Bar ESPANA – Valencia PEDORING [1990 – 2000]




  • Case name : Bar Espana / Valencia’s pedoring
  • Places: Spain, France, Italy mainly. (Province of Castellon -Valencia-: Benicarlo, Vinaros, Rossell)
  • Date: Beginning of the 90s until the closure of the bar in the early 2000s.
  • Victims: 80 known child victims aged 2 to 12 years.
  • Murders: 5 children murdered.
  • Trials: 16 children filed complaints.
  • Crimes: Rape, murder, satanic ritual, kidnapping, physical and psychological torture, distribution of pedosexual material, drug trafficking.
  • Pedophiles : 57 pedophiles denounced (politicians, judges, businessmen…)
  • Verdict: Classified without continuation, justice stifled the business.
  • Judge in charge of the case: Sofia Diaz Garcia.
  • Main judicial sergeant in charge of the investigation: M. Calvino.
  • Captain in charge of the investigation: Mr. Santos.


  • Carlos Fabra Carreras: former president of the provincial council of Castellón and mafia leader, pedocriminal and child killer. Close to the then Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. (Popular Party)
  • Francisco Camps: former president of the Generalitat Valencien. (PP)
  • Francisco José Sanchez Lopez: former director of the Territorial Ministry of Social Protection of Castellón. (PP)
  • O’Belen Foundation headed by Popular Party politicians, including Ana Botella, denounced by the mediator Mujica, by Amnesty International and by former workers.
  • Jaime Mundo Alberto: businessman and mayor of Benicarló between 1991 and 2005. (PP)
  • Carlos Yacoub Abu: doctor and candidate for mayor of Benicarló for Izquierda Unida.
  • Bernard Alapetite – International pedophile, creator of gay porn films and publisher of porn magazines linked to extreme right-wing organizations and to the Toro Bravo and ADO71 cases in France. Member of Grece. Owner of the company Platypus managed by his friend Patrick Morault. He collaborated to a magazine directed by Caignet and published the magazines Backside (83 to 85), Jean’s (1985), Eklat (1985), Beach Boys (85 to 86) and Photokid (1986). Arrested in La Baule and accused of buying videos from Poland and Eastern European countries, Spain, Germany and duplicating them for resale. Suspected in 1982 of abuse of handicapped people in the Coral affair. Friend of Jean-Manuel Vuillaume, photographer of the Zandvoort network whose photos will also be sold via the Apollo and Wonderland websites which had a photo studio located in Berlaar in Belgium. They realized films in pedosexual character duplicated by Olivier Lechat and sold by Michel Caignet. Founder of Gaie France Magazine, Gaie France nouvelle série, Alexandre, Sparte and Le Gay Pavois. Owner of La Mouette, publishing company.
  • Giuseppe Farina : Italian businessman, former president of soccer clubs including AC Milan as main shareholder until 1986.
  • Carlo Bonfante: partner of Giuseppe Farina in various companies, his real name is Jean Pierre Ruffí, French nationality, indicted for pedophilia and sexual abuse of minors in a school near Portugal.
  • Sebastiano Ezzino: linked to the activity of Giuseppe Farina.
  • Manolo Ricco Ferrer “El Cortijero”: entrepreneur, businessman and co-owner of the restaurant “El Cortijo”.
  • Francisco Roca Boquera: businessman and member of the PP of Benicarló.
  • Miguel Roig Qui: murdered, he owned a video store where, according to testimonies, videos of a pedosexual nature were sold.
  • Demetrio Lopez Robles: presumed murderer of Miguel Roig.
  • Santos Fernandez Alvarez: captain of the Civil Guard in the Vinaròs barracks.
  • Paco Monllau: partner of Juan Mateu Caldés.
  • José Espana Minguez: owner of Bar Espana.
  • Carlos Espana Montilla: son of Teresa Montilla and José Espana.
  • Teresa Montilla Claramunt: owner of Bar Espana, ex-wife of José Espana and ex-partner of Ramon Jovani Puig.
  •  Rodolfo Bellès Castello: photographer, businessman and prominent of the social life in Benicarló. He was one of the main video makers of the abuses.
  • Juan Mateu Calde: entrepreneur in the restaurant and real estate sector linked to an important business network in Panama.
  • Eduardo Wenley Palacios Carreras: Carlos Fabra’s lawyer and businessman.
  • Maribel Gil: former contestant of MasterChef, wife of Juan Mteu Caldès. Full name: Maria Isabel Perez De Vargas Gil.
  • Diego Belmonte Morillo: linked to a crane company.
  • Juan Cano Cano: linked to the alleged criminal organization.
  • Juan Bautista Almeida: built scenarios for parties in Mas del Coll.
  • Fidel Fabregat Folch: Owner of a rabbit farm in Benicarló where, according to testimonies, rapes were committed.
  • Daniel Garcia Fernandez: Pedocriminal who has served a prison sentence for child abuse. Nicknamed Dani “The Clown”.
  • Manolito “Boum Boum”: owner of the discotheque “Bum Bum”.
  • Maria Sauledad Gauchia Miravet: wife of Francisco Roqa Boquera.
  • José Molina Olms: ex-husband of Rosa Maria Vidal.
  • Felipe Esteve Sculpté: former lawyer of Giuseppe Farina. (Deceased).
  • Toni Besalduch: administrator of Bancaja.
  • Rosa Maria Vidal Pons: mother of Eric Garcia Vidal and daughter of Francisca Pons Amat.


