Outreau Case [2000]

UPDATE JUNE 2021 — The Boulogne-sur-Mer prosecutor’s office has just requested that Franck Lavier, acquitted in 2005 along with twelve other accused of rape in Outreau, be sent to the assizes for sexual assault and rape of his minor daughter. We await the announcement of the referral order by the judge in charge of the investigation. (1, 2)

December 2000 – FRANCE : the accusations of Myriam Badaoui and Thierry Delay children, a couple living in Outreau in Pas-de-Calais. Their four sons were placed in foster care at the request of their mother because their father is violent. Social services report suspicions of sexual abuse to Pas-de-Calais Directorate of Childhood (DEF).

In February 2001, the courts opened a judicial inquiry, entrusted to the recently graduated examining magistrate Fabrice Burgaud. In addition to their parents, the children accused several adults of having raped them. Chérif Delay tells he was raped in a meeting in a pedo ring where money circulated abundantly and which included his parents, neighbours, etc….. They talk about other young victims.

The Delay-Badaoui couple is then placed in pre-trial detention. She denies the facts while she acknowledges them and accuses other adults of having committed similar acts. The investigation is directed towards a pedo ring between France, Netherlands and Belgium.

In 2004, the trial of the 17 suspects, described as monsters, opens at the Saint-Omer assize court. A trial during which victims, witnesses and lawyers are attacked and discredited from all sides.

The accused are prosecuted for alleged rapes and sexual assaults on seventeen minors from 1995 to 2000. Seven of them are acquitted. The Delay-Badaoui couple and a neighbouring couple, Aurélie Grenon and Thierry Delplanque, acknowledged the facts and were sentenced to prison.

During the appeal trial, Myriam Badaoui ends up saying that she lied. On 1 December 2005, a verdict of general acquittal for all of the accused was handed down by the jury.

In December 2005, after the general acquittal, the National Assembly set up a parliamentary committee of inquiry. Numerous dysfunctions were pointed out, at all levels of justice : incompetent and omnipotent examining magistrate, presumption of innocence flouted, psychiatric experts who too easily believed the words of children…

Since then, Thierry Delay has been in the news again. In 2018, he is convicted of possession of child pornography images. In early 2020, he was again summoned to court for sexual assault this time.

Of course, they will never speak about one important fact : Some of the so called innocents which were acquitted, got busted a while later for child abuse or for possessing child pornography…

