Jeffrey Epstein, presented as a businessman, wealth manager of billionaires and himself a billionaire, is the figurehead of a vast scandal that touches the highest levels of real and deep power, at scale. world.

Here is the organigramme centered around Epstein (it can take a minute to load)

Jeffrey Epstein was notably connected to an international child trafficking network of which he is neither the only node nor the central node. Thus, Epstein is not the “leader” of a kind of club deprived of sexual degenerates among the “elite”. It is only one piece of a much larger puzzle; Epstein is only an employee at the service of a larger system which links kids rapeto international high finance, bio-technologies, secret services, politics, the underworld … The scandal is huge and splashes deep power. Epstein, the main accused, will be the fuse that will stop the investigations. Finally arrested and charged with his crimes by the FBI last July, he survived a more than doubtful first “suicide attempt”, only to succumb ten days later in completely troubled circumstances.


Epstein comes from a modest Jewish family. He studied mathematics which led him to finance. We know very little about the exact way in which Epstein built his fortune, however it seems more than likely that he organized the tax evasion of his clients. Source. He meets Leslie Wexner and begins to manage very large financial wealth for billionaires. Source. Epstein was also a funder of « Carbyne ». Owned by Nicole Junkermann and manages by ex mossad’s agents / idf8200 officers. His wealth is estimated to more than a billion of US dollars.Source. He was all in one : Jetsetter, financial and a secret services agent (mossad, CIA, pick your fav)

The man already had a liability since he had been charged for the same offenses in 2003 in Miami in Florida, then sentenced in 2008 to 13 months in prison and registration on the sex offender registry. But he will get a sweet heart deal and will escape the sex offender registry among other corrupted advantages. He will have this vile sentence to justify his behavior: “I am not a sexual predator, I am a delinquent. This is the difference between an assassin and one who steals a bag ” [NY Post – 25/02/2011]… in short, no repentance, remorse or apologies to its victims. It was during this case that he pleaded guilty and obtained an agreement (later deemed illegal) to alleviate his conviction. [NY Post – 30/06/2008]. In 2008, a few days before his 1st incarceration, the “Zorro Trust” wins the lottery in Oklahoma. [Oklahoman – 26/08/2008] This trust belongs to Epstein. One can suspect a money laundering operation as is often done in the world of gambling (shopping, betting, casino, etc.) – the winning ticket being bought from its original holder more expensive in cash.

Shardly had been largely arranged since 12 hours a day and 6 days a week, he was not in prison and could calmly go about his occupations. Basically, he only went to the cell to sleep. He even took advantage of his time outside prison to continue to abuse young girls. Source. On his “release” from prison, he organized a party in honor of his closest friend: Prince Andrew.[DailyMail – 12/07/2019]. Court of Justice documents declassified in 2015 will reveal that he was buying girls in South Africa, Europe and the former Soviet Union, girls whom he violently molested. He would also have received as a “birthday present” 3 12-year-old girls shipped specially from France by his friend Jean-Luc Brunel, alias Benchamoul. [DailyMail – 19/08/2019].

Before that, in 1997 he had been accused by a model of sexual touching. This latest complaint had never been the subject of any prosecution. [DaiyMail – 09/07/2019]. Epstein was arrested by the FBI on July 06, 2019, when he alighted from a plane at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, when he returned from France where he had just spent 3 weeks. FBI charged him with child prostitution and child molestation. [NY Post – 06/07/2019]. He then knew himself already in the crosshairs of justice, since at least the month of February 2019, since the agreement he had negotiated in 2008 in his previous case had just been denounced as illegal by the prosecutor.[NY Times – 06/02/2019]. This agreement to plead guilty had been negotiated behind the backs of the 36 complainants (and therefore without their agreement), contrary to what is provided for by American law thanks to the action of the Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta [Slate – 11/07/2019.

