NEPAL : Another paradise for pedorings


It is in Nepal, more precisely in Pokara, that Christian Serge Henri Nougaret, 60 years old, was arrested on December 1st, 2020 at the edge of a river in the middle of a paedophile act on 3 children of 7, 8 and 12 years old.

This former computer engineer registered with the International Child Sex Offender Registry was married to a Nepalese woman and had been living in Nepal for several years. This is unfortunately not the first arrest, Nepal incarcerated every year dozens of predators who have made this country their playground by offering candy, gadgets, money and other various gifts to street children.

In July 2019, the founder of the NGO Street kids International of Canada and former U.N representative in Afghanistan Peter john Dalglish was sentenced to 16 years in prison for, among other things, detaining in his farm that he had built in Kavre 14 child sex slaves and raping 2 minors of 12 and 14 years old. Other members of Dalglish’s network were arrested. The 2 French Christophe Guilloux from Mure in Isère and Denis Mathieu Chupeau from Saint Herblain in Loire Atlantique arrested on July 22, 2018 at the airport while trying to flee the country, the Dutch Piet Hein Van Terwisga pediatrician from Doetinchem arrested in a hotel room with a minor on June 13, 2018 who will be sentenced to 7 years in prison, the Indian Ajay Poddar and the British Ian Robert Cole found in his apartment with three minors accused of 16 abuses, both arrested on January 19, 2019, the Dane Matthew arrested on July 22, 2018 and a Nepalese. Our 2 French friends were also already on file. Indeed, they were known to take part in forums to demand pedophile freedom under the name of “friends of all sexual minorities”, an association created in Canada of which Chupeau was a director. He had been convicted in France in 2004 for sexual assault.

On April 12, 2019 it was the turn of Georges Igor Himanskywho worked for APC (Association for the Protection of Children) to be arrested in his hotel room with two minors in Thamel. This Frenchman had already faced justice in France in 2000 for sexual abuse. Let’s not forget the Thomas Alfred Berrymanaged 63 working in Nepal for 3 years as a paraglider pilot who was also arrested in Pokara and tried in 2010 in Australia. But also the Germans Hans Jurgen Gustav Dahm alias Yogen arrested on January 3, 2018 and Albert Fred Klinickele June 29, 2017, the Austrian Markus Kendler on September 6, 2018, the American Kenneth Joseph Coombs on September 9, 2016, the Australian Geoffrey John Prigge and the French Jean-Jacques Haye humanitarian guilty of abusing 10 children in an orphanage arrested in 2010, Canadian Ernest Macintosh who was sentenced to 7 years in prison in 2015 for abusing a 15 year old disabled youth, Swiss Christian Langendorf who ran Langtang Education Project and Edu-core Schweiz Nepal as well as Welcome Heritage Inn and Trigger Inn Hotel, Dutchman Henrykus Adrinas Josepus Creujean arrested on November 10, 2017 and Canadian Paul McCarthy, a repeat offender arrested at Toronto airport in mid-December 2018.

To finish, we will make a small stop on Philippe Gérardalias Uncle d’Ales in the Gard region of France of the association Philmy Voyageurs Solidaires who had already been condemned by the court of Thonon in March 2005 to 1 year and a half in prison for touching children aged 8 to 12 years old when he was director of a colony in 2001 and several years after he was fired from his job as a cook in a campsite for the same reasons. It is thanks to the Nepalese association Saathi which opens an investigation and a spinning in the summer of 2014 that Gerard after his flight to Cambodia and then the Philippines, Germany, Krakow, Poland, will be arrested in 2015 at the home of his 82 year old mother, president of the association Philmy created in 2009 (humanitarian action in orphanages in Nepal) which will be dissolved in 2015. After 2 years of pre-trial detention, he will be placed under electronic surveillance in 2017 while awaiting trial for the abuse of 15 Nepalese children.

Source: (inserted in the article)

