary for Policy, Department of Defense  I - Galateri, Gabriele - Chairman, Mediobanca  USA - Gates, Melinda F. - Co-Founder, Gates Foundation, wife of Bill Gates  USA - Geithner, Timothy F. - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York  I - Giavazzi, Francesco - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University; adviser, world bank and European Central bank  IRL - Gleeson, Dermot - Chairman Allied Irish Bank Group (currently being investigated for personal and corporate tax evasion)  USA - Graham, Donald E. - Chairman and CEO, Washington Post Company  USA - Haas, Richard N. - President, Council on Foreign Relations, former Director of Policy and Planning staff, State Department  NL - Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University  B - Hansen, Jean-Pierre - Chairman, Suez Tractabel SA  S - Heikensten, Lars - Governor, Swedish Central Bank  USA - Holbrooke, Richard C - Vice Chairman, Perseus, former Director, Council on Foreign Relations, former Assistant Secretary of State  USA - Hubbard, Allen B - President E&A Industries  USA - Issacson, Walter - President and CEO, Aspen Institute  USA - Janow, Merit L. - Professor, International Economic Law and International Affairs, Columbia University, member of apellate body, WTO  USA - Jordan, Vernon E. Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co LLC  USA - Kagan, Robert - Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  GB - Kerr, John - Director, Shell, Rio Tinto and Scottish American Investment Trust, former secretary of European Constitution Commission  USA - Kissinger Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.  TR - Koc, Mustafa V. - Chairman, Koc Holdings AS  NL - Koenders, Bert (AG) - Member of Parliament, president, Parliamentary Network of the World Bank  USA - Kovner, Bruce - Chairman Caxton Associates LLC, Chairman, American Enterprise Institute  USA - Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., acquisitions financier  USA - Kravis, Marie Josee - Senoir Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.  FIN -  Lehtomaki, Paula - Minister of Foreigh Trade and Development  FIN - Lipponen, Paavo - Speaker of Parliament; former Prime Minister  CHN - Long, Yongtu - Secretary General, Boao forum for Asia - [actually his name shouiuld read "Tu, Yonglong" the Bilderberg secretariat mistyped it]  P - Lopes, Pedro M. Santana - Mayor of Lisbon  USA - Luti, William J. - Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs  CDN - Lynch, Kevin G. - Deputy Minister, Department of Finance  USA - Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International War Peace  USA - McDonough, William J. - Cahirman and CEO, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, former president, Federal Reserve Bank of New York   CDN - McKenna, Frank - Counsel, McInnes Cooper, former premier of New Brunswick  I - Merlini, Cesare - Executive Vice Chairman, Council for the United States and Italy, Council on Foreign Relations, former director, Italian Institute for International Affairs  F - Montbrial, Thierry de - President, French Institute of International Relations  INT - Monti, Mario - Competition/Antitrust Commissioner, European Commission  USA - Mundie, Craig J. - Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policies, Microsoft Corporation  N - Myklebust, Egil - Chairman, Scandinavian Airline System (SAS)  D - Naas, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit  NL - Netherlands, Beatrix HM Queen of The - Lady Shell, nuff said  GB - Neville-Jones, Pauline - Chairman, QuinetiQ (UK privatised military research/services company), governor of the BBC, Chairman Information Assurance Advisory Council, formar Chairman Joint Intelligence Committee, former Managing Director NatWest Markets  USA - Nooyi, Indra K. - President  and CEO, PepsiCo Inc.  PL - Olechowski, Andrzej - Leader, Civic Platform  FIN - Ollila, Jorma - Chairman, Nokia Corporation  INT - Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Director, European Central Bank  CY - Pantelides, Leonidas - Ambassoador to Greece  I - Passera, Corrado - CEO, Banca Intesa SpA  USA - Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, former Likud policy adviser, former chair Defence Policy Board, former co-chairman, Hollinger Digital  B - Phillipe, HRH Prince  USA - Reed, Ralph E. - President, Century Strategies  CDN - Reisman, Heather - President and CEO, Indigo Books and Music Inc.  I - Riotta, Gianni - Editorialist, Corriere della Serra  USA - Rockefeller, David - Member JP Morgan International Council, Chairman, Council of the Americas  E - Riodriguez Inearte, Matias - Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander  USA - Ross, Dennis B - Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy  D - Sandschneider, Eberhard - Director, Research Institute, German Society for Foreign Policy  I - Scaroni, Paolo - CEO, Enel SpA  D - Schilly, Otto - Minister of the Interior  USA - Schnabel, Rockwell A. - Ambassador to the EU  A - Scholten, Rudolf - Director, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG  D - Schrempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman, DaimlerChrysler AG  E - Serra Rexach, Eduardo - Head, Real Institute Elcano  RUS - Shevtsova, Lilia - Senior Associate. