SAINT PIUS X – Pedoring [1970-2020]

Catholic Pedoring

In November 2020, a soldier staying in a school linked to the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (FSSPX) is accused of raping children. The FSSPX is a fundamentalist community founded by Archbishop Lefebvre, excommunicated by the Vatican in 1988. It has nearly 600 priests in about sixty countries around the world, including 150 in France, and its head office is located in Menzingen, a kind of tax haven in Switzerland (Zug). The current Superior General is Davide Pagliarani, succeeding Bishop Bernard Fellay. Numerous cases of abuse by FSSPX priests have been revealed as well as their modus operandi: moving the predator and those who cover for him from one country to another, without ever informing their new assignment.


  • Guillaume A, 52-year-old military. Tried for numerous sexual assaults committed at the Sainte-Marie private school in Saint-Père-Marc-en-Poulet, near Saint-Malo. The case had erupted in the mid-2000s with the complaint of two former students and was revived in 2010, after a first trial, following the complaint of three other former students. Between 1996 and 2001, 18 victims were identified. Judge: Marilyse Brard. Verdict on 17/12/20 Already sentenced to 16 years in jail for child rape in 2005 in the Var. Released before the end of the sentence. Charged in another case of rape of a minor. He is “the friend of a brother (from school) met during a spiritual retreat”.
  • Abbé Guillaume d’Orsanne: Accused of sexual abuse at Ecole Ste Marie and Ecole St Michel. Since the summer of 2020, he has been at the church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in Paris. Facts concealed by Father Christian Bouchacourt (today assistant to the Superior General of the FSSPX Davide Pagliarani) and by Mgr Fellay
  • Bruno Croizier, accused of sexual abuse by several children at the Ecole de la Péraudière (FSSPX friendly school) in Montrottier in the Monts du Lyonnais, protected by the director Philippe Houzel
  • Between 2008 and 2011, 2 teachers and a priest exercised violence on several children, still at l’Ecole Ste Marie, sentenced to 4 months in jail with a suspended sentence.
  • Abbot Pierre de Maillard of Notre Dame du Rosaire Priory in St. Germain-de-Prinçay charged with rape and sexual assault of 19 victims between January 1, 2006 and May 31, 2020.
  • Abbot Pierre Duverger at St. Mary’s, Kansas accused of sexual abuse in May 2020. Facts concealed by the community and in particular by Fr. Davide Pagliarani, the Superior General of the FSSPX. The Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, and the then District Superior of France, Father Régis de Cacqueray, preferred to cover up the affair. Other priests were charged during the investigation.
  • Peter Palmeri, employed at St. Mary’s Academy in Kansas, accused of rape, indecent child molestation and multiple other charges of sodomy and kidnapping. Abbots Todd Angele, Hervé de la Tour and Kenneth Novak covered up the facts.
  • Abbot Frederic Abbet, Accused of sexually abusing a child during a youth camp in Arolla in the summer of 2005, case hushed up, no prosecution. Moved to the Christ-Roi priory in Brussels in September 2006 where he committed other abuses. Sentenced on September 12, 2017 to 5 years in prison for sexual abuse of minors, touching and fellatio, committed “several times between September 1, 2010 and April 6, 2011,” sentence not carried out. Protected by MSGR Fellay, Father Raphael Granges and Father Henry Wuilloud. Again accused of rape of a 9-year-old boy, Nicolas, in 2020 in Ecône in Valais (Switzerland). Thanks to the determination of his parents, Florence and Carlo Peeters, he is convicted and in jail to this day.
  • Carlos Urrutigoity and Benedict Van der Putte, two priests accused of sexual abuse (Argentinian and American) cases hushed up at the time of the facts. The accusations are revealed in 2018.
  • Father Philippe Peignot raped children for more than 40 years, the 1st accusation having taken place in 1978, always covered up by his superiors and brothers. One of his victims was the infamous Vincent Lambert. He was covered, protected by the then Superior General Franz Schmidberger, the District Superior of France Paul Aulagnier (he had already covered him in Champagne-Ardenne, from 1985 to 1987) and Bishop Bernard Fellay
  • Christophe Roisnel, Sentenced on May 5, 2017 to 16 years in prison for rapes and barbaric acts produced in 2010, notably at the Notre-Dame de la Sablonnière school in Goussonville, near Mantes-la-Jolie. His superiors say they were not aware of the seriousness of the facts. He appealed and his sentence was increased to 19 years for acts of torture.
  • Kevin G. Sloniker, 30, a seminarian from Post Falls, Idaho. Sentenced in 2016 to life in jail for raping 7 children. Protected by Father Patrick Crane, Father James Haynos, Father Paul Vassal and Father Jürgen Wegner.
  • Steven Abraham accused of sexual abuse in the Philippines in the 90s and 10 years later in France. He will be protected by Fellay
  • Father Ramon Angles, from St. Mary’s Academy in Kansas implicated in rape cases. He had written off nearly $20,000 in debts his family owed to St. Mary’s Academy. The facts were covered up and even the police suppressed the cases.
  • Douglas Laudenschlager has been implicated in sexual abuse cases since 1970. Protected by the community.
  • Kenneth Novak, accused of sexual abuse. Protected by St. Mary’s Academy.
  • James Simmerman, generous donor of the FSSPX, St. Thomas Becket. Charged with 17 counts ranging from fondling to deviant sex. Sentenced to three years and eight months in jail. Protected by Daniel Cooper, Pablo Arzuago and Novak.
  • The Notre Dame retreat house, in Montgardin, in Hautes-Alpes, nicknamed the “golden jail,” is the place where priests accused of abuse or other cases come for penance until they are reintegrated into their ministry.

Monsignor Fellay, the protector of pedos, resides at the head office in Mezingen and one of his functions is that of general bursar, in other words, he keeps his hand on the accounts of the community. He tends to want to control everything: finances, real estate and legal matters, but his reputation as a mediocre leader prevails. Nevertheless, the material, financial aspect of his actions does not suffer from his slowness and hesitation because he is surrounded by lawyers. (The FSSPX seems to have the profile of a real company …) One of them is called Master Maximilian Krah. He participated in the creation of a company whose purpose was the management of a very generous legacy from Austria: the legacy of Baroness Rosa von Gutmann. This woman was the wife of a wealthy industrialist whose ancestor’s partnership with the Rothschilds made his fortune possible. In 1985, Rosa Gutmann bequeathed her castle, the Jaidhof Palace, to the FSSPX of Austria and in 1992 she generously donated a bequest of more than 120 million dollars. Fellay’s scum intends to have the perfect management of this fortune which represents absolute power over the community. This he will not achieve since he is appointed to St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in the United States in 2020. How far away are the vows of poverty and chastity! At the FSSPX, they are rather the vows of cruelty and immorality.. source 1.2

