The suspects are presented to us as two trade unionists involved in the police force, one of whom is said to have been number 2 in the Alliance union. We have here what looks like a network…


  • From the union to the network, there is only one step.
  • James Dutertre and Gaëlle Palemo Laffont
  • Maybe several pedo ( network )
  • Date: Put in custody on June 10, 2021
  • Facts: Touching, sexual assault and complicity of sexual assault on a minor
  • Location: Seine-et-Marne
  • Victim: 1 victim for the moment minor of – 15 years at the time of the facts. Raped during several years.
  • Prosecutor’s office of Melun in charge of the case.
  • Investigation in progress


A little more than a week ago, on June 10, James D. and Gaëlle P., both living in the Seine-et-Marne region, were charged with touching and sexually assaulting Gaëlle P.’s daughter, a minor under 15 years of age at the time. It is the school of this last one which alerted the gendarmes after this one confided on the facts which it underwent during many years. The investigators fear that the daughter of Gaëlle P. was raped by other people, they speak about a “sordid” case. This is what the media is saying at the moment. It is implied that yes, there might be a network. For the moment, the suspects are presented to us as two trade unionists involved in the police force, one of whom would have been number 2 in the Alliance union. Okay, what else? Nothing, some former colleagues who would have met him talk about a “manipulative side” and “a bit weird”. Ok, what else? Nothing for the moment. So as you know, we went ahead and did a little digging to find out if there is a possibility of a network and if by bad luck once again, the police, the media and the networks will line up to cover up the truth. James Dutertre and Gaëlle ( Palemo ) Laffont are thus presented as two suspects very involved in the union affairs of the National Police of Seine-et-Marne. For James, this one would have even occupied the place of number 2 of the Alliance union, one of the most important in France. Impressive? Not so much, because James has in fact a pedigree as long as the arm. Born in Lille in 1958, the beginning of his professional career starts as a time employee at the Ministry of Youth and Sports as a high level athlete (fencing). He then became an instructor for young sports talents, and was at the time a member of the Vauban Fencing Academy in Lille.

At the same time, he chose to join the police force. First in the anti-criminal brigade, then as a support to the Raid, he climbed the ranks to become a Major-sub-officer at the Ministry of the Interior, he was the French junior champion of the police and then the French senior champion in swords. He was also a shooting instructor and founding member of the I.A.D.S. (International Association of Armed Professionals Shooting). President of the I.P.A. (International Police Association of Seine et Marne) present in 70 countries with its headquarters in England (association which sits on the Security Council of the UN). Trade unionist in the SGP and UNSA to then finish at ALLIANCE, this one would have left in 2018 the world of the unions having too many internal conflicts. Municipal advisor referring security of the Territory near the Ministry of Defense. Member of the universal league of public good, he will be decorated with a silver medal in 2016 ( association recognized by UNESCO and attached to the UN where we find honored characters like Karim Zeribi ). He is also an honorary member of the supreme council of Occitania – Grand Lodge National Romanian 1880 France where we recently found Francis Huster at the rank of 33rd degree or General Bartolomeu Constantin Savoiu, close to Licio Gelli and member of NATO. Ambassador of the indigenous people of Canada recognized by the UN, he the Chtis of birth? Strange. And to finish with all his hats, Governor of France for the kingdom of Saints Peter and Paul which is an independent international organization subject to international law. This order called Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saints Apostoli Pietro e Paolo is based in Lugano, Switzerland at Medigest SA. But originates from Italy by its founder Marcello Gentile, urologist and andrologist self-proclaimed his royal highness. The order can carry out all financial, movable, real estate operations necessary for the realization of the objectives that they fix themselves. Marcello Gentile has acquired the full exclusive sovereignty of a “terra nullius” in Antarctica between the South Pole and 60° South latitude and between longitude 141° West and 150° West. So basically, they managed to own a small part of Antarctica and become a state like any other, just like that. Having acquired territorial sovereignty, the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of SS. Apostoli Pietro e Paolo became the Kingdom of Saints Peter and Paul, with a government, a people and a territory. With all these established ramifications, we are far from the little unionist. James Dutertre is a troubled character and has a lot of connections. This last fact being also relayed by former police colleagues “He played with his networks to rebound every time, he is a great manipulator”. Concerning the investigation in progress and the daughter of his companion, the facts are denounced but according to the police, this one would have certainly been delivered to other people, one speaks about a “sordid” affair. Gaëlle Palemo Laffont, who is also a union delegate in the southern department of Seine-et-Marne, was interviewed and then released but remains under surveillance. Now that we know a little more about Dutertre, we have every reason to believe that this investigation is hiding something much bigger. Strange connections with various NATO, UN and UNESCO organizations, with Freemasonry and even with one of the only independent states in the world unknown to the general public. All this stinks for miles. To conclude, the police officers in charge of the investigation said that they “are afraid of running into a network”. Are they afraid of losing their jobs? Or that the case will be hushed up? As we conclude this article, it is already clear to us that this little unionist decried in the media could be part of a network that is beyond imagination. A case to be followed very, very closely…

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