HUGE PEDORING IN GERMANY 2/4 – Bergisch Gladbach [2019 – 2020]

The topic is based on four chapters. 4 interconnected paedophile networks, a link that the police, justice and media will never show you. However, the four cases are indeed linked. Social services, police, justice and state officials are involved in all four networks. We will show you all of this. (the list below lists the articles we have already done on the other rings, click on them to read the others). The cases are :



  • Countries : Germany, Switzerland, Austria
  • 44 identified victims
  • 2 babies of 3 and 11 months old victims…
  • 85 terabytes dof pedoporn
  • Investigation followed by the Koln police station. The chiefs of this station are Klaus Stephan becker and Uwe Jacobs
  • Court of Monchengladbach
  • Tools used by the pedo network : Bing – Facebook messenger – Skype – Dropbox – Whatsapp – Threema – Telegram – KIKIMGSRC.RU



Jorg L – 42 yo – Bergisch Gladbach aka lila06789 Homer Simpson” sur KIK or “Bullseye” on Threema or « Jorg » on Telegram or “Zauberjogi” on Whatsapps. email found : – Main Suspect.

Married – 1 daughter born in 2017. Jorg abused his daughter between June 2018 and August 2019 while filming and posting the abuse online. Cook in a hotel, employee at the Evangelist Hospital in Bergisch and caregiver of elderly people (according to newspapers, they need to get their fake stories straight, almost laughable). The public prosecutor’s office in Kassel had his name in another ongoing case (camping eichwald case), so he applied to the public prosecutor’s office in Cologne for a search warrant. The search will be carried out on 20/10/19 or more than 85 Terabytes of data will be found at his home. Arrested on 10/23/19, Jorg has been in custody since then. His trial at the court of Monchen Gladbach will start on 08/10/20 for 80 abuses. Source 1, Source 2, Source 3. Three main thing that shows clearly how connected this case is with the eichwald’s one.

  • His grandfather 84 yo, previously sentenced in the past for pedophilia, rented a place in the caravan park of eichwald between 1984 and 1995. . 
  • His cousin had a motor home in the same caravan park which he then sold the Mario S, convicted in the other case.
  • Investigators also found that the IP addresses used by Jorg L were from Ludge (caravan park of Eichwald)

Eric J – 59 yo – Gottinger

Arrested 12/16/19

Had been sentenced by the court of Gottinger (Judge Michael Kalde) to 4 years for 17 abuses on a complaint of abuse of a little girl in May 2018. Wanted. Eric J is said to have fled to the North Sea, then by bike would have gone through Germany to France, Portugal and Italy where he would have been arrested around 12/18/19 in a campsite near Livorno. He will be transferred to Germany on 01/03/20. His trial started on 05/20/20.Source 1, 2, 3.

Homme – 61 yo – Xanten

Abuse of his daughter. This man has been judged at the same time as Jorg L. Trial court of Monchen Gladbach April 2020. Source.

Bastian S – 27 yo – Cleves but from Weselbefore

Married – 1 daughter and a stepson. Soldier of Bundeswher, Kampt-lindfort – Moes. While searching the house of Jorg L, they found the history of conversations with this suspect. Also denounced by Jorg L, he was arrested in his barracks in May 2020 for child abuse between 1 and 5 years old. Abuse of 4 children, 33 times including his own daughter, his stepson, his niece. However, he had already been reported in June 2019 for abuse of his niece, but the public prosecutor’s office had waived custody and search. He was on trial before the Cleves criminal court in Moes. Sentenced to 10 years on May 26, 2010. Jorg L and Bastian S meet at Bastian’s house to abuse Jorg’s little girl at the beginning of November 2019 with Bastian’s 3 year old niece. Jorg L, Bastian S and their two daughters were in January 2019 in a private suite of a spa in the Ruhr area, reports the “Kölner Stadtanzeiger”. Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Georg W – 39 yo – from Viersen

From his sister, he had an 11 year old niece and a 9 year old nephew. Abused them since 2015. 25500 videos/photos. Trial at the court of Monchen Gladbach on 04/29/20 with Marc T. He is also accused of production, distribution and possession of child pornography. Georg W and Marc T judged together for 79 abuses. In pre-trial detention, verdict in September 2020. Since 2017 Georg W and Marc T had been meeting to abuse the 2 girls of 10 and 11 years old. Source 1, 2, 3, 4.

