Zandvoort Pedoring [1998]

Note: Some people can be missing within this diagram.

The CD-roms of Zandvoort” is a case which was exposed in 1998 and which highlights a huge and extremely organized international pedophile’s network. CP videos and pictures were made and sold.

Marcel Vervloesem, an anti-pedophile activist, discovered pornographic CD-roms with hundreds of thousands of child pornography pictures. These CD-roms were found during the search for the child named Manuel Schadwald, himself missing in Berlin.

The CD-roms came from Gerrit Ulrich, a German pedophile involved in pedo-rings whose network was based in the city of Zandvoort in the Netherlands. It is thousands of photos, videos of children and babies, raped, tortured, and some killed.

The Morkhoven Association has sent the material (CD-ROMS plus various other documents) to INTERPOL and to all European heads of state. In France, as an example, the Elysée Palace acknowledged receipt in April 1999. Elisabeth Guigou will say she never got these materials, faking to ask for it a year later on national television. “I have never seen these materials, if anyone has it, please come forward”. It will end by a journalist bringing the copy to her minister. Such a joke.

Seventeen paedophiles are identifiable on the images, but never sought by the police. Eighty-one French children were recognized by their families or relatives in these photos. But surprising (to not say scandalous..) fact, police will tell these devastated parents that these kids they recognized as theirs are only “clones”. I guess parents cannot recognized their own child…

Prosecutor Yvon Tallec, another not-so-clean judge will state this : “The photos are old……most of the children are not French” and “the children were consenting, or it was with their parents consent”. Sure… I guess consenting parents who brings kids to get raped and recorded on camera is something absolutely legitimate and completely legal ? This is the kind of piece of shit that are ruling the justice in France since decades now.

In 2003, Catherine Ringot, the examining magistrate, issued a dismissal order. Not surprising when you know that this judge was always called to rule these kinds of cases, where pedophile networks are clearly palpable. And of course, it is always by a dismissal that Judge Ringot is closing these cases in court. Always. She did the same (as an example) during the case of “Pierre and Marie”. Pierre and Marie told the police about luxurious Parisian’s hotel hiding undergrounds in Paris where they were raped and tortured with other kids. Dismissal again for dear Judge Ringot, the Parisian regular of dismissals…

Marcel Vervloesem was accused of rape on children and sentenced in 2008 to 4 years in prison. Some have seen in his imprisonment a means to stop and silence a too curious investigator. Coincidence : He was, at the same time, banned from any contact with the press. Proof of his guilt were, by any clean journalist doing their jobs as they should, considered absurd. That tells much – again – about justice. From wherever it comes. Please read more with shared links below. We just made here a quick preview of the story.

Links between many pedorings and zandvoort

Extreme censorship on the internet even years later