CHILD FOCUS : Fake Charity


At the beginning of May, three women, shocked by the number of child pornography images available on Instagram, took the initiative to create an account that would report all accounts posting such content. A link sends the report directly to Child Focus, a foundation for missing and sexually exploited children. However, Child Focus does not claim to be at the origin of this approach and considers that the account administrators are in violation; they report this fact to the police. So an association whose mission is the fight against paedocriminality is opposed to people reporting paedo accounts? Isn’t there a problem there? To understand why Child Focus positions itself in this way, let’s see who’s hiding behind this foundation.


It is a Belgian foundation that has been helping to find missing children and fight against the sexual exploitation of minors online and offline since 1998. At the origin of its creation, we find Jean-Denis Lejeune, the father of little Julie who is one of the victims of Dutroux, with the support of many politicians and the ICMEC. The board of directors was then entrusted to the management of Daniël Cardon de Lichtbuer, a Belgian banker involved in some very dirty business related to pedophilia. Just that, it sets the scene ! Let’s continue … The collaboration between ICMEC and Child Focus is such that Child Focus is considered as the European operations center for the ICMEC. You only have to look in the organization chart to which businesses and people this institute is linked to understand that their collaboration is not insignificant.

Child Focus also collaborated with Oxfam, a charity that covered cases of child sexual abuse in Haiti during the earthquake. In 2010. Another figure of the foundation deserves all our interest, Heidi De Pauw who is the Executive Director of Child Focus depuis 2011. She will have worked in many societies, associations related to special education, including MCE (ICMEC’s little sister), Oxfam and Queen Paola Foundation, and individuals whose names are mentioned in several child sexual abuse cases (Hilde Demarre, Maud de Boer-Buquicchio). Child Focus will also be in the news when it takes credit for the discovery of child pornography files at Delbouille’s home following an anonymous report, the result of a lengthy investigation by the Werkgroep Morkhoven. During an awareness campaign, Stop it now, Child Focus uses porn stars to denounce child pornography: we see in the clip a man raping a woman he gave a doll to, a representation of the rape of a little girl. de 8 ans. Twisted and sick minds have agreed to propose pornography as an alternative to child pornography! Heidi de Pauw will say that it was necessary to shock the public in order to make it aware and will even say: ” We hope to raise their awareness and encourage them to seek help. Even people who notice that they are moving from ordinary porn to more extreme porn with younger and younger people, can go to for help, even anonymously..” It’s not help that we should offer them, it’s a more radical solution! She will apologize later on, stating that she under estimated the victim’s suffering.

Another posture of Heidi De Pauw that disturbs and questions the true intention of her work with Child Focus. Everyone remembers (I hope so) the AZRAEL OPERATION (also called Gargamel) which exposes a huge network distributing nearly 12 million child pornography images in Belgium. Child Focus had filed a civil claim on behalf of the victims. Heidi De Pauw minimized the magnitude by mentioning 9 million files whereas the real figure is 11,776,954. She will say that the accused were exclusively interested by pictures of very young boys and that they only had pictures of girls for the purpose of exchanging them for those of boys . She added that these pedophiles were male lambda, according to her “They are daddies who could be our neighbors”. They are not ordinary men! Multi repeat offenders, having created a huge online network with clients in the United States and several European countries, please, if you are not familiar with the case, read our article. The name De Pauw is a recurring name in the dirty stories of sexual abuse, corruption. Let’s take a look at some of these names.

  • Charly De Pauw is involved in the Pinon case (Ballets roses). Charles, his grandson is involved in financial shenanigans and has been convicted.
  • Director Bart De Pauw was recently accused of sexual harassment.
  • Let’s not forget the DePauw studios cited in the Zandvoort CD-Rom affair where child porn videos were shot. All from the same family? In any case, all immodest individuals who are involved in very dirty business.

You know what else is behind Child ProPedoFocus? The 116,000. (its the equivalent of the Amber Alert, a number you call to report missing kids) This way, you can be assured that if you report your child’s disappearance, if your child was kidnapped by a scumbag from the pedo network, Child Focus with its 116,000 can easily slow down the search since it’s a proxy with the police. This is terrifying! This is exactly what they all do all over the world. Setting up missing persons and/or child protection assos to be a false shield, there to help the networks not to have any problem. In other words, all garbage, all serving the pedophile elite and you still give money to these organizations. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Let’s conclude on this: you have a so-called child protection association denouncing those who are really moving, reporting their actions to the national police. For what purpose? We can see very clearly in the game of this association and if there is one thing we can guarantee, it is that Child Focus and its director Heidi de Paw are closely and sometimes from afar clearly involved in the trafficking itself that they tell us they are fighting. You will not be forgotten.