  • Sofia Diaz Garcia: pedophile judge of Vinaròs and currently dean in Castellón.
  • Maria Gracia Bouteille Espasa: judicial secretary during a period in the same court as Sofia Diaz Garcia.
  • Ramon Jovani Puig: judge. Also known as Ramon Grau. Ex-partner of the nurse Alicia Martinez who was murdered. One of the most sadistic child murderers and pedophiles.
  • Salvador Martinez: former justice of the peace in Benicarló.
  • Marcos Macian: Prosecutor’s court in Castellón.
  • Javier Arias Ochoa: Prosecutor General of Castellón.
  • Maria José: partner of Juan Mteu Caldes in real estate and wife of José Abella.


  • Wenley Palacios: lawyer of Carlos Fabra.
  • Redo Ferrer, Gema Perfecta: former director of the residence.
  • Alejandra, Alfonso, Amador, Amparo, Celia, Eloy, Enrique, Filomena, Jaime, Rosa and Vicente: all of them are workers in the residence for minors Baix Maestrat


  • Antonio Peraire Edo: doorman at the Spanish bar and security guard. Little watchman for this pedophile and murderous mafia.
  • Antonio Toscano Marqués: journalist and investigator. One of the first people to discover the pedophile and murderous mafia of minors.
  • Teresa Lara Imaña.
  • Pedro Rodríguez Canela.
  • Francisca Pons Amat: Paquita’s grandmother. She reported the events suffered by her grandson Eric to the courts of Vinaròs and the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Castellón.
  • Natividad Jiménez Bel: eyewitness and mother of Mª Jesús, one of the victims.
  • Fina Jiménez Bel and Jesus Roberto Jiménez Bel.
  • Francisco Moreno Molina: he filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office of the province of Castellón.
  • María Jesús Moreno Jiménez: abused by Farina but also his protege, she would recognize knowing the 2 daughters of Colas and the abuse suffered on other children. In 2006 she returned to the wigwam. He presented complaints and handwritten testimonies of the events before the Juvenile Court of Castellón, before the courts of Vinaròs and before the press.
  • Joaquin Crespo Marqués. Former drug dealer for this crowd. Witness and complainant involved and repented.
  • Genova Cornelles Fores.
  • Lourdes Gelida Gonzalez.
  • Carmen Subirach Vizcarro.
  • Laura Campos Gargallo.
  • Pilar Ano Ferrer.
  • Lola Lapasio.
  • Ester Ramon Marques.
  • Lourdes Jovani.
  • Isabel Clara Bofill.
  • JosefinaIglesias Barrachina.
  • Ismael Colino Vega
  • Maria Jesus Moreno Jimenez
  • Natividad Bel Miralles.
  • Pitarche Teresa Rius.
  • Rosa Maria Vidal Pons.


