Please wait while the chart is loading (may take up to one minute). Use “search” for a specific search. It’s also possible to search by country, companies etc..

Important note: The presence of an individual in the chart does not mean that he or she is a criminal or a pedophile. Sometimes an individual can be added to it to establish connections between two people or simply for information. All pictures as been taken from websites that proposed it without restritions of use or have been modified enough (according to laws) to be used. On simple request, it can be removed (it can take time as it needs to be asked to many people until reaching the owner of the month that take care of the file (change every 4 to 6 weeks) Also, many men and women are there to understand, for example, the tree of a company, an association, a political party etc … The rest is completely speculative / fictitious and does not in any way reflect the judicial status of an individual. The chart called “organigramme” is on a open access basis and is managed by dozens of people around the world. As a result, the Fsociety Team cannot be held liable if an error from any user has been added to it and is still there. The chart is an artistic working document in perpetual evolution and is not intended to be anything but a data center for unlimited reasonable and lawful purpose.