2020 – The abortion scandal for minors. Reminder of the french law : October 4, 2000. Presentation to the Council of Ministers by Martine Aubry, Minister of Employment and Solidarity, of the bill on contraception and voluntary interruption of pregnancy, reforming the Neuwirth law on contraception (1967) and the Veil law on abortion (1975), extending the legal period from 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy and relaxing the conditions of access to contraceptives and abortion for minors. And since August 28, 2020, the Health Insurance covers 100% of the cost of contraception for minors under 15 years of age. The law allows any pregnant woman, including minors, who does not want to continue a pregnancy to ask a doctor to terminate her pregnancy without the consent of her legal representative. Parental consent is therefore preferable but not mandatory. If the parents’ consent is not obtained, the young girl will designate by name, with the help of the doctor or social worker, an adult who will accompany her in the process. When the girl is still in school, the infirmary is sometimes the appropriate place to begin the process. What it says french sociale security : Hormonal emergency contraception or the “morning-after pill” can be delivered to minors free of charge, anonymously and without a doctor’s prescription, regardless of the medication used. This can be done in a pharmacy, a family planning clinic or in a CeGIDD (Centre Gratuit d’Information, de Dépistage et de Diagnostic des virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (HIV), des hépatites et des infections sexuellement transmissibles). With the school nurse, in a university or inter-university department of preventive medicine and health prevention for female students. This by “medical” drug…

Gouvernemental website for the 12/25 year olds with, as a theme for the 12 year olds, the recommandation of group sexual activity. The “fil santé jeune” website is a reference site to inform minors about voluntary termination of pregnancy. Here are its partners: The government and the ECE which is a kind of group of parents and school educators . The school is selling, after the propaganda of history, gender theory and homosexuality, and is thus starting to encourage abortions. Where is the ground? Because by dint of falling so low we risk soon touching the core of the earth… After having seen all these laws that govern access to abortion for underage girls and incite debauchery with the practice of “orgies” from the age of 12, the site “Fil santé jeune”, financed by the state and aimed, I remind you, at minors from the age of 12, we can only be absolutely scandalized. We were sold the abortion for minors as a progress and a comfort, avoiding unwanted babies. But it is on the one hand, a shift of authority because a minor is under the responsibility and protection of the parents until he/she reaches the age of majority, it is therefore not up to a third party to manage these situations and, on the other hand, a propaganda for minors to have a free and unlimited sexual life from the earliest age. Not to mention the law of 2019, which allows the minor girl to pay the co-payment, thus avoiding the use of the parent’s carte vitale, and the law of August 28, 2020, which gives the Health Insurance 100% coverage of access to contraception for minors under 15 years of age. The will here is clearly to make a sexualized or even hypersexualized generation without the parents being informed or even giving their authorization.

