Rochebin Zumsteg Catherine Allenbach Bertschi

A short time ago, we were telling you about Darius Rochebin, in the category of Swiss journalists with many testimonies against him, revealing facts about child abuses. Well, this caused a snowball effect with hidden previous stories beginning to fall one after the other, bringing out old cases that were ignored at the time. Here they are.


Patrick Allenbach was very popular on the Swiss channels of RTS, especially during the 80s, hosting music shows such as “Rock & Belles Oreilles”, “Perockstroïka” and, above all, “Juke Box Heroes”. But in 2010, after several months of investigation, on December 14, Patrick Allenbach was taken into custody at the Gex research brigade. He was indicted for “sexual assault on minors under the age of fifteen by a person abusing the authority conferred on him by his position” and placed under judicial supervision. The acts, mainly committed in France, are believed to have begun in the 1980s and into the 1990s. At the time of his arrest, he was 67 years old and held the position of communication assistant at the town hall of Sergy in the Ain department (France). Patrick Allenbach’s lawyer is Georges Rimondi, an eminent member of the Thonon and Geneva Bar. In November 2012, during the trial in camera, taking place at the criminal court of Bourg-en-Bresse, in the Ain region, he is facing three victims. Three others could not file a complaint because they had reached the statute of limitations. The public prosecutor accused him of abuses upon teenagers. Patrick Allenbach met these victims by befriending a family of four brothers under the age of fifteen, to whom he entrusted odd jobs or secondary roles in the clips he shot for his music shows. He was very generous with his victims with expensive presents: a method much used by pedophiles, as if to “pay” his victims and to clear himself of his abject acts. In the eyes of the parents, he was the friend of the family who offered their children the possibility to evolve in the artistic world. He abused their trust with glitter to appease their mistrust in order to achieve his ends.  At the end of the trial, Patrick Allenbach was sentenced to 3 years of suspended prison, meaning = NOTHING at all, as well as 20,000 euros in damages for his victims. A shameful verdict because he was, according to the law, supposed to be sentenced to 10 years in prison because the aspect “authority over a minor” being an aggravating factor. The magazine “l’illustré” had investigated within the RTS, at the time of the trial, and unsurprisingly “everyone knew” but did not wish to be quoted in the article. On the other hand, those who supported him have no shame in doing so with their faces uncovered. The same posture was adopted by the Sergy town hall, where the town council refused his resignation. You should therefore send your thanks to the Mayor Pro-Pedophile. DENIS LINGLIN which, thanks to its municipal council, allowed a CHILD RAPIST to continue to be paid by French citizens to a position as a civil servant of France. Scum of a collaborator corrupted to the marrow. And the fools who vote for him, bravo too! You are becoming pro-pedophiles, nothing more. Nevertheless, a testimony from a resident of the village showed that his apartment was clearly a trap for miners with its jukebox, its big TV and the latest video game consoles and that, according to him, he was “playing with fire”.. Source 1, 2, 3.


In 2008, an RTS computer scientist, Jorge Resende, troubleshoots on the professional computer of an executive of the chain, Thierry Catherine, discovers paedophile pornographic content. He alerts his hierarchy but nothing moves. The reaction of Gérard Tschopp, at the time director of RTS, was to protect the paedocriminal Thierry Catherine. For that he made a smear campaign against Jorge Resende and fired him. It was necessary to eliminate the one who had launched the alert. There was an investigation all the same and the judge Philippe Vautier was appointed for the investigation. It was brought to light that some of the incriminated files had disappeared between 2005 and 2007 and, of those remaining, thirteen were considered by the justice system as representing young girls whose “apparent age is between 12 and 14 years old” in “erotic poses”. In reality, in an article, we learn that in some photos we could see underage girls had a vibrator in their vagina! So when in his statements to the police, Gerard Tschopp said “I admit that I had doubts about the nature of the incriminated images when I saw them in 2005” shows great bad faith. Young minors with a sextoy in their vagina made him doubt it! With the change of direction, the whitsleblower is rehabilitated in 2010, after two years of struggle to “wash his honor” . For this, Jorge Resende and RTS found common ground around a mediation arbitrated by Judge Jacques Raymond then mandated in April 2010. In his report submitted on July 2, he confirmed on the one hand that the case was treated “as a family secret”, while at the same time confirming the validity of the dismissal. In his statement to the press, at the time of the re-employment of Mr. Resende, the channel promises to be vigilant in the future! Laugh… The facts have proved us wrong. In the meantime, Thierry Catherine, as he is Franco-Swiss, has come to settle in France. He is now director of France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne a strong position in a national mainstream media… And on his private facebook page, he is friend with Darius Rochebin…. Between pedophiles, they always find each other…. Source 1, 2, 3, 4.


