BRYAN LOYSON – Online pedoring ? [2020]

Bryan Loyson

  • Date – October 8 2020
  • Name – Bryan Loyson
  • Place – New South Wales / Australia
  • Origine – Belgium
  • Emploi – “seller” within an Holding since 2014. Manager : Bruno Baron.
  • Facts – selling pedoporn
  • Sentence – 4 yo in prison
  • Suspicious facts – In his centers of interest, on his professional page, he indicates “Richard Branson”. The latter being connected to Epstein and NXIVM traffic.
  • Website –Ici(closed but saved on archive).

08 October 2020 – Bryan Loyson, 26, was sentenced to four years in prison by the Supreme Court of New South Wales (Australia) for distributing child pornography. The criminal investigation began in February 2019, when the Child Protection Operation Team in Sydney was informed by the American agency that deals with the fight against the sexual exploitation of children. They reported that a man in Australia was posting child pornography photos and videos on Snapchat. The services traced the digital trail and discovered that Loyson was using not just Snapchat but a number of social networking platforms, including Tumblr and Instagram. Bryan Loyson pleaded guilty to the charges of distributing child pornography content through a distribution service, using a transportation service to access, transmit, make available, publish, distribute, advertise and promote child pornography material. The Australian police also confiscated the profits of its traffic, which amounted around $25,000 divided between an Australian and a German account. When one knows the money that the contents generate, one can easily say that these 25k dollars are only a part of his pocket money. It is said that each content was sold for $50. He would have sold only 500? How long had he been practicing for? If he was spotted by the American services, it hadn’t been 12 months? Moreover, we know today that the sale of paedophile contents is by far one of the most lucrative markets, with, just for the U.S.A., an assumed figure of $9.500.000.000 per year . This figure dates back a few years, communicated by the various national associations and based on an “estimate”, so we can conclude extremely easily that the figure could be double. So 25.000$ divided on two bank accounts for a pedo content trafficker? No, we don’t believe it for a second.

He was therefore sentenced to 4 years in prison and could not be released on parole before 2023. Low sentence, for a change, even if it falls in Australia. He had, officially, the life of a globetrotter. The Australian justice did not mention that Bryan Loyson could have been the author of these paedo contents nor that he himself was a paedocriminal, which is intriguing. It is also difficult to believe that someone who is normally constituted can support this kind of thing only for a financial profit, only for the lure of gain to thus turn to this type of unspeakable trade. The question may arise. He had several online places to post his travel photos: his Facebook page and his Instagram account where he shared his “adventures” through photos and a blog that is now closed. We can see that in 2017, during one month, he traveled 3200 km in Thailand.  He shows himself in luxury hotel rooms and entertains himself through sensational sports activities. In November 2018, he moved to Australia. A good cover to hide his filthy activities that financed his life as a luxury bohemian. On his Linkedin profile he indicates that since 2014 (and until today) he is employed as a salesman in the company Développement Belge Concept Sucx. According to a Belgian business website, this is a holding company since 2011. However, before that, the company evolved in the retail trade of chocolates and sugary things, bearing the name – as mentioned in an article in Franchise Magazine – of “Sucx king of candy”. They speak of this brand, founded in 2012 by Laurent Cordier, later taken over by Cyril Danau, as having closed the brand in December 2016, but the French commercial registers do not seem to correspond to the official discourse. Changes have clearly been made on the pages of these registers… Because by digging, we also find that before this so-called founder, there was another person, Marine Keit, who would be the real founder one year earlier. So many inconsistencies. And why did Loyson post seller in this holding company? (Holding companies are made to hide companies that house other companies). If the name indicated on his Linkedin is not abnormal and that he was simply a salesman in a candy store why not have written “seller to Sucx king of candy” as for the previous job “seller to Dreamland” which is precisely the name of the store and not the legal form. Because he could be a reseller of the franchise? Then in this case, he has a position of responsibility, and in this case, he would not post simple salesman? In any case, while waiting for details, the idea of the man who alone sets up such a traffic is not conceivable, as always. Especially since in 2016, he is being trained, via the Google digital workshop platform, to develop digital marketing. The digital sale of content, therefore, pedophile.

Source 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7

