Richard BERRY & Jeane MANSON – The Pedophile couple

Victim of incest by his father and stepmother at the time, Coline BERRY-ROTJMAN files a complaint for corruption of a minor, sexual assault and incestuous rape.

  • Coline BERRY-ROJTMAN : the one who filed the complaint, daughter of Richard BERRY and Catherine HEIGEL, wife of Romain ROTJMAN
  • Romain ROJTMAN : producer, Coline’s husband
  • Catherine HEIGEL: mother of Coline, ex-wife of Richard BERRY
  • Richard BERRY: the pedocriminal, Coline’s father
  • Pascale LOUANGE : current wife of Richard BERRY (22 years younger than him), mother of Mila (born in 2014).
  • Jeane MANSON : singer, ex-wife of André DJAOUI (French-Israeli producer), mother of Shirel (a.k.a. Jennifer), ex-wife of Richard, ex-stepmother of Coline.
  • Shirel SAYEGH (a.k.a. of her real name: Jennifer DJAOUI): singer, daughter of Jeane MANSON and André DJAOUI, half-sister of Coline and daughter-in-law of Richard BERRY at the time of the events, married to Arnaud SAYEGH (private banking firms)
  • Jessica FORDE : photographer, ex-wife of Richard, mother of Josephine
  • Joséphine BERRY : actress, daughter of Richard and Jessica
  • Matthieu PETIT: ex-husband of Coline, married to Mathilde SEIGNER since 2006 (reminder: Mathilde’s sister, Emmanuelle SEIGNER is married to P-éd-OLANSKI)
  • Marilou BERRY : daughter of Josiane BALASKO and niece of BERRY, cousin of Coline.
  • Josiane BALASKO : Coline’s aunt, Marilou’s mother, Philippe BERRY’s wife.
  • Philippe BERRY : sculptor, brother of Richard, husband of Josiane, father of Marilou (died in 2019).

A preliminary investigation was opened by the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office and entrusted to the BPM (Brigade de Protection des Mineurs). Coline BERRY-ROTJMAN will be heard on February 9th. The facts reported by Coline go back to the beginning of the 80’s, when she was between 8 and 10 years old. Richard BERRY is accused of corruption of minors, rape and incestuous sexual assault with his girlfriend at the time, Jeane MANSON. Incest. The caste trembles, whose turn is it? It is interesting to look at how the case is treated by the media… who rebels, who denounces… and who endorses. Obviously, some newspapers believe that Coline BERRY-ROTJMAN would have done better to continue her life in aphasic prescription. Of course, it is the newspapers which, in the past, published a tribune in favor of a MATZNEFF, signed, as if by chance, by the LANGs and others KOUCHNER… One can only note to what extent the discourse is manipulated. To make a little chronology, let’s resume: Coline files a complaint on January 25th, and on February 2nd, it is Richard BERRY himself who speaks on about the case… from the stories of his Instagram account. It is him who brings this case on the social networks “my daughter the liar”. He refutes everything and takes the floor to say that his daughter would have spoken to the press before going to the police, that he is accused of “filthy lies”. Thus, Le Monde published his article on February 3rd. Finally, it was the turn of the columnists and journalists who insisted that the accusations had been reported in the media. We think we’re dreaming. But no, you are indeed in the country in which the president himself has been a victim of child misappropriation. A country in which the Minister of Justice is Eric, DUPONT-MORETTI, who helped to silence the children of Outreau (horrific pedoring case in France where all pedophiles went free, kids accused of lying, the accused being caught again later on with no media coverage) no wonder the children’s word is being denied.

Coline BERRY-ROTJMAN support:

  • Catherine HEIGEL supports her daughter.
  • Josiane BALASKO; who publishes a story in “Support to Coline BERRY-ROTJMAN” on her Instagram account. Story to which Carla BRUNI-SARKOZY answers “Because you are CERTAIN that her father is guilty…”, message now untraceable.
  • Marilou BERRY : “With my father (Philippe BERRY), we were the only ones really of the family to take sides and keep in touch with Coline and not to say that she was crazy”. Marilou remembers an argument with Richard during which he insulted his daughter and said she was crazy. To which Marilou would have replied, “I think that’s a very strange reaction because the first reaction is to go talk to her, go to her, rather than getting angry and get a lawyer.
  • According to Coline BERRY-ROTJMAN’s lawyer, Karine SHEBABO, “Richard BERRY is the agent of her downfall”. Maître SHEBABO also speaks on BFM and denounces “a confiscation of his client’s speech”.