According to the magazine Pigousse, Raymond Zumsteg was head of the technical department of TSR and then moved to SSR. A huge clean-up on the internet has been done concerning him, but we know that he played in a low-budget Swiss film “vivre ici” in 1969 and that he organized the Eurovision in 1989 in Lausane. Moreover, there was a dispute in the votes. Then he was transferred to Bern in a hurry to get him away, probably following the discovery of child pornography content and/or revelations from colleagues. Then, a few months later, he was reintegrated in Geneva in his former position thanks to the support of Guillaume Chenevière, director of the TSR, who had taken him back in exchange of the promise of exceptional funding for one of his projects. A bastard who chooses to protect a paedocriminal for financial reward. A quick overview of who Guillaume Chenevière is: former director of the Télévision Suisse Romande. He was successively a sociologist, a journalist, an executive in the automobile industry and a stage man. Author of various translations and adaptations for the theater. Later, in 2005, Raymond Zumsteg was found guilty of sexual acts on children and rape of his 4 year old granddaughter, which lasted until she was 8 years old. Verdict: 10 years in prison. Source 1, 2, 3, 4.


Walter Bertschi was a Swiss host for music programs on RSR. He was prosecuted and convicted for sexual assault of minors. He fled to Haiti where he opened a restaurant in June 2018, “the three tables” in Piéton-ville, a neighborhood of Port-au-Prince. On his facebook, he supports the foundation “wildlife Alliance red” and the website for children and teenagers “”. Source.


A favourite in France since his arrival on the LCI news channel, the Swiss journalist, Darius Rochebin, is at the heart of a case of morals which turns out, if we look at the details, to be a case of paedophilia in the broad outlines more than a harassment of one of his colleagues. The media, as usual, divert attention. In his country, he was the star presenter of the national French-speaking Swiss newspaper. He was then nicknamed the “Pope of TV News” and became the master asset of Radio Télé Suisse. And in his interview program entitled Pardonnez-moi, he received, every Sunday, a personality who made news and heads of state. In 2011, in France, he even received the distinction of Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (like pretty much every criminal in that country. it even became a way to spot a criminal tied to the elite, if the guy gets that kind of decoration). A very solid reputation which finally hid a very perverse profile. But with the publication of the investigation of the daily newspaper “Le Temps” on Darius Rochebin, he is quickly caught up by his predatory and harassing actions. We discover a personality who relies on his media aura to impose inappropriate and sexual gestures, harassment of men and women to obtain carnal favors and use of false identities on social networks that involve mostly relationships with minors. This will result in a small (botched) investigation by pseudo-journalists who will dig up old RTS files and similar cases that have taken place over several decades. Who is surprised? We are not. What is striking is that, as is often the case, the culture of secrecy is in place. The editorial staff of Radio Télé Suisse talks in the hushed corners of the corridors about such and such actions that fall under the law, but their complacency makes them accomplices (when they simply do not protect pedophiles and criminals of this kind). Note that it was to Darius Rochebin that Pedo Polansky gave his first interview, in 2011, when the filmmaker, under arrest warrant, was hiding in Switzerland to avoid prison. Ah Switzerland, this beautiful country so “neutral”. AN IMPORTANT THING: When a case like this blows up without reason and without an official complaint, there are not 2000 possible reasons. Either a victim was going to open it and the facts were potentially more serious than those listed in the article that swings Rochebin, or something bigger was going to fall through the police or other investigation. One can imagine that this will have ended up buried by a media departure not focusing so much on pedophilia, which is at the center of the case, or he really pissed off someone in high position who now wants revenge. It is not, it will never be, an investigation that is thrown out by the mainstream media for no reason. The vast majority of them are all steeped in this crap, defending and protecting such cases with omerta. Someone, somewhere, had an interest and authorized the publication of the article that will have the effect of a bomb in Switzerland (and not so much in France, European pedoland). Source 1, 2, 3.