More than 20 years have passed since the allegations of rape and sexual abuse suffered by minors who denounced to the justice system that they were victims of a conspiracy of pedophiles established in the Valencian Community in Spain. Everything is there, testimonies, damning evidences, denunciations of repentants, but the culprits will never be worried. The media will bury the case as usual. It is once again hardly believable and yet this is the hard reality, the one that makes us lose hope in the justice of mankind for good. Rape, network, film, murder, satanic ritual, a summary of the depths of the species and the evil that reigns on earth. Carlos Fabra, Francisco Camps, Bernard Alapetite, Giuseppe Farina, Carlo Bofante, Francisco Roca, Rodolfo Bellés, Manolo Rico “El Cortijero”, Juan Mateu Caldes, Maribel Gil, Sofía Díaz García, Immaculada Marco Macían… These are just some of the names of pedocriminals, torturers and murderers of minors involved in this frightening plot that will certainly remind you of the Dutroux case. The networks do not exist they said … 20 years that criminal proceedings were opened to clarify the rapes and sexual abuse reported by the victims, boys and girls of the north of Castellon (Benicarlo, Vinaros, Rossell …). 20 years that the victims have felt defenseless and powerless in front of the institutions, which should have ensured their protection. Justice, prosecutors, judges, social welfare department, mainstream media, police and civil guard, all closed their eyes to the horror. This is the case of the Espana bar. In 1997, Reinaldo Colas, owner of a hairdressing salon and father of two girls (Aida Colas Adcock and Tamara Colas Adcock), discovered that his children had been sexually exploited by a group of powerful people in the Valencia area. Among others, Giuseppe Farina who is none other than the new partner of the mother of the children. Giuseppe Farina is an Italian businessman and former director of sports clubs. Following legal problems for money laundering and corruption in Italy, he went into exile in Benicarlo in 1996, one year before the beginning of the case and the complaint of Reinaldo. The parties where the children were abused took place in various places such as the Mas del Coll farmhouse and the Espana bar in Benicarlo, two headquarters of a satanic and criminal organization of the most despicable kind. The children who were abused were usually from homes for foster children, including the one in Baix Maestrat de Vinaros. Reinaldo Colas filed a complaint without success, and the case was hushed up by the investigators in charge of the case, including Sergeant Calvino, who later admitted that he had not followed the procedure ordered by the Public Prosecutor. The investigation of the civil parties will show that he deliberately lied, not remembering having received nor heard the Colas girls. He tried to silence the denounced facts of pedocriminality because he knew much more than what he had written in the investigation report. No one was interviewed, no investigation report on the Baix Maestrat residence where the abused children came from, nothing. The judge Sofia Garcia Diaz will close the complaint of Reinaldo Colas who will be sentenced in 2006 to 1 year and 5 months in prison for false accusations against the band of Carlos Fabra and Giuseppe Farina. Yes, you read correctly, the father who publicly accused Fabra during a meeting of being a pedophile was condemned.

In 1999, Reinaldo Colas recorded on hidden camera the confession of a repentant man named Antonio Peraire, who was a doorman at the Espana bar. He explained to the girls’ father how the evenings at the Espana bar went, where the children were taken to be abused. Films were shot upstairs by Bernard Alapetite, a Frenchman already convicted for pedophilia cases, which can be found in the Toro Bravo and Ado71 files. French people resold the videos in France and Giuseppe Farina was in charge of the resale in Italy. Among his declarations, Peraire will also establish a direct link between the Espana bar and the triple murder of Alcacer where 3 young teenagers were massacred in dark circumstances in 1992. He will recognize Antonio Angles and Miguel Ricart, the two alleged murderers who were regulars of the Espana bar, pure chance without doubt. Seven different types of hair were found on the victims that did not belong to the two alleged rapists. The media, such as the newspaper El Razon, manipulated public opinion with the photo of Miguel Ricart on the cover, with the headline “The face of the devil”, in order to continue to believe the story of the isolated rapists. Peraire will also claim to have seen the judge Sofia Diaz Garcia in the bar Espana with the ex-judge Ramon Grau. According to Peraire, Ramon Grau was once angry at the Espana bar with Alicia Martinez, who was a nurse and in an intimate relationship with him, because she did not want to collaborate in their crimes. During a meeting of Carlos Espana, Juan Mateu, Giuseppe Farina, Francisco Rosca and Teresa Montilla, the order to murder the nurse was given. She was found dead on a beach in 1996. According to Peraire, “The manipulation of information for the media was the business of Judge Sofia Garcia Diaz and Captain Santos de Vineros, who organized themselves in the Espana bar with the others on what to publish or not. Judge Diaz, who according to the children participated in the orgies, controlled all the cases involving the Fabra network at that time in order to manipulate the proceedings. She also controlled the appointments to the Residencia de Menores Baix Maestrat de Vinaros, where some of the abused children came from. The children were brought by Giuseppe Farina but also by the director of the center or by an educator. Peraire ended his statements by talking about the murder of a whole family that knew too much, the father having to testify in a hearing against Carlos Fabra for trafficking in counterfeit money.

