The case that could be the worst sex pedo-scandal in England. A gang of Pakistanis have raped more than a thousand girls over the past four decades in Telford, 40 km from Birmingham. There is no doubt that some people outside their gang of mentally retarded paedophiles took advantage of this, but unfortunately, the numerous obstructions to justice in this case leave only crumbs and little to prove it. These young girls had been drugged, beaten and raped since the 1980s. Complaints of rape of underage girls were poorly investigated, and this was done very deliberately because the police, from their own statements, were afraid of the reaction of the Pakistani tribal community. Few people dared to speak out about the case, and many were threatened. Many suspects remained at large. According to the figures of the Ministry of Interior, 15.1 sexual crimes against minors per 10,000 inhabitants were denounced over twelve months in 2015, that is 255 victims per 155,000 inhabitants in Telford! In a police report, a 13-year-old girl was described as being “an appropriate age for sexual relations” with a man much older than her, despite the prohibition of such practices by law. In this report, the fact that the countless rapes came from the Pakistani community is never mentioned by “fear” of being called racist. A big joke. This is a gang of pedophiles who are still Pakistani, so we’re not going to hide this fact! Source 1, 2, 3, 4.

  • Town of Telford (County of Shropshire) 2007 to 2009
  • 20 years of torture for children.
  • Dozens (if not more) of Pakistani pedophiles
  • 1,000 young girls were allegedly abused, some of them murdered since
  • 1970 in the towns of Telford (170,000 inhabitants) and Wrekin.
  • Laura Johnston, Director of Children’s Services at Telford & Wrekin Council
  • Censored case, suspected murders of several whistleblowers and other people who tried to put this case forward.


  • Lucy Lowe, 16, was killed in 2000 with her mother and sister after her 26-year-old attacker, Azhar Ali Mehmood, burned down their home to leave no evidence. Lucy, her mother Eileen and her 17-year-old sister Sarah died in the fire. Mehmood impregnated Lucy in 1997 and she was only 14 years old when she gave birth to his daughter. He was imprisoned for the murder of Lucy, her mother Eileen and her 17-year-old sister Sarah.
  • Becky Watson, 13 years old, died in a car accident that was reported at the time as a “prank”. (In 2002). Her mother, Torron Watson, repeatedly told police that Becky was being abused – and even gave them a list of suspects.
  • Vicky Round, a friend of Becky’s, was abused by the same gang that got her hooked on crack at age 12 and heroin at age 14. She died at age 20.


  • Early 1980s Telford’s vulnerable girls are targeted by groups of mainly Asian men.
  • 1996 A concerned resident reports informing police of the activities of an abuser selling underage girls for sexual purposes.
  • Records from the late 1990s reveal that social workers are aware of the problem but do little to help.
  • 2000 Lucy Lowe, 16, was killed along with her mother and sister in an arson attack by the perpetrator, Azhar Ali Mehmood.
  • 2002 Becky Watson, 13, a victim of abuse, is killed in a car accident.
  • 2009 Becky’s friend, Vicky Round, dies in a drug-related incident after enduring nine years of sexual hell at the hands of a series of pedophiles.
    The 2010-2012 police investigation called Operation Chalice identifies 200 potential offenders, but only nine are imprisoned.
  • August 2016 The Sunday Mirror reported that the problem persisted outside the city’s juvenile discos, but some complaints from volunteer street pastors were not properly recorded.
  • September 2016 Congresswoman Lucy Allan calls for a public inquiry, but police and Telford Council officials write to Home Secretary Amber Rudd saying it is not necessary.
  • March 2018 The Sunday Mirror reveals that there could be as many as 1,000 victims of the scandal and links five deaths to the abuses. The Mirror’s 18-month investigation reveals abuses at unprecedented levels. They found: Social workers were aware of the abuses in the 1990s, but it took a decade for the police to launch an investigation. Council staff viewed abused and trafficked children as “prostitutes” rather than victims, according to unpublished records.
  • Authorities did not keep details of abusers from Asian communities for fear of “racism.
  • Police did not investigate a recent case five times until a member of parliament intervened.
  • One victim stated that the cops tried to prevent her from finding out why her attackers were not prosecuted because they feared she would talk to us.
  • The cops also said there could have been as many as 200 perpetrators – but only nine were caged and the case was then closed.
  • The investigation – supported by documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act – revealed that two predatory pedophiles began targeting girls in a local children’s home in 1981.
  • Trial Paid for by the State


2012 :

  • Ahdel Ali alias Eddie – 25 years – Wellington – Sentenced to 18 years in prison
  • Mubarek Ali alias Max – 29 years old – Wellington – Sentenced to 14 years in prison for child trafficking and released after 7 years. Also he was selling these young girls in an Indian restaurant.
  • Mohammed Islam Choudhrey – 53 years old – Sutton Hill – Sentenced to 2 and a half years in prison
  • Mohammed Ali Suitan – 26 years old – Wellington – Sentenced to 7 years in prison
  • Mohammed Younis – 60 years old – Arleston – Sentenced to 2 and a half years in prison
  • Mahroof Khan – 35 years old – Wellington – Sentenced to 30 months in prison
  • Shahmeel Khan – Sentenced to 10 years in prison
  • Tanveer Ahmed – 40 years old – Wellington – Sentenced to 2 and a half years in prison

2019 :

  • Shafiq Younas – 35 years old – Wellington – Sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison
  • Amjad Hussain – 38 years old – Telford – Acquitted
  • Mohammad Rizwan – 37 ans – Telford – Sentenced to 5 years and a half
  • Shaheem Ratyal – 19 years old
  • Taiyab Hussain – 19 years old
  • Noshad Hussain – 23 years old
  • Azhar Ali Mehmood – ?
  • Nazam Akhtar – 35 years old – Wellington – Acquitted
  • Vaqaas Abbas – 30 years old, charged with three counts of rape and three counts of supplying a Class C drug.
  • Nadeem Adalat – 34 years old, charged with four counts of rape and four counts of supplying a Class C drug.
  • Sajid Adalat – 43 ans, accused of rapes
  • Vaseem Adalat – 33 years old, charged with two counts of rape, trafficking and supplying a Class C drug.
  • Amjad Ditta – 35 years old, also known as Amjad Hussain, charged with sexual interference.
  • Christopher Eastwood – 45 years old, charged with two counts of rape and two counts of supplying class C drugs.
  • Metab Islam – 46 years old, charged with six counts of rape, six counts of supplying class C drugs, two sexual assaults, and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
  • Mohammed Rizwan Iqbal – 34 years old, accused of rapes
  • Ishtiaq Latif – 32 years old, accused of rapes
  • Asad Mahmood – 33 years old, accused of rapes and sex trafficking
  • Arfan Mir – 36 years old, also known as Khalifa Mughal, charged with six counts of rape, three counts of supplying Class C drugs, supplying Class A drugs, and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
  • Younis Mohammed alias Younis Khan – 34 years old, charged with rape and provoking sexual activity without consent
  • Nadeem Nassir – 39 years old, charged with rape, supplying class C drugs and death threats
  • Shahzad Nawaz – 40 years old, charged with rape, supplying class C drugs and death threats
  • Shazad Nazir – 44 years old, charged with two counts of rape and two counts of supplying class C drugs.
  • Sohail Zafar – 36 years old, charged with rape and supplying a Class C drug

Sources :1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.


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