Marc T – 39 yo – from Krefeld

Separated – daughter of 10 years old. Abused his daughter since 2016, since he is separated from the mother. 11500 photos/videos. Court trial in Monchen Gladbach 04/29/20 with Georg W for 79 abuses between 2015 and 2019 on 1 of their daughters, 1 niece aged 11 at the time of the events and on the little brother of one of the 2. They produce with Georg W and distribute together films, pictures (several tens of thousands). In pre-trial detention, verdict in September 2020. Source 1, 2.

A man 40 yo – from Waldkirch

Arrested March 3 2020. no more infos.

A man 47 yo – from Lunen

Abused a kid from Dortmund. Arrested the November 11 2019.

A man 32 yo – from bergisch Gladbach

8th suspect. Abuse of 2 little girls of his entourage, aged 2 and 6. Arrested on 11/19/19 by the police of koln.. Source.

A man – 38 yo – from Wiesbaden District of Rheingau- Taunus Hesse

Automotive Mechatronics Technician. When they searched Jorg L’s home, they found a history of conversations with this suspect. 62 Abuse of 6 children (including his 2 daughters and stepchildren) under the age of 10, including 1 baby from January 2014 to October 2019. Arrested on 10/25/19 in Niedernhausen by the Hessian police. 4000 files in his apartment. Court of Wiesbaden Az: 1 Kls 2231 Js 40189/19. Source 1, 2.

A man 45 yo – from Oberhausen

Arrested around the 12/19/19. Abuse and distribution of child porn.

A man 22 yo – from Sarrebruck

Abuse of 11 year old children between 2018 and 2019. Filmed at least two of the acts and sent these videos to a third party who was persecuted separately. Arrested in Saarland in February 2020. Source 1, 2.

A man 32 yo – from Bielefeld

Arrested the 03/05/20

A man 48 yo – from Northeim – Solling Gottingen (see the case Ludge / camping eichwald)

Arrested the 03/05/20 for abuse on 3 kids. Friend of Andreas V (eichwald case). He did excursions with andreas and the kids. Source.

Wolfgang P – 52 yo – from Duisburg Wesel

Before the district court of Duisburg in early January 2020. 87 Abuse of his daughter for 10 years. He had 3 children with his own daughter… the first of which was when she was 14 years old. Arrested in April 2020. Source.

A manzéro info

Online chat forum’s admin. Arrested the 05/13/20 in Bade Warlemberg. Source.

A man – 29 yo – from Coesfeld

Search of his apartment, several terabytes found. Arrested on 06/02/20 in Dortmund. Source.

Manfred G – 58 yo – from Aachen Alsdorf neuweller

Married, no kid, Landscaper. 21 abuses on 3 girls aged 2 and a half to 9 years old, girls from her circle of friends. In police custody since spring 2020 (on another article since 08/11/19) and judgment around 06/17/20. Found evidence in moving boxes hidden in a container in front of his townhouse in Alsdorf. A LOT OF EVIDENCE AT HIS HOUSE. According to the public prosecutor Elmar Köstner from Cologne. “His trial was interrupted because he is a third-rate offender.” Source 1, 2. Keep in mind this : 10 other arrests in the same city at the same time.

A man – 49 yo– from Lugde

The search went on June 2020. Arrested the 06/13/20

Sascha B – 32 yo – from Remcheid

Cook. Abused a 13-year-old boy. Search at work and apartment in Huckeswagen. Custody on 06/29/20 – diffusion on insta of pedopornography. Wuppertal Public Prosecutor’s Office. Source 1, 2.