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  PL - Sikora, Slawomir - President and CEO, Citibank Handlowy  I - Siniscalo, Domenico - Director General Ministry of the Economy  P - Socrates, Jose - Member of Parliament  USA - Strmecki, Marin J. - Smith Richardson Foundation  B - Struye de Swielande, Dominique - Permanant repressentative of Belguim, NATO  IRL - Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman, Goldman Sachs International, Chairman, BP plc  USA - Thornton, John L. - Chairman, Brookings Institution, Professor, Tsinghua University  I - Tremonti, Giulio - Minister of Economy and Finance  INT - Trichet, Jean-Claude - President, European Central Bank  I - Tronchetti Provera, Marco - Chairman and CEO, Pirelli SpA  N - Underdal, Arild - Rector, University of Oslo  CH - Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG  NL - Veer, Jeroen van der - Chairman, Committee of Managing Directors, Royal Dutch/Shell  GB - Verwaayen, Ben J. M. - CEO, British Telecom; former director, Lucent Technologies  I - Visco, Ignazio - Foriegn Affairs Manager, Banca D'Italia  INT - Vitorino, Antonio M. - Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner, European Union  INT - Vries, Gijs M. de - EU Counter Terrorism Co-ordinator  S - Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman, SEB investments (including biotech); Chairman, W Capital Management AB  D - Weber, Jurgen - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutche Lufthansa AG  GB/USA - Weinberg, Peter - CEO, Goldman Sachs International  NL - Wijers, Hans - Chairman, AkzoNobel NV  D - Wissmann, Matthias - Member of Parliament  GB - Wolf, Martin H. - Associate Editor/Economic Commentator, The Financial Times  INT/USA - Wolfenson, James D. - President, The World Bank  RUS - Yavlinsky, Grigory A. - Member of Parliament  USA - Yergin, Daniel - Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates  D - Zumwinkel, Klaus - Chairman, Deutche Post Worldnet AG; Chairman, Deutche Telekom  Rapporteurs  GB - Rachman, Gideon - Brussels Correspondent, The Economist  GB - Wooldridge, Adrian D. - Foreign Correspondant, The Economist  	  	2003 	  	 BILDERBERG MEETINGS Versailles, France, 15-18th May 2003 CURRENT LIST OF PARTICIPANTS    B - Honorary Chairman - Davignon, Etienne - Vice-Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique  GB - Honorary Secretary General - Taylor. J Martin - Chairman WH Smith PLC; International advisor, Goldman Sachs International  F - Adler, Alexandre - Editorial counsel, Le Figaro (*)  I - Ambrosetti, Alfredo - Chairman Ambrosetti Group  TR - Babacan, Ali - Minister of Economic Affairs  GR - Bakoyannis, Dora - Mayor of Athens  GB - Balls, Edward - Chief Economic Advisor to the Treasury  P - Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister  P - Barroso, José M. Durão - Prime Minister  TR - Bayar, Mehmet A. - Deputy Chairman of DYP (True Path Party)  A - Becker, Erich - Chairman of the Managing Board and CEO, VA Technologie AG  I -  Bendetti, Rodolfo de - Managing Director CIR S.p.A.  I - Bernabè, Franco - Chairman Franco Bernabe & C. S.p.A.  F - Beytout, Nicolas - Editor-in-Chief, Les Echos  KW - Bishara, Ahmad E. - Secretary General of Kuwait's liberal National Democratic Party  CDN - Black, Conrad M. - Chairman, Telegraph Group Limited  INT - Bolkestein, Frits - Internal Markets Commissioner, European Commission  USA - Bolton, John R. - Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security  F - Bon, Michel - Honorary Chairman, France Telecom  F - Bruguière, Jean-Louis - First Vice President, Justice Department  D - Burda, Hubert - Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding GmbH & Co.  F - Camus, Phillipe - CEO, European Aeronautics Defence and Space company European Aeronautics Defence and Space company (EADS)  INT - Cary, Anthony J. - Head of Christopher Patten's cabinet, EU. [Patten is European Commissioner for Enlargement]   F - Castries, Henri de - Chairman of the Board, AXA  E - Cebrián, Juan Luis - CEO, PRISA  B - Claes, Willy - Minister of State [Willy Claes is not now a Belgian Minister but former Belgian Foreign Minister and former Secretary General of NATO 1994-1995 - now disgraced - TG]  GB - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament, [former Chancellor of the Exchequer]  USA - Collins, Timothy C. - Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings LLC  F - Collomb, Bertrand - Chairman and CEO, Lafarge  F - Copé, Jean-François - Secretary of State in charge of relations with Parliament; Government Spokesman  USA - Corzine, Jon S. - Senator (D, New Jersey)  S - Dahlbäck, Claes - Chairman, Investor AB  GR - David, George A. - Chairman of the Board, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.  USA - Donilon, Thomas E. - Executive Vice President, Fannie Mae  I - Draghi, Mario - Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International  DK - Eldrup, Anders - CEO, Danish Oil and Gas Corporation  USA - Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research  CDN - Fell, Anthony S. - Chairman, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.  USA - Friedman, Thomas L. - Foreign Affairs Columnist, The New York Times  F - Gergorin, Jean-Luis - Executive Vice President, Strategic Coordination, European Aeronautics Defence and Space company (EADS)  USA - Gigot, Paul A. - Editorial page editor, The Wall Street Journal  F - Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry - French President 1974-81; Chairman of the Convention on the Future of Europe  N - Gjedrem, Svein - Governor, Central Bank of Norway  IRL - Gleeson, Dermot - Chairman designate, Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.  