BROALY : The protected French pedo judge

Philippe Broaly is a former judge of the Commercial Court of Lyon (France) and a volunteer director of a sponsorship NGO he founded in 2003, “Enfants du Cambodge” (kids of Cambodia). He is also the president of the French School of Sihanoukville, recognized by the French Embassy in 2013. (source).

He was arrested in October 2014, in Cambodia’s Preah Sihanouk province, on charges of sexual assault and prostitution of boys 7 to 13 years old and sentenced to 14 months in prison.(source) A sentence he didn’t serve since he got out after five and a half months… (source) The testimonies mention intimidations and bribe attempts to the victim’s families in order to get them to drop the charges… One recognizes well their corrupt bastards usual methods! A request has been filed with the public prosecutor by 17 NGOs outraged by the laxity of the paedojustice in the judgment of this case (source).  A fucking paedo is out on the street, ready to do it again! This little shit has finally been expelled from Cambodia to return to France where he will soon resume his paedocriminal activities and will be arrested at the end of 2015 for possession of child pornography…

No trace of any judgment, the French press won’t even talk about it!(source). In 2016, updates, photos and articles clearly denounce that Broadly and his wife Chhan Nary continue to feed the association’s website and Facebook page until 2017(source). His Facebook profile indicates that he would have returned to Cambodia to actively take care of his association (source). Donations would even still take place at the end of 2016, as a proof, a bulletin signifying the donation of 2000 euros in support of the action of the association (source) .

Therefore, it seems that Broaly is moving without any difficulty between France and Cambodia since we find again his trace in January 2017 in Lyon, at the head of another association. He has obtained all the approvals and authorizations to establish a non-profit organization under the 1901 law to support families and caregivers of people with disabilities (source). He just goes where vulnerability is at its peak… All of it protected by our beloved pedo-governance. Isn’t France beautiful?

