NETFLIX – Jerry Harris arrested for child porn

Everybody is already offended by the publication of “cuties”, featuring 10-11 year old girls twerking and walking around in adults underwear. Many people in the USA and elsewhere have even unsubscribed to netflix in protest. We don’t hear much about it, but it is important to know that an investigation has been opened concerning this series for the following reasons“Child exploitation”,article also visible on RT. You should know (yes, you’re going to throw up…) that “cuties” is extremely shared on the net but do you know on which platforms? On paedophile forums and porn sites… Congratulations to Sylvain de Zangroniz, the FRENCH producer for this filth and the satanic director Maimouna Doucouré. The electrical chair would be a poor punishment for such garbage… Moreover, just so that he is recognizable in the street, here is the face of the pro-pedo producer and the face of his director’s friend. For your information, and to conclude on this subject before moving on to the one that interests us today, let’s remember that 30 Republican members of Congress have signed a letter asking the Department of Justice to prosecute Netflix for child porn distribution and for “visual fodder for pedophiles”. It didn’t take long for the backlash to revive with what is happening now for netflix. This time, on a leading actor from netflix, caught for possessions and production of child porn and rape ! His name ? Jerry Harris. It is thanks to the article published on Russia Today that we hear about it today. Here is what they says :

” Celebrity cheerleader Jerry Harris, a performer from the Netflix reality series ‘Cheer’ who rose to stardom this year and even interviewed Joe Biden, has been charged with producing child pornography. Harris, 21, was arrested and charged by the FBI on Thursday following an investigation into allegations he solicited photos and sex from minors. Federal court records show Harris admitted to agents that he solicited and received explicit messages through Snapchat from 10 to 15 individuals, all of whom he knew were minors. He also admitted to paying a 17-year-old for nude photos, and allegedly had sex with a 15-year-old at a cheering competition last year. A criminal investigation into Harris was launched after 14-year-old twin brothers Charlie and Sean, whose last names are being kept private because they are minors, came forward with allegations Harris had sexually harassed both online and at cheer competitions for more than a year, starting when they were 13 and he was 19.”

In another article from the Washington Free beacon, you can read the following : Just three months ago the Biden campaign used Harris, who has over a million followers on Instagram, as part of Biden’s push to sway young voters and “win back the internet,” Time magazine reported. The Instagram live video of Harris and Biden was viewed nearly 300,000 times and remains on social media. For the moment, we will have to focus on two things. The continuity of the demand of some members of the American Congress asking for the investigation for child exploitation in the series “cuties” and the judicial follow-up of this shitty pedophile actor. We stay tuned, we observe, we note and we’ll see what happens next. An update will be made as the progress of a possible trial and other convictions for Netflix or for the pedophile in question.