A man – 42 yo – from Bielefeld

Five abuses on his nephew 9 years old (born in 1998) between 01/03/17 and 12/31/17 and 2 abuses on her niece (born in 1999). Search on 05/04/19 in his apartment in Sassenberg. Finds a recording of his abuse and 103 videos. In trial since 01/24/20 at the Court of Bielefeld. Discussion: was supposed to abuse the 9-year-old son of a woman he knew. Was supposed to bring the mother and the boy to Thuringia. The children were to be locked in a cage for slave training. The mother works in a school. Source.

Johannes Jotten aka ‘Jazzo’ – 38 yo – from Munster [yet to be confirmed as this man could come from another case and got mixed in our files]

Famous soccer player and band artist Uwu Lena in Germany. Homosexual. Abused 5 boys aged 13 between 2012 and 2019. Arrested on November 2019. Tried with his 2 former homosexual lovers by the court of Munster room 023 on 25th nov 2019 at 5 years and 3 months in prison. 1 of his lovers, ex fireman of Ahlen of Warendorf, aged 52 years, was sentenced to 2 years suspended. The other was acquitted. Source.

Rainer Muller-Bartels  (Reinhild M B) – 62 yo – from Bielefeld

Physiotherapist / naturopath whose practice is in Bad Oeynhausen at 11 bahnofstrasse. His wife of 61 years old was acquitted of 1 abuse. 44 abuses 8 victims between 6 and 12 years old, abuse between 2010 and 2018. Several thousands of photos. In November 2017, a computer scientist saved the files and notified the police after doing maintenance on Rainer’s computer. The search took place 16 months after the computer scientist was notified. In police custody in March 2019. Trial at the Bielefeld Regional Court began on September 12, 19, and he is in Brackwede prison. His lawyer Iris Grohmann. Source 1, 2, 3, 4.

Gerold STURM – 60 yo – from Starnberg TutzingerPolice chief !

Married, 2 daughters. Police Chief of the Starnberg Police for 20 years (he was the chief of Mr. Bernd Matuschek). Youth janitor (Jugendwart) at the Tutzinger fire department and volunteer at the Kreisjugendring, president of the fire department association. Also active as a travel guide for the Kreisjugendring. At the court of Munich 2 on June 2020 – Public prosecutor Marc Heim – His lawyers Alexander Stevens, philipp Muller and Tom Heindl. In detention for 15 months (arrested on 14/03/19). Sentenced by the court of munich on June 2020 to 4 years and 4 months in prison. Nine children and young people were harassed and in some cases abused by this dirty corrupted police chief and former president of the Tutzing Fire Brigade, suspended in the meantime, according to the charges. Had locked a 13-year-old child in a firefighter’s classroom to show him a porn movie and touch him. Abuse on a sailboat on Lake Starnberg. A victim from Augsburg reportedly filed a complaint in February 2019.. Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (pdf).

Max Thomas Hagewald – 50 yo – from Schneeberg Aikido teacher

Aikido trainer in Schneeberg and co-founder of the Brucke project. Has a relationship with a teenager now 17 years old. Abused 11 children between October 2012 and February 2019 but is charged with 60 abuses. Complaint against him in November 2019 and arrest at the end of 2019. Dresden District Court. Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Winfried S – 56 yo – from Munchen Cook

761 cases of abuse at the court of Munich 2 in march 2020 Attorney Matthias Braumandl – Lawyer Anja Kollmann. Abused turned abuser. Abuse in Starnberg near the lake. Source.

Stephan J – 38 yo – from Hohscheid Solingen

Married to “Bianca” – 1 daughter 12 years old and 1 son 9 years old. Production and distribution of his daughter’s photo on the net. 1 apartment searched on June 2020. Stephan J was arrested in a campsite in Rosrath on mid june 2020 or camping de Kleineichen dansson gazebo and was transferred from Rosrath to Wuppertal in pre-trial detention. Source 1, 2.

Veit S – 56 yo – Dresdeborder patrol agent

Single without children. Judged mid June 2020 by the court of Dresne to a fine of 7200 euros for possession of 58 child pornography files. Had been searched in 2017. wtf ? Source.

Gunther julius H – 71 yo – from Sarrebruck, born in Dudweilbus driver… for kids!

