CLAUDE LÉVÊQUE – Another pedophile within French Elite

Claude Lévêque, pseudo-artist, pedophile, close to the pedocriminal Jack Lang, is exposed at the beginning of 2021.

With the Olivier Duhamel recent pedo-case, would we finally have opened a micro-door to the Pandora’s box of French paedophile networks? Perhaps. One wonders. In the middle of January 2021, the year starts well, with a paedophile working for the government – again – who gets thrown in the lion’s den. Many victims, boys, are the ones who will blow the whistle. Godchildren, nephews, assistants, whom the scum will call “my cuddly toys” or “my teddy bears”. His face carries – here too – the smell of vice. A brief glance at the fat ugly fucking pig that one dares to call “artist” and the opinion is quickly made. Having worked for the Élysée, the Louvre, surrounded by personalities such as Alain Seban, Jack Lang, Agnes B. the man clearly belongs to the closed circles of French politicians and other high classes where pedophilia is a hobby, a hobby barely concealed. He has also exhibited in very prestigious places where no one is invited unless they are close to this filthy caste: PS1 in New York, the Lyon Biennale, the Musée d’art moderne of Paris, the Mamco in Geneva, and recently at the 350th anniversary of the Paris Opera. Wow… It is thanks to the testimony of Laurent Faulon, one of these victims, that the case will start in 2019. He was a victim of this fat pig from 10 to 17 years old. See how strong the symbolism is in this garbage. After 17 years, contrary to Fréderic Mitterand, who is only interested in boys of 14 years old max, they no longer want their victims. The prosecutor of Bobigny is on the case, this last one being still in progress? This prosecutor in question, just in case, let’s note his name,Loïc Pageot. Case to follow.

Claude LÉVÊQUE and the small circle of those who know and have decided to shut up

In the universe of contemporary art, we have the galaxy Paris. An art loving elite. The social category that is not quite confined. Those who have the time and the money. Everyone knows each other and everyone rubs shoulders. The good old “meritocratic networking” of the 1%. We have no idea of the conditions in which their meetings take place. The millions spent on receptions, rentals, privatizations and other temples of anonymous hijacking. We are right in the middle of the nebula of philanthropic cocktails and more or less private auctions. After decades of harvesting hundreds of billions of donations, it is no longer just bad will, amateurism and insider trading; it is Machiavellian and a crime against humanity (Brigitte TROGNEUX-MACRON, and her PRIVATE foundation Hôpitaux-de-Paris-Hôpitaux-de-France). Who says art says laundering, fraud, shell companies (poke Yves BOUVIER and Dmitri RIBOVOLEV in Monaco) and logistics. Nothing and no one is better protected than an itinerant work (possibility of translating “work” by sculpture, lithography or “shell”). Ultra-secure transport, discretion guaranteed and storage in private safes. Welcome to Claude LÉVÊQUE’s black hole, the place where Kamel MENNOUR, Laurent DASSAULT, Jack LANG, Paul-Emmanuel REIFFERS, Ed Bangers Records, François PINAULT, Bernard ARNAULT, Jean-Pierre VIGATO, Frédéric BEIGBEDER, Éric de ROTHSCHILD et nombre d’infamous du blackbook de Jeffrey EPSTEIN.

