ST OUEN CASE – worlwide network from France [1978]

Foreword: Who is Jacques pédépédo dugué?

A paedophile – arrested for sexual abuse and accused of being part of a paedophile pimping ring, who publishes threads in “liberation” (pro pedo french newspaper) where he advocated the “sodomization” of children, and states that “the child who loves an adult…likes to feel in his body the virile limb of the one he loves, to be united with him, through the flesh”, and calls for “an end to the persecution of those who love children, even if they also love them with their bodies”. Yes, this is real… Here is a copy of the organigramme to know who was his friends and close people working / hanging with him.

What allowed the arrest of Jacques Dugué in St Ouen: In July 1978, during a search of an American, Henry Johnson, suspected of paedophilia in Los Angeles, investigators of the Sexually Exploited Child Unit found a letter from Jacques Dugué living in St Ouen (Seine St Denis – France), in which the Frenchman evokes his efforts to “pervert children so that a new generation of perverts will succeed us”, as well as the sexual practices of all kinds that he would commonly maintain with minor children of both sexes in his city. The American police officers warn the French police and from then on they begin surveillance, discovering that he is a salesman in “weapons and sporting goods”. Since 1973, he has also been coaching the Audonian Red Star junior basketball team on a volunteer basis.

He was arrested on 27 September 1978 for “indecent assault without violence on a minor under the age of 15. According to the investigation, the abuse of young basketball players dates back to 1973. He is not the only suspect, seven other people are incarcerated.

  • Alain Maillart, a 23-year-old delivery driver, a former minor victim in a vice case for which Jacques Dugué was previously convicted in 1971. Maillart received an 18-month suspended sentence in the Saint-Ouen case.
  • Alain Leroy, milling worker, 32 years old, suspended sentence of 3 years.
  • Monique Leroy, wife of Alain released from prison, 29 years old, given a 2-year suspended sentence, the couple opened the doors of their home and bed to Jacques Dugué’s sexual escapades.
  • Jean-Marie Dhumé, customs inspector, 33 years old, 10 sentenced to 5 years in prison.
  • Cevelod Sokolowski, engineer, 53 years old, suspended sentence of 18 months.
  • Maurizio Sesse, printer, a minor at the time of the events, 20 years old, the only one not to have been incarcerated, he was given a one-year suspended sentence.

For the 7th: hypothesis, Maurizio Sesse’s younger brother? The only one whose identity does not appear anywhere. A detail that favors the trail of a minor, Maurizio Sesse’s younger brother, as Jean-Marie Dhumé’s testimony seems to indicate in an issue of PAN magazine.

In the media, it’s Jacques Dugué who makes the headlines with the nickname “the pervert of St Ouen” and journalists talk about “blue ballets” or “baby porn”. Through these volunteer work, Jacques Dugué meets many teenagers, to whom he offers to pose naked in his pavilion. The basement of the house, fitted out as a games room with a ping-pong table and television, attracts kids from underprivileged families. Shooting took place in an adjoining room. In addition to paedophile acts, police reports mention hundreds of photos of “sexual relations” between these children and Dugué but also collective scenes of sodomy, fellatio and scatological, filmed and almost “scripted” by Jacques Dugué.

These child pornographic contents were shared with foreign “correspondents” with whom he exchanged pictures (Sokolovski’s name circulated). Also, the photos and films went to the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Switzerland and Denmark, where magazines such as Lover Boys or Lolita were published, the latter, a sort of “reference” in the field of paedophilia, was later banned. In particular, he sold the photo of a little boy to the magazine “Pissing Lolita” via the Zandvoort network, but he will find himself innocent in the dismissal on his membership of this criminal association. However, Jacques Dugué will never be prosecuted for pimping nor for image trafficking. A priori, justice will never succeed in establishing that the paedophile made any financial profit with these activities. Understand he was protected by the deep state. Nothing less.

During the investigations at Sokolowsky’s home: the discovery of children’s corpses buried in the garden of his pavilion in Saint-Ouen, as well as an address book. The latter is said to have contained the name of Christian Ranucci, one of the last people in French history to be sentenced to death. However, he was only given a suspended sentence. Investigators will get their hands on other names that will lead them to arrest four new people, three in Lyon, including Paul Damon who was organizing “special” photo sessions, and another person in Chartres.

The trial: behind closed doors

Many of the victims of St Ouen are children, boys, with rare exceptions (some as young as six or seven years old), most of whom come from immigrant worker families. One of the testimonies: “We were broke and he would give us 100 francs each time. We didn’t mind posing naked,” says one of the kid. According to him, the children were willing. Of the 17 victims in the trial, the youngest was three years old, so it is hard to see how consent could have been possible.

The case of Jean-michel, one of the victims of St Ouen: He says he does not remember anything as an adult, whereas the minutes of the trial at the time show otherwise within his testimony. At the time of the trial, he was 40 years old and said he never “considered himself a victim of Jacques Dugué”. Coming from a large family, “where they didn’t have enough to eat every day”, Jean-Michel says he owes a lot to Jacques. He stayed with him for almost four years, fed him and shared his bed. “There was a kind of love between us,” Jean-Michel says today.

His wife Dominique, aware of the story, confirms: “Jacques brought him love, warmth and everything he couldn’t find at home.” Jean-Michel says, “I was willing. Just like a normal sexual relationship.” Jean-Michel L. had not filed a civil suit: “My mother considered James a friend“. Later, Jean-Michel’s children stated that they had been abused by Jacques Dugué while he was staying with them when he was released from prison in 1994. Parents were shocked when they read their children’s statements. Then Jacques Dugué led the police force to the Amaniera network in 1981.

French sources / use a translator : Source MSMSource LibéSource LHQMAOSSource Pedopolis.

