He was born in Angers was not destined for a political and media career, but at the age of 20, in 1976, he made a decisive encounter in Tokyo: Pierre Bergé and Yves Saint Laurent (extremely known pedophile in France). Following this, he joined Yves Saint Laurent in 1978 as general secretary. He rose through the ranks to become Deputy Managing Director in 1997. In 1999, he joined the LVMH group as Director of Strategy. In 2016, he leaves his position within the group. He co-founded the magazine Têtu (gay french magazine) with Pierre Bergé, Didier Lestrade and Thomas Doustaly. He was also General Secretary of Sidaction when it was created alongside Line Renaud and Pierre Bergé. Author of “père comme les autres” (dad like all the others) he has been active in several LGBT associations: Arcade sida, ensemble contre le sida, sidaction, Sol en Si, Act’up, pro-choice, SOS Homophobia and the gay and lesbian center.


 He is very present in LGBT propaganda and who was able to place himself near Pierre Bergé linked to the Majorelle case (pedophile case) and whose abject facts were revealed by his former lover Fabrice Thomas. Yves Saint Laurent, who, as a reminder, is the author of “La vilaine Lulu”, a paedo-satanic comic book. Yet at that time in the 80’s / 90’s, he wasn’t very media-friendly until he entered politics. In 1998, we find him in the Green Party, alongside … Daniel Conh-Bendit, the European paedocriminal deputy who explained on TV and in his writings in “Le Grand Bazar”, published in 1975, that getting undressed by a child “is wonderful”… In 2012 and 2013, he actively supports the law opening marriage to same-sex couples, also called “Marriage for All”. He organizes several debates in the 4th arrondissement town hall, with the presence, among others, of Christine Boutin and Caroline Fourest (french politic). And to celebrate the victory of the adoption of this law on April 23rd, 2013, he is at the initiative of a party organized on the square in front of the town hall of the 4th district in the presence of Patrice Chéreau, the cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton who will play Yiddish songs to celebrate this victory. He is friend with Patrice Chéreau and will be initiating a street in the name of the director in the Marais district (gay and prostitution corner of Paris). Let’s recall who Patrice Chereau is: In the newspaper “Le Monde” of May 23rd 1977, Chéreau launched an appeal for the revision of the penal code concerning minor-adult relations. This appeal calls for a rewriting of the provisions of the penal code concerning sexual relations between adults and minors under the age of fifteen in order to make them less strict. Patrice Chéreau is also on the list of signatories who were alongside the writer Gabriel Matzneff and the novelist, journalist at Libération and founding member of the Homosexual Revolutionary Action Front (FHAR) Guy Hocquenghem, the pedophile activist. Their slogan was: “‘Three years in prison for caresses and kisses, that’s enough! ».

In 2017, he is in charge of the Culture project in Vincent Peillon’s campaign for the citizen primary. Vincent Peillon, who is at the origin of “the creation of the “ABCD of equality” program, which is aimed at all students from kindergarten to 5th grade and their teachers, aims to deconstruct gender stereotypes”. (Site of the Ministry of Health, December 2012) That is to say, to destroy gender identity. On the occasion of the ABC of Equality he had declared “The goal of secular morality is to wrest the student from all determinisms, family, ethnic, social, intellectual” and “can never build a country of freedom with Catholicism”. And currently, since June 28, 2020, he has been elected councillor of Paris in the 18th arrondissement to Anne Hidalgo. As you can see, Christophe Girard’s entire political and cultural militant life is strewn with friendships and acquaintances, either pro predophile or pedophile, or in the sexual deconstruction of children. And he persists and signs with the installation of a plaque commemorating Guy Hocquenghem, which was inaugurated in January 2020, at 45, rue de Plaisance in the 14th arrondissement of Paris by Anne Hidalgo. That they had to withdraw after the pressure of the sharing of this information on the social networks of the anti-pedo fighters and the degradation of the plaque by the association “les grenades”.. Source : 1, 23, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.


Let’s now talk about the recent cases that followed one another and that forced him to resign from his position as Paris Councillor of the 18th arrondissement. The first took place during the “Matzneff case” in February 2020 with the revelations of the nature of his friendship with the paedocriminal Gabriel Matzneff. A reminder of the facts: on January 2, 2020, the book Le Consentement (The Consent) was published by Vanessa Springora, director of Julliard Publishing, which recounts the hold this woman had on her when she was 14 years old, and that she had a “relationship” – a consent that cannot be enlightened, she explains – with Gabriel Matzneff, a writer who was 35 years older than she was. An investigation was launched. We then learn that Christophe Girard fed and housed her for two years in a hotel with a 14-year-old girl, all the bills were paid by the Yves Saint Laurent Foundation. We also discover that the former Minister of Health under Jacques Chirac, Michèle Barzach, was auditioned as a gynecologist who prescribed the pill to the young girls the writer brought to his office. In August 2020, the second case for the elected representative in charge of culture, at the Paris City Hall, with the accusation of sexual assault by a 46-year-old Tunisian, Aniss Hmaïd. I quote from the New York Times article: “From the age of 15, when they met in Tunisia, Mr. Hmaid was coerced by Mr. Girard into an abusive relationship that lasted nearly a decade and left him with lasting psychological wounds,” Hmaid told the New York Times, making his story public for the first time. He said Girard sexually abused him when he was 16 and forced him to have sex about 20 times over the next few years. In exchange, Hmaid says, Girard sometimes employed him as a domestic at his summer home in the south of France and got him temporary jobs at Yves Saint Laurent, a company he was a senior manager of before entering politics. “He took advantage of my youth, my young age and all that for his sexual pleasures,” Mr. Hmaïd protests from his house in the Paris suburbs. “It actually destroyed my life. Today I consider myself a scorched earth.” Source : 12, 3, 4, 5, 6.


On the occasion of an intervention on the set of the CNews channel on the subject of Sarah Abitbol’s revelations of sexual abuse in the skating world. Indeed Pascal Praud asks him for his opinion and he speaks about the sexual abuse of which he was a victim as a child by a man of the church, the Abbé Godard in Angers and that he did not confide in his parents at the time. He meets him in his book ” la défaillance des pudeurs ” What to think of this confession? This is undoubtedly true. Some specialists in sexual traumas say that the pattern can be reproduced but the analysis cannot be made here. In any case, previously abused abusers do not change the fact that it is the present that counts. And today, it is the label of pedophile and not of victim that should be retained. Period.