GB - Gould, Philip - Public Relations Adviser to Prime Minister Blair  USA - Haass, Richard N. - Director, Office of Policy Planning Staff, State Department  NL - Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings  CDN - Harper, Stephen - Leader of the Opposition  USA - Hertog, Roger - Vice-Chairman, Alliance Capital Management  NL - Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de - Minister for Foreign Affairs  USA - Hubbard, Allan B. - President, E&A Industries  USA - Hubbard, R. Glenn - Russell L. Carson Professor of Economics and Finance, Columbia University  USA - Johnson, James A. - Vice Chairman, Perseus L.L.C.  USA - Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. L.L.C.  CH - Kielholz, Walter B. - Former Chairman of the Board, Credit Suisse; Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Swiss Re  GB - King, Mervyn A. - Deputy Governor, Bank of England  USA - Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.; Member, Defense Policy Board; Member J.P. Morgan International Council  FIN - Kivinen, Olli - Senior Editor & Columnist, Helsingin Sanomat  NL - Kok, Wim - Former Prime Minister  D - Kopper, Hilmar - Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG  USA - Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.  USA - Kravis, Marie-Joseé - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.  INT - Lamy, Pascal - Trade Commissioner, European Commission  F - Lellouche, Pierre - Vice Chairman, NATO Parliamentary Assembly (**)  F - Lévy-Lang, André - Former Chairman, Paribas  S - Lindh, Anna - Minister for Foreign Affairs  FIN - Lipponen, Paavo - Former Prime Minister; Speaker of the Parliament  DK - Lykketoft, Mogens - Chairman, Social Democrat Party  CDN - MacMillan, Margaret O. - Provost, Trinity College, University of Toronto  RUS - Margelov, Mikhail V. - Chairman, Committee for Foreign Affairs, Council of Federation  F - Montbrial, Thierry de - President, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)  INT - Monti, Mario - Competition Commissioner, European Commission  USA - Mundie, Craig J. - Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation  N - Myklebust, Egil - Chairman, Norsk Hydro ASA  D - Naas, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit  NL - Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the [Queen Beatrix - Royal Dutch Shell]  PL - Olechowski, Andrzej - Leader, Civic Platform  FIN - Ollila, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation  INT - Padoa-Schioppa, Thomasso - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank  I - Panara, Marco - Journalist, La Republica  I - Passera, Corrado - Managing Director, Banca IntesaBCI  USA - Perkovich, George - Vice President for Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  USA - Perle, Richard N. - Member, Defense Policy Board ; Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) for Public Policy Research; member Project for a New American Century (PNAC)   B - Philippe, H.R.H. Prince - Crown Prince of Belgium  I - Poli, Roberto - Chairman, Eni S.p.A.  F - Ranque, Denis - Chairman and CEO, Thales Aerospace and Defence  DK - Rasmussen, Anders Fogh - Prime Minister  CDN - Reisman, Heather - President and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.  F - Riboud, Franck - Chairman and CEO, Danone Foods  CH - Ringier, Michael - CEO, Ringier AG  USA - Rockefeller, David - Member, J.P. Morgan International Council  P - Rodrigues, Eduardo Ferro - Leader of the Socialist Party; Member of Parliament  E - Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias - Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Santander Central Hispano  F - Roy, Olivier - Senior Researcher, CNRS  USA - Ruggie, John - Director, Center for Business and Government, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University  NL - Ruys, Anthony - Chairman of the Board, Heineken N.V.  TR - Sanberk, Özdem - Director, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation  I - Scaroni, Paolo - Managing Director, Enel S.p.A.  D - Schäuble, Wolfgang - Deputy Parliamentary Leader, CDU/CSU Group  D - Schily, Otto - Minister of the Interior  A - Scholten, Rudolf - Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG  D - Schrempp, Jurgen E - Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler Chrysler AG  INT - Schwab, Klaus - President, World Economic Forum  DK - Seidenfaden, Toger - Editor in Chief, Politiken  RUS - Shevtsova, Lilia - Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  E - Spain, H.M. the Queen of   [King Juan Carlos (see photo) arrived with the queen, but he is not on this list]  USA - Steinberg, James B. - Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy Studies Program, The Brookings Institution  CDN - Steyn, Mark - Journalist for various publications  IRL - Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP Amoco  USA - Thornton, John L. - President and CEO, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.  F - Trichet, Jean Claude - Governor, Banque de France  GR - Tsoukalis, Loukas - Professor, University of Athens; President Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy  A - Trumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude - Vice Governor, Central Bank of Austria  CH - Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG  NL - Veer, Jeroen van der - President, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company; Vice Chairman of the Committee of Managing Directors of Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies  F - Villin, Philippe - Vice Chairman, Lehman Brothers Europe  NL - Vries, Klaas de - Member of Parliament (Labour); Former Minister of the Interior  FIN - Whalroos, Björn - President and CEO, Sampo plc.  S - Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinavivska Enskilda Banken  GB - Williams, Gareth - Leader of the House of Lords  GB - Wolf, Martin H. - Associate Editor/Economics Commentator, The Financial Times  USA/INT - Wolfensohn, James D. - President, The World Bank  USA - Wolfowitz, Paul - Deputy Secretary of Defense, US Department of Defense  USA - Zakaria, Fareed - Editor, Newsweek International  USA - Zoellick, Robert - Principal Trade Adviser to the President  D - Zumwinkel, Klaus - Chairman, Deutsche Post Worldnet AG  Rapporteurs  GB - Micklethwait, R. John - United States Editor, The Economist  GB - Rachman, Gideon - Brussels Correspondent, The Economist  	  	2002 	  	 BILDERBERG MEETINGS Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A. 30 May - 2 June 2002  FINAL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS   Honorary Chairman Davignon, Etienne Vice Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique  USA  Allaire, Paul A. - Former Chairman and CEO, Xerox Corporation  CDN  Baillie, A. Charles - Chairman and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group  GB  Balls, Edward - Chief Economic Advisor to the Treasury  P  Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman of IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.  F  Belot, Jean de - Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro  USA  Bergsten, C. Fred - Director, Institute for International Economics  N  Bernander, John G. - Director General, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation  CDN  Black, Conrad M. - Chairman, Telegraph Group Ltd.  INT  Bolkestein, Frits - Commissioner, European Commission  P  Borges, António - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs  USA  Boyd, Charles G. - President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security  F  Castries, Henri de - Chairman of the Board, AXA  E  Cebrián, Juan Luis - CEO, Prisa (El Pais)  F  Collomb, Bertrand - Chairman and CEO, Lafarge  CH  Couchepin, Pascal - Federal Councillor; Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs  GB  Dahrendorf, Ralf - Member, House of Lords; Former Warden, St. Antony's College, Oxford  USA  Dam, Kenneth W. - Deputy Secretary, US Department of Treasury  GR  David, George A. - Chairman of the Board, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.  USA  David-Weill, Michel A. - Chairman, Lazard Frères & Co.  TR  Dervis, Kemal - Minister of Economic Affairs  USA  Deutch, John M. - Institute Professor, MIT  USA  Dinh, Viet D. Assistant Attorney General for Office of Policy Development  USA  Donilon, Thomas E. - Executive Vice President, Fannie Mae  I  Draghi, Mario - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International [Chairman of the Deputies of the Group of Ten, Bank of International Settlements]  USA  Eizenstat, Stuart - Covington & Burling  DK  Eldrup, Anders - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Danish Oil & Gas Consortium  USA  Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO, NAtional Bureau of Economic Research  P  Ferreira, Elisa Guimarães - Member of Parliament, Former Minister of Planning  USA  Foley, Thomas S. - Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld  INT  Fortescue, Adrian - Director General, Justice and Internal Affairs, European Commission  CDN  Frum, David - American Enterprise Institute; Former Special Assistant to President Bush  F  Gergorin, Jean-Louis - Executive Vice President, Strategic Coordination, EADS  USA  Gigot, Paul A. - Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal  USA  Greenspan, Alan - Chairman, Federal Reserve System  NL  Groenink, Rijkman W.J. - Chairman of the Board, ABN AMRO Bank N.V.  A  Gusenbauer, Alfred - Member of Parliament; Chairman, Social Democratic Party  NL  Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings  USA  Hills, Carla A. - Chairman and CEO, Hills & Company, International Consultants  USA  Hoagland, Jim - Associate Editor, The Washington Post  USA  Hubbard, Allan B. - President, E&A Industries  USA  Hutchison, Kay Bailey - Senator (Republican, Texas)  B  Huyghebaert, Jan - Chairman, Almanij N.V.  D  Ischinger, Wolfgang - Ambassador to the US  USA  James, Charles A. - Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust  USA  Johnson, James A. - Vice Chairman, Perseus, L.L.C.  USA  Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC  USA  Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.  NL  Kist, Ewald - Chairman of the Board ING N.V.  NL  Kleisterlee, Gerard J. - President and CEO, Royal Philips Elecronics  D  Kopper, Hilmar - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG  USA  Krauthammer, Charles - Columnist, The Washington Post  USA  Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.  USA  Kravis, Marie-Josée - Senior Fellow - Hudson Institute Inc.  CH  Kudelski, André - Chairman of the Board & CEO, Kudelski Group  USA  LaFalce, John J. - Congressman (Democrat, New York)  USA  Leschly, Jan - Chairman & CEO, Care Capital LLC  F  Lévy-Lang, André - Former Chairman, Paribas  B  Lippens, Maurice - Chairman, Fortis  USA  Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  USA  McAuliffe, Terry - Chairman, Democratic National Committee  USA  McDonough, William J. - President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York  E  Miguel, Ramón de - Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs  USA  Mitchell, Andrea - Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondant, NBC News  F  Moïsi, Dominique - Deputy Director, French Institute of International Relations  F  Montbrial, Thierry de - Director, French Institute of International Relations  USA  Moskow, Michael H. - President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago  N  Myklebust, Egil - Chairman, Norsk Hydro ASA  FIN  Ollila, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation  TR  Özaydinlí, Bulend - CEO, Koç Holding A.S.  