What french medias have published

  • February 2: Article by Aziz ZEMOURI – Le Point – “Richard BERRY: “I have never had inappropriate or incestuous relationships” (takes up Richard BERRY’s Instagram story exemption)
  • Le Dauphiné – “Accused of incest by his daughter, Richard BERRY denies it”.
  • Public – “Richard BERRY accused of incest: who is Coline BERRY-ROTJMAN, his daughter who has just filed a complaint?”
  • Europe 1 – “Richard BERRY denies the accusations of incest of one of his daughters
  • February 3 : Article by Yann BOUCHEZ and Lorraine de FOUCHER – Le Monde – “Richard BERRY accused of incest by his eldest daughter Coline BERRY ROTJMAN”.
  • Huffington Post – “Coline BERRY maintains accusations against her father and gives her side of the story”.
  • Article by Sarah BELIEN – RTL – “Incest: Richard BERRY’s daughter files a complaint against her father, the demented act” Editorial article – Journal de Montréal – French actor Richard Berry accused of incest, justice investigates
  • France 24 – “Accused of incest by his eldest daughter, the actor defends himself”.
  • L’Obs – “Richard BERRY accused of incest by his daughter Coline: what is known about the open investigation” (in French)
  • Article by Iris MAZZACURATI – Voltage – “Richard BERRY accused of incest: an investigation open since January 25”.
  • The Telegram – “Richard BERRY accused of rape
  • Article by Sarah UGOLINI – Planet – “Richard BERRY: who is his daughter Coline, who accuses her of incest?
  • Article by Sylvain RAKOTOARISON – Agoravox – “Richard BERRY and the filthy one
  • February 4: Public – “Richard BERRY accused of incest: new details unveiled by Marilou BERRY”.
  • La Dépêche – “Incest accusations against Richard BERRY: the actor’s ex-daughter-in-law, who was present at the scene, defends him”.
  • Article by Jade Vigreux – Her – “The Richard BERRY affair: what the protagonists say”.
  • February 5: Article by Chloé FRIEDMANN – Madame Le Figaro – “Coline, Richard BERRY’s daughter who accuses the actor of incest”.

Richard BERRY’s support :

Jeane MANSON, the co-defendant, chose to read her text “j’m’associe-pleinement-au-démenti” in the February 3rd broadcast of TPMP by Cyril HANOUNA (linked to Banijay Group & Stéphane COURBIT’s holing LOV Group). Let’s continue with the one who defended DSK, POLANSKI, lately DUHAMEL, Elizabeth LEVY on Sud Radio on February 4th (do you leave the keys of the bar to a drunk?). Do you find her at ease the Cécile de MENIBUS? After sending a support sms to her half-sister during the month of January, Shirel SAYEGH (a.k.a. Jennifer DJAOUI) turns around to support her father. On February 4th, Shirel talks about “lies” and “invented memories”. Jennifer-Shirel seems to have a fine knowledge of psychoneurology and pathologies of traumatic origin type III: “if I had felt the slightest thing that was perverse or that was wrong, that had a bad grade like that, I would have remembered it, it would have been imprinted in me”. Interesting facts about Jennifer-Shirel: at the age of 14, she took part in Eurovision with her mother (Jeane MANSON); later, she left to study childcare in Israel. She has three children Liam (13), Luna (12) and Adiel (2). On February 4th, Pascale LOUANGE supports her husband in an Instagram story with a quote from Montesquieu “An injustice done to one is a threat to all”, she could not be more explicit. On February 4th, in Femme Actuelle : “Josephine BERRY supports her father”. In mid-January, she contacts Le Monde to “advise them not to publish articles on things that concern no one but her father and sisters and the people involved in the family”. On February 4, in Midi Libre, we learn that BERRY is also supported by her “friend”, the pro-pedo-director Alexandre ARCADY (director of the film “Dis-moi oui”, a love story between a 30-year-old pediatrician and a 12-year-old child; friend of Patrick BRUEL – in the organization chart). Moreover the article ends by promoting the crowdfunding campaign of MATZNEFF’s next book “Vanessavirus”. NO SHAME ? By the way, we don’t hear much from Patrick BRUEL anymore since his name has been cited in an investigation for exhibition and sexual harassment. Patrick is nevertheless close to this small group… would there be a “sacred union” ? On February 5, Coline’s ex-husband, Matthieu PETIT, opens his mouth by voice of Closer: the director of photography announces to emit “monstrous doubts on the accusations” carried by his ex-wife…

When an entire family and relatives can, at this point, give their version of the facts through the press to try to exonerate a person accused of paedocriminality… it’s called power. And as usual, no one, absolutely NO MEDIA talks about the black book, the EPSTEIN case, or the institution that is paedocriminality in France. In the state of the media art, the word of children is anything but listened to. What child can dare to speak when he hears how adults who have suffered acts of paedocriminality are treated?

Sources : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