  • Date: October 31, 2020
  • Jobs: Journalist for RTS then LCI (TF1)
  • Nationality: Iranian / Swiss but worked in France (his grandfather: Yacoub Koshbin)
  • Victims: 30 testimonies provided – Victims in the batch but we cannot say if all 30 people are victims.
  • Location of the potential trial: It looks like there won’t be one…
  • Facts: Sexual assaults, Abuse of minors (girls AND BOYS), breach of trust on a young boy that will lead to a sexual relationship? That he took to a hotel, forced kissing, hand placed on genitals, inappropriate words, sexual allusions.
  • Modus Operandi: false profiles of young girls, making appointments, hotels…
  • Status : Free as usual, as usual.
  • Actual job : Whispered resignation
  • Names of these fake Facebook profiles: Laetitia Krauer and Léa Magnin
  • Prize received: Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres in France (like 99% of pedophiles)
  • Freemasonry : He was the one who interviewed the “Evolutia” lodge in Montreux (Switzerland), which at that time was displaying advertising posters in the streets of the city with the BOY LOVERS logo! (page 13)
  • RTS speech: Crittin, its director will say that RTS was never informed (LOL)
  • TF1’s speech: Just the same with a Gérard Louvin (high chief of the national French TV channel) , one is not too surprised (note : Chiabodo is a former TV presenter, who gave the alert about Louvin being tied with pedo stuff. To punish him, Louvin killed his career and told him that to be careful now as “trucks drives fast in Paris” )
  • Note : He was the headliner for the #metoo movement.
  • Member of the leaders club: Want to meet some dirty elites? This is the fetish place of the international mafia in Switzerland. At table with Anne Sinclair. 1. He was even the guest of honor at a special evening in her honor (on this link, people present invited for Rochebin, a must see !!! There are some nice people present for Rochebin !!!) Sample of guests for him: Swiss State Councillor Dominique Follmi, King Fouad II of Egypt, Princess Marie Gabrielle of Savoy, Archduke Franz-Ludwig of Habsburg Lorraine of Austria, HRH Prince Michel of Yugoslavia and HRH Prince Amaury of Bourbon de Parm. All this for a journalist?
  • Friends: Macron seems to appreciate this man enormously, judging by his broad smile, ready to take him in his arms, in this photo. Anne-Claire Coudray, Anne Sinclair, Michel Denisot, David Pujadas are unwavering supporters of Rochebin. Nikos Aliagas, seen many times at the table or at the side of the PRINCESSE LÉA DE BELGIQUE
  • Anecdote: He received Bill PedoGates.


We will notice that it is in France that paedophiles mainly hide. The most important of them remain gently on the spot after having kept a low profile, as well as hiding in faraway places or, as if by chance, paedophile networks abound. As for the criminals who left for France, when you are told that it is an Eldorado for pedophiles, you have an umpteenth proof in front of your eyes… Here, they will be defended, a little like Polanski and so many others before him. Mayors who help them, important posts are offered to them, their presence with children not forbidden, in short, paradise for those who still only take reprieve. It should also be noted that for several years, the rumor has been going around that the servers of “some” TV channels have a network of paedophile content free access to those who have the access informations … If the French or Swiss police were not corrupted to the core, it is perhaps here that we should investigate. So what? One can always dream…