In addition, the Miami Herald had published in November 2018 a file in several parts, including the testimony of 4 of its victims.[Miami Herald – 28/11/2018] We also learned that a team of Miami police officers was determined to bring him down, and that the number of his victims identified was around 80. And even long before that, he knew that Justice would fall on him because an author had released a book on him and was continuing his investigations on his side [NYPost – 09/10/2016]. On July 8, Epstein went to a preliminary hearing before the Judge. His bail is denied. [NYTimes – 18-07-2019] – The judge will justify his decision by arguing that the police had found in his home large sums of cash, diamonds and an Australian passport (expired) with his photo but under another identity. The lawyers of Epstein will say that this passport was given to him in his capacity as a Jew, and that it was to protect him from a kidnapping …

Pending his trial, he is locked up in Manhattan in a very high security prison for VIPs. He was found “unconscious” in his cell and taken urgently to intensive care. He has marks on his neck, there is talk of a suicide attempt. The judge decides to place him under the “suicide watch” regime: total “anti-suicide” surveillance: filmed 24/24 even in the bathroom, alone, with a visit by the guardian every 15 min. He confides to his lawyers that it was his cellmate who tried to kill him. His co-detainee was a former New York police officer, charged with multiple murders. Total surveillance is lifted, the cameras turned off, and that’s where Epstein would have hanged himself (with a rope not found and a nonexistent hook point). Source. The autopsy reveals that his hyoid bone is broken which is unusual in the case of hanging but much more common in the case of strangulation. However, he would also have fractures in the cervical region, which is more consistent with hanging. Source.


Jeffrey Epsteins Little Black Book Redacted

The black book is probably what made the most noise in MSM. It’s typically an address book with scores of celebrities, but also hotels, restaurants, and other services. What is revealed by the black book is, among other things, lists of young girls and boys listed under the headings “massage” and classified by country and by cities. It is also interesting because it reveals connections between people and Epstein, unfortunately the mere fact of being noted in a notebook does not in itself constitute evidence to support guilt and / or complicity in criminal activities . In the black book, we find pell-mele Georges Soros, Bill Clinton, Barrak Obama, Donald Trump, Henri Kissinger, etc …

“LOLITA EXPRESS” flight logs

The logs of Epstein’s planes are full of information, with dates, names, places, etc. The “lolita express” flights were notorious for the very special service provided on board, as well as for bringing the gangsters Children in Little Saint James In the newspapers, we find very prominent characters, like Bill Clinton. In some places of the manifesto, we can read: X Females, or X Males, in addition to the passengers whose names are noted. They are undoubtedly victims of sexual abuse. PDF Lolita express Logs.


Epstein has 2 private islands in the Caribbean (Virgin Islands sector): the Little Saint-James and (Big) Saint-James islands. On the smaller of the two islands, he frequently organized conferences with doctors, his creed being genetic manipulation; his declared megalomaniac ambition was to become the new Patriarch of humanity by fertilizing dozens of women with his seed in order to create a “perfect” line descending directly from him… Source. On this same island, in addition to residential buildings and many rooms that seem to be technical buildings, there is a cube-shaped construction, like a Temple. [Insider – 10/07/2019]. Until 2017, the roof of this building was surmounted by a golden dome and statues of owl / Moloch, and on the ground were 2 statues resembling statues of Zeus / Jupiter. These items were later removed. The explanation was given that the dome and the statues had been uprooted by the passage of a cyclone in 2017 … this nevertheless corresponds to a period when Epstein already knew himself in the sights of the FBI. It is also surprising that a cyclone can “tear off” such elements. A disturbing detail is also the fact that the massive wooden door has a closing bar on the outside, whereas generally this is placed on the inside since it is intended to prevent entry, not exit. We can also note the presence of torch-bearers on the facade.

We suspect a network of tunnels and access by submarine. These tunnels were probably filled before the FBI search. The search was also carried out more than a month after the arrest of Epstein. The island was devastated by a fire in late 2017, supposedly following an earthquake, while Epstein was already in the crosshairs of the FBI, and that he knew it perfectly.


08/14 NYP reveals There is a painting by Clinton, dressed in a woman’s dress and red stiletto heel shoes [NY Post – 14/08/2019]. It is alleged that it is the dress of Monica Lewinsky, but it appears that Hillary Clinton wore a similar outfit, photo to support. The same painter (Petrina Ryan-Kleid) produced a painting by G. Bush launching a paper plane against 2 capla towers. She modified her site on 08/17. Epstein’s New York apartment, located at number 9 on 71th Street, is decorated in the most bizarre way. According to one of Epstein’s relatives, the walls of his living room are lined with eyes, and his bathroom with breasts in relief. Source.