INT  Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank  GR  Papahelas, Alexis - Foreign policy columnist. TO VIMA  USA  Pearl, Frank H. - Chairman and CEO, Perseus, L.L.C.  USA  Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research  D  Polenz, Ruprecht - Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU  USA  Prestowitz, Jr., Clyde V. - President, Economic Strategy Institute  USA  Racicot, Mark - Chairman, Republican National Committee  USA  Raines, Franklin D. - Chairman and CEO, Fannie Mae  A  Randa, Gerhard - Chairman and CEO, Bank Austria AG  USA  Rattner, Steven - Managing Principal, Quadrangle Group LLC  CDN  Reisman, Heather - President and CEO, Indigo Books and Music Inc.  USA  Rockefeller, David - Member, JP Morgan International Council  E  Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías - Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Santander Central Hispano  GB  Roll, Eric - Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg Ltd.  USA  Rose, Charlie - Producer, Rose Communications  F  Roy, Olivier - University Professor and Researcher, CNRS  USA  Rumsfeld, Donald H. - Secretary of Defense  TR  Sanberk, Özdem - Director, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation  D  Schrempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG  D  Schulz, Ekkehard - Chairman, ThyssenKrupp AG  F  Schweitzer, Louis - Chairman and CEO, Renault S.A.  DK  Seidenfaden, Tøger - Editor-in-Chief, Politiken  F  Seillière, Ernest-Antoine - Chairman and CEO, CGIP  RUS  Shevtsova, Lilia - Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center  USA  Siegman, Henry - Council on Foreign Relations  USA  Soros, George - Chairman, Soros Fund Management  USA  Steinberg, James B. - Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy Studies Program  N  Stoltenberg, Jens - Leader of the Opposition (Social Democratic Party)  USA  Summers, Lawrence H. - President, Harvard University  IRL  Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman BP Amoco  FIN  Taxell, Christoffer - President and CEO, Partek Oyj  USA  Thoman, G. Richard - Senior Advisor, Evercore Partners Inc.  USA  Thornton, John L. - President and co-CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group Inc.  FIN  Tiilikainen, Teija H. - Director of Research, Centre for European Studies  S  Treschow, Michael - Chairman, Ericsson  F  Trichet, Jean-Claude - Governor, Banque de France  CH  Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG  USA  Vink, Lodewijk J. R. de - Chairman, Global Health Care Partners; Credit Suisse First  A  Vranitzky, Franz - Former Federal Chancellor  S  Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken  CDN  Whyte, Kenneth - Editor, The National Post  GB  Williams, Gareth - Leader, House of Lords; Member of the Cabinet  INT  Wolfensohn, James D. - President, The World Bank  D  Zumwinkel, Klaus - Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Post AG  	  	2001 	  	 BILDERBERG MEETINGS Stenungsund, Sweden 24-27May 2001 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS   Honorary Secretary General - Taylor, Martin J Honorary Chairman - Davignon, Etienne  USA. Allaire, Paul A. - Chairman of the board of directors and CEO, Xerox Corporation; member, Council on Foreign Relations  DK.  Andersen, Bodil Nyboe - Governor, Central Bank of Denmark  GB. Balls, Ed - Chief Economic Adviser, Spads, HM Treasury  P. Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor of Communication Science, New University of Lisbon; Chairman, Impresa SGPS; Former Prime Minister.  S. Barnevik, Percy - Chairman, Investor AB and ABB (Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.)  N. Bergesen, Jr. Finn - Administrative director, NHO (Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry)  I. Bernabè, Franco - Chairman, Franco Bernabè Group; International Board of the World Economic Forum; Special Representative of the Government of Italy to the Balkan, Board member of Peres Center for Peace (President - Uri Savir).  F. Beytout, Nicolas - Editor-in-Chief, Les Echos  CDN. Black, Conrad M. - Canada, Chairman and C.E.O., Hollinger International, Inc.; Chairman, Telegraph Group Ltd.  F. Bon, Michel - Chairman and CEO of France Télécom  IRL. Bruton, John - Former Prime Minister of Ireland; Vice Chairperson of the EPP and CDI  D. Burda, Hubert - Germany, Publisher, Burda Verlag (magazines) media  NL. Burgmans, Antony - Netherlands, C.E.O, Unilever NV  E. Cebrián, Juan L. - VC, Sogecable, S.A. (TV Broadcasting); CEO PRISA (El Pais)  F. Collomb, Bertrand - Chairman and CEO, Lafarge; Director, Total Fina Elf Group (petroleum & chemicals), Atco; Supervisory Board, Allianz; Board of Directors, Credit Commercial de France  CH. Couchepin, Pascal - Minister of Economic Affairs; Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Public Economy, (Swiss Federal Councillor)  INT. Courtis, Kenneth S. - Vice President for Asia of Goldman Sachs, (Japan) Inc.; International Research Council of the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CSIS) in Washington and Economic Strategy Institute in Washington.