JAPAN : Pedolaw and dolls

We hear very little about Japan in regard of paedocriminality. Yet, as elsewhere, it does exist. Laws still exist and continue to exist today to allow the dissemination and possession of paedophile content. Here is a concrete example through this summarized article.

What says the law:

In June 2008, a bill proposed a ban on the possession of child pornography, submitted to the Japanese House of Representatives, where it was presented in September, but failed to pass. The Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito Party proposed banning all possession of child pornography, but was opposed by the Democratic Party of Japan with a different proposal. It is interesting that democratic parties in any country always find themselves on the side of the criminals, especially pedophiles… The House of Representatives dissolved itself on July 21, 2009, and the two proposals to revise the law were withdrawn. During the general elections to the House of Representatives in August 2009, open letters written by politicians to a civil organization showed that politicians were divided on the issue. And on 4 June 2014, a bill was approved to prohibit possession, closing this loophole in the national law on the prohibition of child pornography, although it does not apply to Hentai (an anime and manga pornography sharing site).

The bill was passed on June 18 of the same year. Despite these belated laws to put a legal field around child pornography, the production of these kinds of content has not stopped. In the eyes of the world, Japan is considered to have a serious problem with the sexualization of children. Examples include bars where men pay to meet schoolgirls, suggestive pictures of very young children and comic books depicting child rape.

It’s a legal grey area called Chako Ero that benefits the child pornography photos and videos production network. Chako Ero are children as young as six years old are filmed or photographed in erotic clothing. It talks to producer of these films as well as to a confessed paedophile to try to find out why a Japanese culture seems to encourage the exploitation and sexualization of children.

In Tokyo in 2017, Nobuhiro Watsuki, the creator of the comedy series “Rurouni Kenshin” about a former samurai murderer turned justice fighter, was arrested for child pornography. Investigators found during the raids DVDs of naked prepubescent girls – source.

The 2014 law prohibiting the production and sale of child pornography does not cover anime and manga, in the name of freedom of expression. The characters of juvenile manga, deliberately sexualized and ambiguous, appeal to a single audience: paedocriminals. All this contributes to Japanese hypocrisy because it is common to find such drawings in profile pictures of paedophiles on social networks – source.

To drive the nail in, you should know that these dolls for paedophiles, sex toys that look like children, come largely from there. We often talk about China and its setbacks in this regard but Japan should be mentioned as well, because offering for export these disgusting objects coming directly from a brain particularly affected to have thought one day to create such a horror … As an example, the much decried company “Orient Doll” making this shit. The market seems juicy and many countries take offence at the orders of their national paedophiles publicly. However, the import/export of this shit still goes on…

Moral of this: Just because we don’t hear about it, or very little, doesn’t mean some countries are protected from it. Paedophiles are everywhere and even in Japan, despite their values and conservatism, they too, protect the most foul creatures of this world.