The search of Epstein’s apartment in Florida was filmed and broadcast by the MailOnline ; we see there many photos of naked or lightly dressed young girls in suggestive poses, as well as photos of babies, different “works of art” showing teenage buttocks, and quite odd little detail, a full dentist’s chair and functional in its bathroom. One can also ask questions about what is really going on at his ranch in Nevada, the “Zorro Ranch”, where there are several bunkers and underground facilities. Epstein also has an apartment (2 floors of a building) in Paris on Avenue Foch, very close to the official accommodation of the Israeli ambassador in France. The butler of Epstein will testify that Epstein used to organize dinners with his high-ranking friends, and young unknown girls whose role was obviously to serve as escort to the guests.


Notable friend of Epstein – Present in the black book, on the “lolita express” logs on numerous occasions, in Little St-James and in general in all of Epstein’s properties.

Numerous prominent figures are connected to Epstein, such as Presidents, Ministers, bankers, aristocrats, judges, lawyers, police, artists, sportsmen, intellectuals, scientists, etc. Bill Clinton , Barack Obama, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Bloomberg, Rothschild family, Oppenheim, Bronfmann, Prince Andrew, Maurice Amon, etc. etc. The list goes on. In short, the whole world of gratin seems linked in one way or another to this network. We immediately think of a “Kompromat” operation but it goes further. Among the main names cited in this network are:


daughter of Robert Maxwell, she is the “official” companion of Epstein; she played the role of reel and mother mackerel, spotting young girls in family and social breakdown, easily manipulated and impressionable. She is also designated by the victims as an active participant in sexual assaults. [IB Times – 11/08/2019]
It’s her who arranged the meeting between Clinton and Epstein.[NY Post – 21/07/2019]. Robert Maxwell, his father, was an English media tycoon who also worked as an agent for Mossad. R.Maxwell allegedly committed suicide by jumping from his yacht [les Echos – 5/11/1991]. He would have inexplicably but voluntarily jumped into the water, and nothing could have been attempted to rescue him, while he was cruising with 50 other people off the Canaries and the sea weather was mild.
Ghislaine would be nowhere to be found after she was photographed in front of a hamburger shop[DailyBeast – 15/08/2019]. She is said to have taken refuge either in Brazil with Brunel, or in her château de la Malartrie in France.

N.J. “cyka”
Present 3 times in the “lolita express” logs, including in particular a flight with Epstein alone on August 31, 2018 return on September 2, 2018. Her public identity is probably not her true identity, which remains unknown. Her public name is hidden here because this woman has a long arm and a hard tooth. She is one of the most important pieces of this puzzle. It itself represents a major node in the center of the picture. She was born on 04/27/75 in Düsseldorf, and is now married to Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti, from a high Italian aristocratic family and whose brother is very close to the Pope in the heart of the Vatican. His family is also known to be from the “black nobility”.

N.J. “cyka” was allegedly a model for Vogue – although it is impossible to find any trace of it on the Vogue site – before ending up at the head of investment companies. She is also involved in many children’s foundations. She was once the mistress of Louis Dreyfus, especially known for his shenanigans of the time when he presided over the Olympique Marseillais. She is also in the “Panama Papers”. She is involved in a company related to the software PROMIS, spyware dedicated to data collection, sold to the NSA and other US federal agencies. The InsLaw company (William Anthony Hamilton, a former NSA) would have designed this software with a backdoor for the Mossad. The mossad has thus collected data from numerous US federal agencies, as well as intelligence and finance. Sold in particular to the KGB, and to the HSBC bank. This software would be the precursor of PRISM, the surveillance program denounced by Edward Snowden. Today she is part of the British Health Steering Committee (NHS) to which she sold “Carbyne 911” data collection software which seems to be a new clone of the Promis software.