The pedo a little more in details

LÉVÊQUE lives and works in Montreuil, according to his bio Vimeo, he still has one foot in Pèteloup in his native Nièvre. Let’s not go there by four ways, he is a pedosexual degenerate, obsessed with children. Laurent FAULON (51 years old today) accuses LEVEQUE of having abused him and his two brothers, who were minors at the time, in the 1980s between Bourges, where Laurent FAULON lived, and Paris. Claude LEVEQUE had established a friendly relationship with the FAULON family. The first touching took place when Laurent FAULON was 10 years old, before turning into sexual intercourse for several years, until he was 17 years old. FAULON believes that LEVEQUE “associated pedophilia with a kind of resistance to society.” Opinion leaders in the art world are guilty of having attributed this label of “provocative” to him. In December 2018, Laurent FAULON received an email from Claude LEVEQUE after having refused to participate in an exhibition where pedophilia was present. LEVEQUE writes (attention vomit): “It saddens me that we have reached this point of no return so long after a strong adventure at one time, which is nowadays unavowable. Pleasures have turned into pain and sadness. I blame myself for not having been able to measure your subterranean suffering revealed in your recent confidences and accusations. My ego, out of reality, took me in an idealisation out of the ground, towards someone who loved me in the freshness of his feelings. It’s undermining me today.” In February 2019 Laurent FAULON wrote an eight-page letter to the Bobigny prosecutor: “I am aware that the criminal acts of which I was a victim are certainly now statute-barred, but this complaint allows me to denounce to the justice system other acts that are not statute-barred on other victims and to point out that one or more minors are currently in great danger of sexual abuse if the irreparable has not already been committed”. A total of three people have reportedly been heard since the complaint filed in Laurent FAULON in 2019. According to Le Monde, Claude LEVEQUE would not be one of them. Pedojustice. Claude LEVEQUE is the subject of a preliminary investigation by the Bobigny public prosecutor’s office for rape and sexual assault of minors under 15 years of age since the spring of 2019. The departmental security investigation of Seine-Saint-Denis is still ongoing.


Pedo = network. The constellation LÉVÊQUE is made of insiders. Those who are invited to decide the fate of the world between two bites of Pierre HERMÉ log. As champagne-soaked as the gratin of contemporary art may be, this gratin sees and hears, but seems incapable of articulating a word. Even less to denounce a pedo. In hindsight, many people remember LEVEQUE’s “disturbing” behavior with children. As for the EPSTEIN affair, let the circle not make us believe that he did not know! It is ADAGP that manages the rights to Claude LEVEQUE’s works. LEVEQUE is represented by the gallery owner Kamel MENNOUR. Kamel MENNOUR represented Marina ABRAMOVIC in Paris; with the dangerous Gaspard NOE and Larry CLARK. Another link between Kamel MENNOUR and Marina ABRAMOVIC: the “body artist” Gina PANE; represented in Paris by Kamel MENNOUR, managed by her ex-partner Anne MARCHAND. One of PANE’s “performances” is part of Marina ABRAMOVIC’s “Seven Easy Pieces”. Questioned in the press, MENNOUR spends his time quoting François PINAULT, MENNOUR and his wife Annika are photographed at Bernard ARNAULT’s party in honor of “his Russian friends” where Stéphane BERN, Adélaïde de CLERMONT-TONERRE, Jack and Monique LANG are also invited… One of Kamel MENNOUR’s galleries is located at 28 av. Matignon Paris 8, near the Elysée Palace. Claude LEVEQUE and Kamel MENNOUR are invited by the Fondation Motrice (now Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale) of Tatiana and Andrea CASIRAGHI. Press release from the MENNOUR gallery: it is Claude LEVEQUE who decides to suspend his collaboration with the gallery. LEVEQUE is linked to Paul-Emmanuel REIFFERS – jet set of the Parisian com’, ex-husband of Victoire de CASTELLANE. His Wikipedia says of him that he is an entrepreneur and a collector of contemporary art, president of the luxury communication agency MAZARINE, owner of Numéro and Studio des Acacias, member of the association for the influence of the Opéra national de Paris and the Cartier foundation for contemporary art. In 2013, Claude LEVEQUE invests the agency’s 2,000 m2 on the idea of Kamel MENNOUR. Incidentally, MAZARINE has a joint venture with Pansy HO: businesswoman “among the most influential in the world”: tourism, transport, real estate. REIFFERS at the Laperouse Mask Ball 2019 with Caroline NIELSEN, Natalia VODIANOVA (blackbook), Antoine ARNAULT, Chantal THOMASS, Jean-Claude JITROIS, Frederic BEIGBEDER, Michel HOUELLEBECQ and his wife Qianyum Lysis LI, Arielle DOMBASLE, Cordelia de CASTELLANE, Pierre FARGE and Vincent DARRE, Isabella CAPECE and Delphine ARNAULT (orga), Jean-Pierre VIGATO (the conductor of the Mamounia, close to Luc BESSON). If these names do not ring a bell, google them. They are all very known, especially in France / Europe.