[Canadian]  IRL. Cox, Pat - President of the Liberal Democrat Group (ELDR), European Parliament.  USA. Dam, Kenneth S. - Deputy Secretary designate at US Department of the Treasury; member, Council on Foreign Relations (New York)  B. Davignon, Etienne - Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities  GR. David, George A. - Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA.  USA. Dodd, Christopher J. - Senator, Democratic Party, Connecticut; member, Council on Foreign Relations  USA. Donilon, Thomas E. - Executive Vice President, Law and Policy, FannieMae; member, Council on Foreign Relations  I. Draghi, Mario - President of the Economic and Financial Committee, Council of the EU - Director General, Ministry of the Treasury  USA. Eisenhower, Susan - Tufts University, Asst. Director, Communications and Media Studies; President, the Eisenhower World Affairs Institute  DK. Eldrup, Anders - Permanant Secretary, Ministry of Finance; Danish government representative to SAS (airlines)  TR. Erçel, Gazi - Merkez Bank; former governor Central Bank of Turkey  USA. Feldstein, Martin - Professor of economics at Harvard University; President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research.; member, Council on Foreign Relations  INT. Fischler, Franz - E.U. Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission  USA. Glickman, Dan - Former Secretary of Agriculture; Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld L.L.P.  USA. Graham, Donald E. - Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company  I. Gros-Pietro, Gian Maria - Chairman, ENI S.p.A.( Italian energy group)  USA. Hagel, Chuck - Senator, Republican, Nebraska  NL. Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University; former Honorary Secretary of Bilderberg Meetings  S. Hedelius, Tom C. - Chairman, Svenska Handelsbanken; Vice Chairman of the Board, Ericsson  FIN. Heinonen, Olli-Pekka - Minister of Transport and Communications  N. Heyerdahl, d.y., Jens P. - Group president and CEO, Orkala ASA  N. Höegh, Westye - Chairman of the Board, Leif Hoegh & Co ASA  NL. Hoeven, Cees H. van der - President, Koninklijke Ahold nv  CDN. Hunkin, John - Chairman and C.E.O., Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce  B. Huyghebaert, Jan - Chairman, Almanij NV  S. Johansson, Leif - President and C.E.O., AB Volvo  USA. Johnson, James A. - Johnson Capital; Vice-Chairman Perseus, LLC; member, Council on Foreign Relations  USA. Jordan Jr., Vernon E. - Managing Director, Lazard Freres & co LLC [Senior Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Field is a possible misprint]; member, Council on Foreign Relations  USA. Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.; Former Secretary of State; member, Council on Foreign Relations  D. Kopper, Hilmar - Chairman of Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank A.G.  USA. Kravis, Henry R. - Founding partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.; member, Council on Foreign Relations  USA. Kravis, Marie Josée - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.  INT. Lamy, Pascal - EU, European Trade Commissioner  F. Lévy-Lang, André - Former Chairman, Paribas  USA. Lewis, Bernard - Emeritus Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University; member, Council on Foreign Relations  FIN. Lipponen, Paavo - Prime Minister  CDN. Lord, Bernard - Prime Minister of New Brunswick  CDN. MacMillan, Margaret O. - Editor, International Journal, Canadian Institute of International Affairs  GR. Manos, Stephanos - Member of the Greek Parliament & Former Minister of National Economy; President of the Liberal Party  P. Martins, Guilherme. d'Oliveira. - Minister of Presidency  USA. Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; member, Council on Foreign Relations  NL. Melkert, Ad P.W. - Parliamentary Leader PvdA, (Labour Party)  E. Miguel, Ramon de - Secretary of State for European Affairs  F. Montbrial, Thierry de - Director, French Institute of International Relations  INT. Monti, Mario - European Commissioner for Competition (internal market, financial services, financial integration, customs, taxation)  D. Mosdorf, Siegmar - Secretary of State for Economics and Technology  USA. Moskow, Michael H. - President , Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; member, Council on Foreign Relations  P. Moura, Vasco Graça - Member, European Parliament; 1st Vice President, Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport  CDN. Monroe-Blum, Heather - Vice-President for Research and International Relations, University of Toronto  F. Nallet, Henri - International Secretary, Socialist Party  ISR. Nashashibi, Mohammed - Former Roving Ambassador of the Arab League; Finance Minister for Palestine Authority; Author  D. Nass, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit  NL. Netherlands, Her Majesty the Queen of The - Beatrix, [reputedly the richest woman in the world]  PL. Olechowski, Andrzej - Former presidential candidate; Leader, Civic Platform  FIN. Ollila, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and C.E.O., Nokia Corporation; Member of the board of directors, Ford Motor Company and UPM-Kymmene (large timber/paper company)  NL. Orange, His Royal Highness the Prince of - Willem-Alexander, just married the daughter of an Argentinian fascist.  CH. Ospel, Marcel - President & Group Chief Executive, Union Bank Of Switzerland AG (UBS - total assets $ 1,1 Trillion)  INT. Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank; President of the International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies; Member of the G -7 & G -20 Deputies; Chairman of the G -10 Committee on Payments and Settlement Systems  S. Padgrotsky, Leif - Minister of Trade  USA. Pearl, Frank H. - Chairman & C.E.O of Perseus LLC; Founder & Chairman, Rappahannock Investment Company and Counterpoint Press.  CZ. Pehe, Jiri - Director, New York University, Prague; former advisor to President Havel  USA. Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; Chairman and chief executive officer, Hollinger Digital, Inc.; Director, Jerusalem Post; member, Council on Foreign Relations  GB. Pragnell, Michael P. - CEO Syngenta AG; Director, AstraZeneca plc  USA. Prestowitz Jr., Clyde V. - Founder & President, Economic Strategy Institute (areas of expertise: Globalization, Asia, Technology Policy, Business Strategy); former senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment  A. Raidl, Claus J - CEO and Director, Böhler Uddeholm AG (steel)  S. Ramqvist, Lars - Chairman & C.E.O., Ericsson (world's third largest mobile phone manufacture); Board member, Skandia & Volvo  USA. Rattner, Steven - Investment Banker, Director and Managing Principal Quandrangle Group; US Treasury advisory committee on IMF matters; "old hand" at Davos meetings of the World Economic Forum; Chairman of New York Channel 13; member, Council on Foreign Relations  I. Riotta, Gianni - Co-Editor, La Stampa  INT. Robertson, George - Secretary General, NATO  USA. Rockefeller, David - Chairman of the International Advisory Committee, Chase Manhattan Bank; Member JPMorgan International Council; Founder and Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission; member, Council on Foreign Relations  E. Rodriques Inciarte, Matías - Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Santander Central Hispano  GB. Roll, Eric - Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg Ltd,  TR. Sanberk, Özdem - Turkish Ambassador to the U.K.; Director General, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV)  A. Scholten, Rudolf, A. - Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Österreichische Kontrollbank AG  D. Schrempp, Jürgen E. - Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG  DK. Seidenfaden, Tøger - Editor-in-Chief, Politiken - one of the biggest Danish newspapers  RUS. Shevtsova, Lilia - Carnegie Endowment for International Misery, Visiting Professor, University of California at Berkeley & Cornell University  US/GB. Siedentop, Larry A. - Fellow of Keble College & lecturer on political philosophy at Oxford University; Author of Democracy in Europe  GB. Sieghart, Mary Ann - Editorial writer and assistant editor, Times of London  E.  Spain, Her Majesty the Queen of, - Sofia  GB. Taylor, J. Martin - Chairman, WH Smith PLC, International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International  USA. Thornton, John L. - Director, Ford Motor Co.; President and co-CEO, Goldman Sachs & co Inc.; member, Council on Foreign Relations and the Brookings Institution  S. Treschcow, Michael - President and C.E.O., Electrolux Group AB  F. Trichet, Jean-Claude - Governor, Banque de France  CH. Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman & C.E.O., Novartis AG (Pharmaceuticals)  FIN. Virkkunen, Janne - Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat  S. Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken  S. Wallenberg, Marcus - President and C.E.O, Investor AB; Vice Chairman of the Board, Ericsson  CDN. Whyte, Kenneth - Canada, Editor-in-Chief, The National Post  GB. Wolf, Martin - Associated Editor/Economics Commentator, The Financial Times  D. Wolff von Amerongen, Otto - Chairman and C.E.O., Otto Wolff Industrieberatung und Beteiligungen GmbH.  Rapporteurs  GB. Micklethwait, R John - United Stated Editor, The Economist  GB.Wooldridge, Adrian D - Foreign Corespondent, The Economist  	  	2000 	  	 BILDERBERG MEETINGS Brussels, Belgium 1-3 June 2000 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 3 June 2000    Honorary Chairman:  B, Etienne Davignon; Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique;  Honorary Secretary General:  GB, J. Martin Taylor; Chairman, WH Smith Group PLC, International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International    I, Agnelli, Giovanni; Honourary Chairman, Fiat SpA.  I, Agnelli, Umberto; Chairman, IFIL - Finanziaria di Partecipazioni SpA.  E, Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, Esperenza; President, The Spanish Senate  USA, Allaire, Paul; Chairman of the boardof Directors and CEO, Xerox Corporation  I, Ambrosetti, Alfredo, Ambrosetti Group  DK, Andersen, Bodil Nyboe; Governor, Central Bank of Denmark  CDN, Asper, Israel; Chairman, CanWest Capital Group Inc.  INT, Avery, Graham; Chief Adviser for Enlargement, European Community  P, Balsemão, Francisco Pinto; Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.  S, Barnevik, Percy; Chairman, Investor AB  NL, Benschop, Dick; State Secretary for European Affairs  I, Bernabè, Franco; Special Representative of Italy for Reconstruction Initiatives in the Balkans  D, Betz, Hans-Georg; Visiting Proffessor, European Studies, Centre for European Studies, Columbia and New York Universities  INT, Bildt, Carl; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Balkans, United Nations  CDN, Black, Conrad; Chair, Telegraph Group Ltd.  IRL, Bruton, John; Leader of Fine Gael (Opposition Party)  GB, Buchanan, Robin WT; Senior Partner, Bain & Co Inc.  