Former bus driver of the integrative kindergarten of the Lebenshilfe in Saarwellingen. His lawyer Eva Wilhelm-furtwangler. 100 cases of abuse of 3 year old children. Arrested in July 2019.

Patrick F – 39 yo – from Niedernhausen

2 girls 11 months and 10 years old. 62 abuses from January 2014 to October 2019 4 children, his daughters and stepdaughters 4 and 7 years old. Distribution of kid porn via email. 9000 files during the search.

Sven g – 54 yo – from Francfurt judo coach

Black belt judo coach in a Frankfurt club. 27 abuses from 1997 to 2019, 10 victims born between 1991 and 2003. In detention since July 5, 2019 upon his return from a trip to the UK.

A man, 50 yo – from Wuppertal Barmen

Brother of a prime suspect in a unamed case according to the media. The prime suspect was offering his 15-year-old daughter on a platform. Arrested around the January 2020, following a complaint.. Source 1, 2.

Olivier Sven S – 45 yo – from Brachwitz (saxe-Anhalt)

Purchase a former motel next to the Brachwitz day care center in spring 2018 when he is released from prison in Baden-Württemberg. He had served 6 years for Human trafficking. Halle Regional Court October 2019. Police Halle-Neustadt. Abuse of 4 boys aged 4, 11, 13 and 14 between July 2018 and April 2019. A mother who had doubts went to the police with name and photo, no way out. Source 1, 2.

Also arrested, several men that the press treats as individual cases. But if we look at the dates of the arrests, they correspond with our arrests in the Ludge case and this one..



  • Jorg L sold his motor home to Mario S ( Mario S = eichwald (1/4) ). Source 1Source 2
  • The man of 48yo living in Northeim was friend and made excursions with Andreas V (case 1/4 Eichwald).
  • Tied to the Munster case (exchange between people from the 2 cases, the one exposed here and the Munster’s one)
  • The grandfather of Jorg L, sentenced for pedophilia, rent a motor home in the same Eichwald camping as the Eichwald case (1/4)
  • Investigators who found pedoporn in Jorg L. home ( bergisch Gladbach case) saw that the IP address were from Ludge (eichwald case). 
  • Whether it is the Eichwald (ludge) camping site case or the Berlin, bergisch Gladbach or even more recently the Munster case, we are indeed talking about a network named BAO BERG by the authorities even if the media insist on minimizing the extent and importance of the latter. There is no ‘various cases’ when there are many interactions between them… We can connect perpetrators who know each other or live in the same city, IP addresses that wander between cases, arrests that take place simultaneously across the country. A network that alone combines more than a petabyte of seized child pornography videos and images. Victims aged from 1 month to 14 years old, children sometimes adopted by unemployed single recidivist pedophiles or daughters and sons, nieces and nephews, grandsons are exchanged, coined, photographed, filmed and abused. Of course, once again we find the agents of the youth protection offices involved and police officers. Don’t forget that it is still in a police station office that a suitcase containing 155 CD/DVDs of evidence was lost. Who could have been on those CDs? The investigations are still ongoing and so are ours. So as not to leave you hungry, here are a few debunky names that are of course the bottom of the pyramid, such as Adrian and Carina Vogel, the main suspects in the “Munster case” who regularly went on vacation with children to the second home in Belgium of the head of the city’s economic development agency Dr. Thomas Robbers. The latter, who had been dismissed from his position, had no more problems than that because during his interrogation he simply stated that he would not have lent his house to these people if he had known that they were paedophiles. Come on, do you honestly think that a notable would lend his house several times to individuals living most of the time in a campsite that he would not know? Debunke also their acolytes Enrico Lindt (karate teacher), Johannes Jotten (renowned musician), Rainer Muller-Bartels (naturopath), Gerold Sturm (chief curator), Max T Hagewald (Aikido trainer) without forgetting the president of the Salzgitter district party association Lars H Tietjen who had been hiding a 14 year old boy in his closet for 2 years, now found during the search, the list is long…. More than 30,000 suspects in this network and hundreds of child victims.

