LUC WISEMAN – Canadian pedoporn producer & pedophile


  • Luc Wiseman
  • TV Producer
  • Pedophile and pedoporn producer
  • Arrested 20 mai 2021, freed almost immediatly afterward
  • Canada – Montréal
  • Lawyer – Me Alexandre Bien-Aimé
  • Avanti group owner
  • Radio Canada partner and collaborator


Between 2018 and 2021, an umpteenth TV producer raped a child, his name, Luc Wiseman. Adding insult to injury, pedophile content was found in these electronic devices. It is on May 20, 2021 that the arrest took place in Canada by the police of Montreal. Of course, we know well the reputation of Pedo-Paradise number 2 that Canada represents and immediately after his arrest, he was released “under condition”. Translate here, “by corruption”. To top it all off, the police found evidence that the pedophile was not only in possession of pedo content but was also filming it himself… One could almost say, nothing surprising under the sun, in a country where two generations of leaders are clearly both pedophiles. Trudeau father and son. But never mind. Wiseman is the president and owner of AVANTI GROUP, a TV production company. He was immediately fired by the management in order to limit the damage to the reputation of the company which, one suspects, has a strong probability of having hosted pedophile shootings as is customary in this putrid environment that is show business. But wait, do you even know what the Aventi Group is? Oh well, only the company that produces Tout le monde en parle, Un Gars, Une Fille, (Canadian version) among others. And that’s not all! The guy is also a partner of Radio Canada. You know, the collabo media that sold its backside for a few coins for the benefits of the national establishment. They too, scared to death, immediately announced that they would stop collaborating with their pedo friend. Too late, I’d say. The investigation was in progress when the media went backwards, controlled from above, and published the same article, proclaiming that finally, the evidence that the pedophile was shooting child pornography films is not proven. That it all rests on the word of a victim. Is that it? The evidence has been destroyed? That was quick, good job… The icing on the cake is that the victims are not legally allowed to speak publicly about what they know, the pedo-justice having forbidden them to do so. Everything is classified, “under the seal of confidentiality”. Do you think they would have stopped there? No, they wouldn’t. Now the pedo content found in these devices has magically become normal content and no longer a trace of pedophile movies. This is Disney in Canada, magic happens. With the help of a magic wand, everything can disappear. Now let’s spend a few moments on his friends. At Radio Canada, we have Guy A. Lepage. The guy, as fast as Zorro, will make a “twitter” statement to clear himself of having worked with the pedo for… over 30 years. Without ever seeing anything, without ever doing anything, without ever having known anything, of course. Guy is an actor, producer, very well known for hosting the Quebec version of the show Tout le monde en parle. having therefore worked for many years with his pedophile friend. In any case on the networks, Quebecers do not seem to be fooled and all assert the same thing. That the Guy has “only doubtful associations” and that obviously “there is no doubt that he knew” while passing by “you really take us for idiots”. As a result, overwhelmed, the guy let loose and insulted half of his twitter followers and elsewhere. We would like to understand why everyone seems to be convinced of his complicity when they don’t talk about guilt. We have been looking for files on him, he seems to have cleaned up nicely on the internet. That said, it’s only a matter of time before we find out what it is. Anyway, the Canadians on the web have the same final speech when it comes to this case and all say the same thing, often seen as “he is too protected to fall”… When France does not win the annual Pedo paradise trophy, Canada is never far away to win it. Case to follow.

Sources : 1, 2, 3, 4.