GB, Clarke, Kenneth; Member of Parliament (Conservative)  TR, Çolakoglu, Nuri; Chairman and CEO, NTV  F, Collomb, Bertrand; Chairman and CEO, Lafarge  D, Cromme, Gerhard; Chairman of the Executive Board, Thyssen Krupp AG  GR, David, George A; Chairman of the Board, Hellenic Bottling Company SA  USA, Deutch, John M, Institute Professor, MIT; Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.)  GR, Diamandouros, P Nikiforos; National Ombudsman  USA, Dodd, Christopher J; Senator (Democrat, Connecticut)  USA, Donilon, Thomas E; Senior Vice-President, General Counsel and Secretary, FannieMae  USA, Dyson, Esther; Chairman, EDventure Holdings Inc.  INT, Fréchette, Louise; Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations  I, Fresco, Paolo; Chairman, Fiat SpA  CDN, Frum, David; Columnist, National Post Newspaper  P, Gouveia, Teresa Patrício; Member of Parliament (PSD)  USA, Graham, Donald E; Publisher, The Washington Post  USA, Hagel, Chuck; Senator (Republican, Nebraska)  NL, Halberstadt, Victor; Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary-General of Bilderberg Meetings  N, Hambro, Christian; Director-General, Research Council of Norway  A, Hampel, Erich; Chairman, Creditanstalt-Bankverein  USA, Hutchison, Kay Bailey; Senator (Republican, Texas)  B, Huyghebaert, Jan; Chairman, Almanij NV  B, Janssen, Daniel E; Chairman, Solvay SA  S, Johansson, Leif; President and CEO, Volvo AB  USA, Johnson, James A; Chairman and CEO, Johnson Capital Partners  USA, Jordan Jr, Vernon E; Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC  TR, Kayhan, Muharrem; Vice-Chairman of the Board, Söktas, Former President, Tusiad  USA, Kissinger, Henry A; Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.  D, Kopper, Hilmar; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG  USA, Kravis, Henry R; Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.  USA, Kravis, Marie-Josée; Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.  INT, Lamy, Pascal; Commissioner, European Commission  F, Lévy-Lang, André; Former Chairman, Paribas  B, Lippens, Maurice; Chairman, FORTIS Bank  FIN, Lipponen, Paavo; Prime Minister  USA, Mathews, Jessica T; President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  USA, McDonough, William J; President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York  F, Montbrial, Thierry de; Director, French Institure of International Relations  INT, Moore, Mike; Director-General, WTO  D, Nass, Matthias; Deputy Editor, Die Zeit  NL, Queen Beatrix; Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and of the House of Orange  FIN, Ollila, Jorma; Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation  INT, Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso; Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank  S, Pagrotsky, Leif; Minister of Trade  GR, Papandreou, George A; Minister for Foreign Affairs  S, Petersson, Lars-Eric; President and CEO, Skandia  A, Petritsch, Wolfgang; The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina; EU chief negotiator at the Kosovo peace talks in Rambouillet and Paris  CH, Pury, David de; Chairman, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Co Ltd.  DK, Rasmussen, Anders Fogh; Chairman, Liberal Party  N, Reiten, Eivind; Executive Vice-President, Corporate Management, Norsk Hydro SA  USA, Richardson, Bill; Secretary of Energy  I, Riotta, Gianni; Deputy Editor, La Stampa  USA, Rockefeller, David; Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Council  E, Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías, Executive Vice Chairman, BSCH  GB, Roll, Eric; Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg  I, Ruggiero, Renato; Vice-Chairman, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney; Chairman, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Italy  A, Scholten, Rudolf; Member of the board of executive directors, Öesterreichische Kontrollbank AG  B, Schoutheete de Tervarent, Ph de; Former permanant representative of Belgium to the EU  DK, Seidenfaden, Tøger; Editor-in-Chief, Politiken  INT, Solana Madariaga, Javier; Secretary General, Council of the European Union  USA, Soros, George; Chairman, Soros Fund Management  USA, Steinberg, James B; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs  F, Strauss-Kahn, Dominique; Former Minister of Finance; Professor, University of Paris  KS, Surroi, Veton; Publisher, KOHA Ditore  IRL, Sutherland, Peter D; Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP Amoco PLC  USA, Tarullo, Daniel K; Visiting Profesor of Law, Georgetown University Law centre  USA, Thornton, John L; President and CEO, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.  I, Tremonti, Giulio; Member of the Finance Commission, Chamber of Deputies  F, Trichet, Jean-Claude; Governor, Banque de France  CH, Vasella, Daniel L; Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG  NL, Veer, Jeroen van der; Group managing director, Royal Dutch/Shell group of companies; designate President of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company  USA, Vink, Lodewijk JR de; Chairman, President and CEO, Warner-Lambert Company  A, Vranitzky, Franz; Former Federal Chancellor  S, Wallenberg, Jacob; Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken  GB, Wolf, Martin; Associated Editor/Economics Commentator [what does this mean???]  INT/USA, Wolfensohn, James D; President, The World Bank  D, Wolff von Amerongen, Otto; Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH  USA, Wolfowitz, Paul; Dean, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The John Hopkins University

