MALKA LEIFER [2003-2021]

Malka Leifer was Director of the Ultra-Orthodox (haredi) School for Adass Israel Girls in Melbourne. Accused of sexual abuse from 2003 to 2008.

In agreement with the school representatives and with the help of Mair and Hadassa Ernst, members of the school board, she fled to Israel on the first charge. The Ernst’s contacted a travel agency to book an emergency ticket, which was financed by the school. Australia filed a request for extradition in 2012, but Leifer was first detained in Israel in 2014. There, she was placed under house arrest first in Migdal HaEmek (about an hour north of Emmanuel, where she had lived) and then at her sister’s home in Bnei Brak, a city in the northeast suburbs of Tel Aviv, but she did not comply with the rules imposed by the court. To confuse her, the NGO Jewish Community Watch hired a private detective and managed to take a picture of her at Emmanuel’s home, proving that the house arrest was not respected. Emmanuel, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish colony in the northern West Bank, is reputed to be a pedophile nest, and the law does not prevail … Paradise for Malka Leifer who, according to testimonies, continues her filthy practices there without the least concern. Australia has asked for her extradition but psychiatric evaluations go against this request. Indeed, in 2016 the psychiatrist of the Jerusalem district, Jacob Charnes, changed his mind several times about her psychiatric condition and refused to sign the document authorizing her extradition, as she was faking a mental illness . Litzman, Rabbi, Deputy Minister of Health, leader of the HaYadout HaTorah party, is suspected of having put pressure on the staff of his office – including Charnes – to change the conclusions of their psychiatric assessments by judging that Leifer would not stand extradition. Charnes was removed from the trial. This woman definitely has a lot of support … and not the least. Litzman is a member of the Gur Hassadic community, which opposes Zionism and represents it in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. The police were investigating him and his chief of staff Haim Justman to determine whether they had pressured another district psychiatrist, Moshe Briger, to place a detained sex offender in an accelerated early release program. In the end, he allegedly intervened in 10 other pedophilia cases by pressuring psychiatrists. Let us add that many Hasidic rabbis are at Malka Leifer’s side, including Menachem Mendel Shafran, Yitzchak Dovid Grossman, Yitzhak Meir Bar Lev et Yosef Direnfeld.

They protect one of their own. The Hasidic rules lend the leaders of this sect enormous decision-making power, whatever the decision, even if it is against the law. One of these gurus even argued that “the sexual abuse of children allegedly perpetrated by Malka Leifer was necessary to show the victims the love they needed to remain haredi”. In any case, whether it is this ultra-Othodox sect, the Israeli government or any other interest, she has clearly benefited from protection, especially since new charges were brought against her in June 2018 in Emmanuel, the pedo city in the West Bank. This should have been enough to support the extradition request. Small clarification: Leifer had already been implicated in cases of sexual harassment that allegedly occurred in an Israeli school some twenty years earlier. Her community of Emmanuel then had the influence to allow her not only to flee to Australia but to be placed in the position of school principal, this time with even more children at her mercy. It’s just incomprehensible!!! Finally, from the point of view of a well-balanced person, not from the point of view of these very sick people. After 6 of legal proceedings, in December 2020, the Israeli Supreme Court finally authorized the extradition of this paedocriminal Malka Leifer to Australia where she was the principal of the ultra-orthodox Adass Israel School for Girls. This decision was congratulated by the President of the Zionist Federation of Australia, Jeremy Leibler. The extradition of Malka Leifer is expected to take place within two months.

UPDATE February: Last December, Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn rejected Leifer’s initial appeal and approved the extradition of Malka Leifer to Australia. At the end of January, she left Israel to be tried in the country where she has claimed so many victims. The trial is scheduled for April 9th, we will come back to this.

Several pedophiles are linked to thd following accusations of sexual abuse of more than a hundred children, one of the worst sexual predators in Brooklyn’s history who fled to Israel, protected by his sect for more than twenty years before his extradition. Avrohom Reichman, the director of the United Talmudical Academy accused of sexual abuse. A victim revealed that school officials urged her to drop criminal charges against Reichman. Yehuda Kolko was accused in 2006 of sexually abusing two students. “The school principal, Lipa Margulies, had conducted a campaign of intimidation, cover-ups, and misrepresentation to prevent victims from filing complaints,” Kolko said. Uriah asis, accused of 105 rapes and sexual harassment. The judge called him “the tip of the iceberg”. In 2016, the Agudath Israel sect joined forces with some members of the Catholic Church to oppose the Child Victim’s Act, the law on victims allowing the statute of limitations to be waived. Since pedo cases are not reported to the courts but are settled among themselves, this law would allow the very large number of victims to file complaints even after many years. Simply put, legislation that would completely remove the statute of limitations, even for a period of one year, could subject schools and other vital institutions to age-old claims and capricious litigation, and put their very existence at risk. Agudath Israel and Torah Umesorah are most strongly opposed to such legislation. Certainly, the interests of these sectarian schools prevail over those of the children. And guess who was part of this “association”? Cardinal Timothy Dolan, convicted of paedocriminality and a great friend of Cardinal Pell. Well, again and again all this dirty little world working in unison.

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