Terje Rød-Larsen & Jeffrey EPSTEIN

Terje Rod Larsen Esptein Connection 1

In October 2020, Terje Rød-Larsen, a Norwegian diplomat and politician, resigned as president of the Norwegian think tank International Peace Institute following a series of revelations in the media, about financial transaction with Jeffrey Epstein. Founded 50 years ago with the help of former UN Secretary General U Thant, the IPI is an independent organization that promotes the causes of the UN.


Terje Rød-Larsen

  • In the 90s, he was a key figure in the negotiations of the Oslo Accords under the Clinton Administration, when he was Director of the FAFO Institute.
  • In 1994, United Nations Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories
  • In 1996, he was already worried about a tax affair.
  • In 1999, Larsen and his wife personally received 100K USD from Shimon Peres Center for their efforts in the Oslo Accords, but did not declare it to their guardianship authorities. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will investigate the money given to Rød-Larsen and will find that the Peres Center had never awarded another peace prize, either before or after the amount given to Rød-Larsen.
  • From 1999 to 2004, he served as Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority.
  • From 2004 to 2020, he served as President of the International Peace Institute (IPI) in New York, alongside the United Nations.
  • In 2013, he took out a personal loan of 130K USD to Epstein, which he says he has repaid.


Mona Juul

  • From 2000 to 2001, she was Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • From 2001 to 2004, she was Norwegian Ambassador to Israel.
  • Since 2005, she has served as Deputy Director and Ambassador in the Norwegian Delegation to the United Nations in New York.
  • Since 2014, she has been Ambassador to the United Kingdom.
  • Since 2019, she has held the position of President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council ECOSOC.

Between 2011 and 2013, Princess Mette-Marit of Norway announced that she had met Epstein several times, which came as a surprise to the Norwegians … Since then, she has apologized for not examining her past in more depth: “I would never have had anything to do with Epstein if I had been aware of the seriousness of his criminal acts”. Palace officials are said to have stated that the meetings between Epstein and the Crown Princess took place in social settings, mainly in the United States, and one of them was at the home of the pervert. It is understandable that a princess is not in a position to find out about the people she deals with, that her staff lets her do anything and everything with anyone. Poor thing, she didn’t know … The IPI receives $375,000 USD in 2017 and $225,000 USD in 2016 from Gratitude America, Epstein’s company, when he was already known as a sex offender, contributions that were not made public at the time but appear in the tax reports filed by Gratitude America. The IPI was also among the largest beneficiaries. Between 2011 and 2019, the IPI received US$650K, the source of which remained confidential. Even the Institute’s Board of Directors was not informed. Kevin Rudd, Director of the IPI, says he was caught off guard and that the first indications of Epstein’s involvement were revealed in November 2019, he acted as if he was shocked by the press revelations about the IPI. Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell-Magne Bondevik said he had been at a dinner with Epstein and Rod-Larsen to discuss his offers of support for the Oslo Centre. We do not know more … Epstein did not forget to introduce the IPI to his good friend Bill Gates at a meeting in Strasbourg to take advantage of its grants in the fight against polio. Seven months after that meeting, $2.5 million was transferred from Gates’ philanthropic foundation to the think tank to fund polio eradication projects. Since the 2013 meeting, the Gates Foundation has awarded more than $8 million to the IPI. What a benefactor this Bill is! Epstein had done the same with another Bill to the Norwegian Prime Minister to promote the Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton thus organized transactions with the Norwegian Royal Family, the foundation’s major donor, which was also used to purchase political services through the donations it received. It was in Norway that Bill Clinton boarded the Lolita Express.

The Clinton couple often went back and forth to Norway, they must have liked the warm climate of the country … In 2013, former Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon and Kevin Rudd attended an international event where Epstein was on the guest list, a teleconference in 2014 which was also attended by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Henry Kissinger and John Kerry, as well as Rød-Larsen and which aimed to help Mongolia. One could not but mention another dark figure who appears in this affair: Leon Black. He too supported the International Peace Institute anonymously. In 2016, when evaluating donations to the IPI, an employee asked in an e-mail whether the very generous donor should be thanked. To whom was she referring? Epstein? No. She later wrote in another e-mail: “As discussed with Terje, please do not mention Leon Black. Why require anonymity if the transaction had been conducted in full transparency and honesty? Financing of services rendered? Blackmail? Note that in this 2016 report, the name of Georges Soros also appears. So many benefactors affiliated to the IPI! How could Rudd be shocked by the transactions between Epstein and Larsen, since he himself was already aware of the Clinton crimes and made many more donations to this pedo-ring than Larsen? Larsen’s wife was also aware of this since she collaborated with the UN entities, Maxwell had come several times to make speeches at the UN and Guterres knew too. She certainly had to play an important role in the IPI / UN / Epstein / Maxwell transactions. The complaints against Epstein are not new, so they all knew who they were working with. They continued to do business with them, with the blessing/coverage of the Royal Family of Norway, the Norwegian government and the UN Secretariat General. This “small sum”, at the heart of the scandal involving the IPI, privately borrowed and repaid to Epstein seems to be the tree that hides the forest of a vast network in crimes against humanity.