LEVEQUE, MENNOUR and REIFFERS organize cocktails, parties and other meetings for charity and particularly for the Imagine Institute (Institute of Genetic Diseases). Among the founding members of the Imagine Institute: Martin HIRSCH (APHP), Gilles BLOCH (Inserm), Brigitte MACRON (Fondation PRIVÉE Hôpitaux de Paris – Hôpitaux de France)…. Among the “qualified” personalities of the Imagine Institute: Isabel MAREY-SEMPER, former director of the L’Oréal Group and president of the 2019 entrance exam to the ENA and Eric de ROTHSCHILD (President of the ROTHSCHILD Foundation and President of the Shoah Memorial). In December 2020: Macron “discovered” the institute that very morning… when his wife was one of its founding members. Sample of those who fight with all their might against genetic diseases with the Imagine Institute : Kamel MENNOUR, Paul-Emmanuel and Margaux REIFFERS, Claude LEVEQUE, Jean-Paul GAULTIER, Kylie MINOGUE, Azzedine ALAIA (blackbook), Jean-Paul CLUZEL, Claire CHAZAL, Laurent KRAEMER, Karim ZERIAHEN, Francois de RICQLES (Christie’s), Laurent and Martine DASSAULT, Sylvie ROUSSEAU, Bernadette CHIRAC (blackbook), Claude GRISCELLI, Patrick BRUEL (blackbook), Francois de RICQLES and Gad ELMALEH, Francois PINAULT (blackbook), Catherine DENEUVE. Poke to Catherine DENEUVE, very (too?) often with LEVEQUE. She also discovered Nevers with him. See nrp-lycée.nathan of May 2018, in which “the art of LEVEQUE” is proposed as image analysis by NRP Lycée; “dreaming” in the LGBTPZ+ way.

Blablablart and sexland in Paris 

Don’t tell us that a mayor makes a city a space for empathy. How many pedophiles surround HIDALGO? The city of Paris has been a cradle for the contemporary art of LEVEQUE’s paedophile friends for years. 2014: Paul McCARTHY – “Tree” place Vendôme, in 2015 the “Dirty Corner” by Anish KAPOOR (represented by Kamel MENNOUR), the “Bouquet of tulips” by Jeff KOONS (in Kamel MENNOUR’s address book). In 2019, LEVEQUE installs tires and leds for the Parisian operas, to celebrate the anniversaries of the buildings… these are the “Saturnales” installations (for info the “Saturnales” were Roman festivals held in December – one week before the winter solstice). The (public) cost of the Saturnales: 200.000 euros. This is not the first time that LEVEQUE has collaborated with the Opera. In 2010 he was the scenographer of the ballet Siddharta by choreographer Angelin PRELJOCAJ. Last year, he shot a short film tinged with mystery, the Lost Lake, about the underground lake and the unknown corners of the Garnier Opera for the 3rd Stage (the digital space of the Paris Opera). The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Paris Opera since October 10, 2018 is Jean-Pierre CLAMADIEU. CLAMADIEU also sits at Engie (it is he who oust Iabelle ROCHER ; He is also a member of the board of Icca (International Council of Chemical Associations) and a member of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development), member of the Cercle de l’industrie, president of the working group ” Energy and climate ” of the Afep (after having been spokesman), of the ERT and has his entrance to the private club Le Siècle (poke Olivier DUHAMEL, president until 2021) Jean-Pierre’s wife? Catherine CLAMADIEU. She, one finds her on the lists of Joachim SON-FORGET. As a reminder it is SON-FORGET who promotes Piotr PAVLENSKI’s site on which is published the anatomy of Benjamin GRIVEAUX; who initiates the resignation of the Minister of Health Agnès BUZYN who launches into the race for the town hall of Paris at the very beginning of the “pandemic”. Their world revolves around their belt.

Source : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

  • at 58 secondes
  • Around 1m20 
  • In the document from the Ministry of Culture (2003) we learn that works by Claude LEVEQUE, among others, have been approved by the scientific committee and will be committed for the 2003 budget (p116). Claude LEVEQUE is also on the list of artists in the collection. (page 117).

