US ARMY – Pedo Sergent Randall S. Hughes

Serial rapist. At least 5 victims in 15 years including: his ex-wife; the wife of a soldier under his responsibility; an ex-girlfriend; his own daughter who was only 14 years old at the time of the facts.


  • Crime Date : from 2006 to 2020
  • Places : Fort Carson, Fort Bliss, Fort Dix
  • Court : March 2021
  • Sentence : 13 years in prison
  • Victim’s number : 5 at least the youngest was 14yo


HUGHES was first reported in 2006 when he raped his then wife in Fort Carson, Colorado. Nothing was done and that charge would be dropped as part of HUGHES’ plea deal. During a Super Ball party in 2017, HUGHES rapes Leah RAMIREZ, the wife of a soldier under his command, Staff Sgt. Arnulfo RAMIREZ III. Staff Sgt. RAMIREZ reports the incident to his chain of command. Nothing was done. That same year, HUGHES’ name appeared on the promotion list to sergeant first class. After a year of investigation, Army CID agents determined that the allegations were credible (Army CID – Criminal Investigation Command). But HUGHES’ brigade commander decided not to prosecute in August 2018. Thus, HUGHES only receives a memo to reprimand him. That is, nothing is done. Let’s go back to 2017, a few months after the rape of Leah RAMIREZ. That year, HUGHES re-offends and rapes his then-girlfriend. Nothing is done. Also in 2017, HUGHES’ daughter, Lesley MADSEN moves in with him in Fort Bliss; some time later, they move together to Fort Dix, New Jersey. On March 25, 2020 (in the middle of a lockdown), HUGHES makes his 14 year old daughter take sleeping pills and rapes her. It is only when HUGHES’ daughter comes forward that the serial predator is arrested by the army, in 2020. The case was initiated at the 174th Infantry Brigade at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and then prosecuted by the 10th Mountain Military Justice Office at a general court-martial convened at Fort Drum, New York, where HUGHES pleaded guilty. On March 30, 2021, the serial predator was convicted of two counts of rape, two counts of sexual assault with battery, one count of sexual abuse of a child, one count of assault with battery on a child, one count of indecent language and one count of adultery. He is sentenced to 13.75 years in prison and a dishonorable discharge for rape and assault. No mention of incest, this is the US military. Lesley MADSEN explains that the reason her sire took a deal was to get the minimum number of years…if she had said no, it would have been years of trial. For Lesley, it was the easiest way to give everyone closure and lock him up before he re-offends. As of early April 2021, HUGHES was still being held at the Oneida County Correctional Facility (New York), he will be transferred to the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas to serve his sentence. Lesley MADSEN and some of the other victims spoke directly to the media and asked that their names be used to make the point that HUGHES had been on the loose for years, and they are convinced that HUGHES had many more victims. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), in 2018 alone, 6,053 service members reported being sexually assaulted while in military service. Due to the massive number of assaults that go unreported in the military, the U.S. Department of Defense estimates that the actual number of victims is more like 20,500. According to retired Colonel Don CHRISTENSEN, former Air Force Chief Prosecutor and current President of Protect Our Defenders, “[The command] should be horrified that its failure to hold the rapist accountable has allowed a sex offender to perpetrate a crime spree against numerous victims.” Another sound bite from one of the Army’s deputy chiefs of public affairs, Michael BRADY, who cites a 2017 Pentagon report examining penetrative sex offenses: “there is no systemic problem.” Ha…


The Army is exploring the possibility of moving to a civilian model rather than the military police to solve the pervasive problems of the Army Criminal Investigation Agency (CID). Whatever happens, the military police will oppose it because it is an imminent threat to their structure… How many rapists does the world’s largest army have in its ranks? How many pedophiles are in the top ranks? The military as a whole should apologize for its inaction. The commander who signed the meaningless memo of reprimand is also criminally responsible and should be investigated for dereliction of duty. It’s not that complicated: predator on the loose = victims! And if HUGHES committed his crimes outside of his subpoena, shouldn’t he be prosecuted by the state?

Sources : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