ARPAD BUSSON : former husband of Uma Thurmann
Founder of the association ARK (Association for Return of Kids). (incoming article about him as he is clearly tied to many dirty pedo cases and pedophiles…)

Present in the black book, friend of Epstein. Brunel was a recruiter for a modeling agency – MC2 (le site internet à été remanié) – He will be accused by 3 former models of having attacked them during the 80s and 90s[The,Guardian – 17/08/2019]. all references to him have been removed from the website of his model agency. This man’s real identity is Jean-Luc Benchamoul. Brunel was identified as child pimp in 1967 and a little later with his partner Claude Haddad. He is currently on the run, and is said to have taken refuge in Brazil, a country which does not have an extradition agreement with France.. Source

EHUD BARAK : Notable friend of Epstein, and also a business partner notably through the Israeli startup “CARBYNE” Source. Present in the black book, on the “lolita express” logs, on numerous occasions, in Little St-James and in general in all the properties of Epstein. Barak claims to have participated in no orgy Aveux de Ehud Barak. Photographed leaving Epstein’s New York apartment Source.

BILL GATES : 6 times in the lolita express logs [NY Times – 12/10/2019]. Il était associé à Epstein dans un projet de contrôle eugénique de la population mondiale.Source.

BILL CLINTON : Within the black book and lolita express’s logs 23 times. Source 1Source 2.

Changes have been observed online in connection with this case. Many sites and articles are either missing or altered, references disappear or are broken. There is a “cleaning” operation in progress. The Wikipedia pages of certain personalities have been redacted, modified or simply deleted. (see the organigramme to see the rest of his entourage / black book).


Epstein was not the leader of an isolated network. He was not at the head of the pyramid. He acted as a pimp in the service of other larger interests. The Epstein network is only one link in a single huge global network, mixing power and sexual abuse. Several companies and organizations return when we look for what links the multiple protagonists of this international network; first, we observe a great constancy in the community membership of these people: they are mainly Jews of East European origin (Ashkenazis), for the most part Democrats (as far as the USA is concerned). We also note a very strong connection around the Clinton couple and their CGI foundation (Clinton Global Initiative) (Source) , CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) and IISS (International Institute of Strategic Studies).

The CFR, far from being a body dependent on US diplomacy, and therefore subordinate to the State Department, is a private entity, created by the Rockefeller family. Within the CFR join the biggest lobbyists on the planet, like Mortimer Zuckerman for example. The same is true for the IISS with, for example, François Heisbourg. The biggest node is around the ICMEC (International Center for Missing and Exploited Children) and the FAPE (Foundation for Art and Preservation of Embassies). In these two organizations we find all the actors of the network, both the headliners and the smallest fish.

THE ICMECunder the guise of aid to children and the fight against their exploitation, produces studies whose figures are obviously truncated and manipulated, this in order to minimize the reality of the phenomenon and / or orient its understanding. ICMEC was singled out for such hiding and misinformation. Among the founders of ICMEC is Eva Branson, the mother of Richard Branson, himself a huge donor and also president of the “ Old Stoïc Society » (very likely place of recruitment and training for “triple” agents: MI5-Mossad-CIA). It would seem that the activities of FAPE are the perfect cover from which all possible traffic is carried out, this thanks to their special status which is not that of diplomatic status, and has its own transport and communications channels. This is somewhat similar to the status of free ports which escape customs and taxes (notably VAT). Through the FAPE, and consequently the US embassies, can thus pass drugs, weapons, money, and of course human trafficking – both of organs and of children – while dodging the slightest customs and police control. Truck transport can be added to this system « TIR » whose status makes it possible to undergo no border control by customs, or even on the territories by the police services of the countries borders.

All this is only a foreword because to understand the sprawling monster of this pedophile network (and not only), it is necessary to go around these people surrounding it in full. It will take years to achieve this. We are only in the middle of the black book and we work on person by person to study, add, understand the place they all had within its network of influence. Also, last thing to remember, Epstein had only one goal: To blackmail and have in their pockets, the richest people and the most powerful people before getting – for the mossad or otherwise – all that these bosses wanted. The Epstein network is a pedophile network, for and by pedophiles, with a worldwide blackmail twist…