PEDORING : Boy Scout of America [2012-2019]

Bsa Boy Scout America Pedophile Pedoring Gay Lobby

The perversion’s records of the Boy Scouts of America

Who are the B.S.A : The Boy Scouts of America is the largest scouting movement in the United States. The organization was founded in 1910 and has 2.2 million members between the ages of 5 and 21. It is funded by private donations, membership fees, corporate sponsors and fundraising events, with a total revenues of $237 million. In addition to donations from individuals, the BSA receives significant donations from major corporations. In 2010, their major corporate donors were, in order, corporate sponsors, Intel, Emerson, Verizon, 3M, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Pfizer, Valero, UPS, U.S. Bank, Eli Lilly, GE et Monsanto. At the time of the first revelations of the complaints of former scouts, in 2012, in the Los Angeles Times, the director of the Boy Scouts of America was Wayne Brock, but he will remain so without being worried by a judicial inquiry until 2015. He is the one who has been responsible for major changes in membership conditions: It lifted the ban against adult homosexual membership and allowed youth to include the gender they identify with instead of requiring sex on their birth certificates, and began accepting girls into Cub Scout and Scout programs. In short, with Wayne Brock, a hurricane of progressivism entered the traditional and conservative atmosphere of scouting. 1, 2

Wayne Brock Boys Scoot Pedophile

After that date, it’s Michael B. Surbaugh was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Boy Scouts of America. Previously, he was Group Director of Human Resources, Innovation, Exploration and Learning for Life for BSA. He has been working for Scouts since 1983. Accused of hiding the facts of rapes, he has worked to prevent Scouting’s complaints from coming to light. For in 2019, when the “Perversion Files” came out with all the names of the complainants, there was a change of presidency in favor of Roger Mosby, who succeeded Michael B. Surbaugh. The strategy of flight to avoid accountability. Move on there is nothing to see! His successor therefore, Roger Mosby, does not have the usual profile because he does not have the title of Chief Scout Executive, this title is reserved for professional scouts with a specific training. Although not a professional scout, Mosby was a young member of the Egyptian Council (Union County, Illinois), a long-time volunteer on the Mid-America and Sam Houston Regional Councils. Mosby also worked at the regional and national level of the BSA and volunteered with the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Prior to being chosen as President and CEO, he ran his own consulting firm after retiring as an energy industry executive, and the revelations of sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts of America came to light in 2012. It was 20,000 pages of internal documents that had been published by the Los Angeles Times showing that the scouting organization had covered up decades of widespread sexual abuse by thousands of volunteer leaders.

Michael B Surbaugh Boy Scoot Pedophile

It was then a question of some 5000 “files of perversion”, between 1965 and 1985, corresponding to as many alleged sexual aggressors among scout leaders. Until then, this information had been kept secret by the BSA management, which had often not been reported to the authorities. The organization routinely dismissed the alleged perpetrators. Omerta’s policy. Examples of covert cases: In 1982, a Scout camp director in Michigan said that his superiors, upon learning of an accusation of abuse, told him to “keep quiet” to protect the reputation of the scouts and the staff member accused of the crime. In 1987 in Milwaukee, local scout leaders enlisted the help of an influential council leader, a newspaper publisher, to keep the case from leaking to the press. In another case, Arthur W. Humphries, a 50-year-old Scout veteran, was hailed as a model leader by local Scout leaders for years after a Scout came forward and accused him of repeated abuse. Local police were bribed not to intervene but eventually arrested Arthur W. Humphries in 1984. He was convicted of abusing 20 Scouts. At that time, there were 7,819 alleged abusers who were volunteers and scoutmasters and 12,254 victims between 1944 and 2016, more than previous estimates. (ages assumed to be between 5 and 21 years old) More than 275 civil complaints are currently pending and 1,400 alleged victims are in turn considering suing for acts that essentially date back to the 1940s to 1980s, according to court documents filed by the association representing victims..  Source 1

Roger Mosby

Advocacy group Child USA  

An organization dedicated to ending child abuse and neglect by advocating for better child protection laws. Drawing on the combined expertise of the country’s leading child advocates, particularly our sister organization and our national think tank. It is based in Philadelphia. The team consists of 9 people, 5 of whom are women. The association has issued a report based on the charges. For example, of more than 1,500 young scouts allegedly sexually abused (including an alleged perpetrator J.L. Tarr, a scout executive leader in the 1980s) nearly 70% reported being abused several times, and more than 50% of these abuses allegedly took place at scout camps. Source 1, 2

Victims’ lawyers: Michael Pfau and Tim Kosnoff from a network of law firms representing victims and Andrew Van Arsdale, a lawyer from AVA Law, who joined the Abused in Scouting coalition to represent the 50,000 alleged victims. The Trial: Nearly 35,000 more complaints have been filed, with thousands more expected before the trial deadline of November 16, 2020. The Financial Impact on Boy Scouts of America: The costs of the lawsuits filed for BSA volunteers and employees dating back to the 1960s were able to be funded from available funds. And since 2015, according to public records, nearly $12 million has been paid to the law firm of Ogletree Deakins over a three-year period for litigation between victims and volunteers alleged to have committed sexual abuse . Since then, in December 2018, an audit has been requested to determine whether the firm has filed for bankruptcy. On February 18, 2020, the organization filed for bankruptcy in a Delaware bankruptcy court, listing liabilities between $100 million and $500 million and assets between $1 billion and $10 billion. Following the filing, all civil litigation against the organization was suspended.

  • Executive Director: KATHRYN ROBB, lawyer (who was sexually abused)
  • Board of Directors: JENNIFER FREEMAN and STEPHEN JIMENEZ (victim of sexual abuse)

We still have to deal with a big scandal of paedocriminal network. We can affirm that it is indeed networks of influence that let sexual abuse of minors perpetuate for more than 40 years. In view of the testimonies and facts reported, we can see that everything has been hidden by those in charge who knew what was going on in this organization. A real omerta was put in place. So several questions arise, why were so many officials able to camouflage and stifle these affairs for so long and with impunity? Knowing that testimonies came out at the end of 1980, but were quickly suppressed. By digging a little deeper into the famous perpetrators, we find nothing compromising about them, which is quite surprising for such an important case. In 2015, Michael B. Surbaugh, who was then named as the person responsible for hiding rape, was a member of the Boy Scouts from 1976 and in 2015 was named as the BSA’s chief executive officer. Questions arise: why a transfer of power from Brock to Surbaugh when the revelations came out, and the same for the appointment of Roger Mosby? Especially since he doesn’t have the profile. One will notice that this affair demonstrates well the will to pervert the youth and the American society. One can, with regard to the facts and dates, make the link with the influence of Kinsey’s work (big sexual pervert). In order to understand, take an interest in the Kinsey Report on sexuality, gender theory, and pedophilia, an unhealthy and perverse desire to destroy American Catholic morals. I will also draw a parallel with the accusations of acts of pedophilia within the scouts of Lyon with the Priest Preynat in the 1970s protected by Monsignor Barbarin. The Lyon priest was sentenced in March 2020 to 5 years in prison.