In 2000, one of Reinaldo’s daughters, then 19 years old, also filed a complaint. She will speak about Farina his father-in-law at the time who would have raped her from 9 to 12 years but also of Carlos Fabra, of an ex-judge Ramoni Jovani Puig alias Ramon Grau, of a José Espana Minguez then owner of the bar Espana in Benisarlo and of Carlos Bonfante then trafficker of cocaine attending the same bar. Thereafter, complaints and evidence in mass. Domingo Maura Ferreres and his brother Miguel Angel Maura Ferreres will file a complaint. Miguel will be analyzed at his exit from the Baix center by a child psychiatrist who will reveal night terrors, but the teams of psychologists who will question him will strangely (or voluntarily) not find the causes of his anguish and his uneasiness. Dennis and Svenja Bercknhawer, interns in the same center, will file a complaint in the courts of Vinaros. Alberto Hernandez Calvo and his brothers José and Antonio will also file a complaint. Dolores Calvo de Haro (mother of the Hernandez Calvo brothers) will file a complaint with the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Castellon. She will explain in a long letter that she believed her children, but that the justice had laughed in their face while she could prove with official judicial documents the psychological abuses exerted on her children by the courts of Vinaros provoking a powerlessness and a contempt. According to her, the judge did not want to understand what was going on because of political interest. Carlos Fabra’s friends will spread the word that this family is crazy in the town of Xilxes where they live and will do everything so that she and her husband do not have a job. The mother will separate from her husband in the same period and will catch a cancer because she felt guilty for the misfortune that her children had gone through. Santiago Moreno Rius, Francisco José Moreno Rius and Mari Carmen Moreno Rius will file a complaint in the courts of Vinaros. David Moreno Fernandez and his sister Rosa Moreno Fernandez also filed a complaint. Finally Felix Macho will also denounce the facts that he suffered before the civil guard of Vinaros. 3 years after the first complaint, Albert Castillon, journalist of the Antena3 channel in collaboration with a psychologist and with the help of Antonio Toscano, also journalist, will realize a series of filmed interviews with the abused children. This report called “Pedophiles in the open” will be broadcasted on Antena3.

Children who have been abused will tell the story of what happened to them in great detail. They will name their aggressors, the places, the rituals, the murders and abuses suffered. All the testimonies were given during the Vinares investigation and the court did not make any changes. All the victims’ procedures were put to sleep. The corrupt magistracy put pressure on the parents and children to keep them silent. Even the forensic examinations of the children will be suspended. Everything will be archived directly without examination. The investigative bodies will submit partial reports in order not to question those responsible for this sordid affair. Reinaldo Colas, who initiated the case, also created an association (AVICSIN) of victims against the sexual corruption of children. A document written by the association will show that Juan Fernando Aguilar Lopez, then Minister of Justice from 2004 to 2007, in the same party as Carlos Fabra, was aware of everything that was happening at the bar of Spain. Reinaldo Colas and Nuria Carque Vera (president of Mothers in Action of Castellon) will hand over the damning documents in front of the Ministry of Justice. They will be received by the secretary of the minister who will excuse the absence of his boss and then put the file under the carpet. In 2008, Valenti Figueres will release a documentary about the case of the bar Espana “La manada”. Today, different groups and associations continue to fight to shed light on this story. This story is about a sick system, an evil that has always plagued humanity. There is you, us, and there is them. At your level, at our level, it is up to us to make the world a better place by denouncing all these sons that Satan himself must have given birth to.

Sources : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

