The son of a Swiss politician busted in the act with a child in his bed. He is arrested but 10 months later after denunciations to the police …

So this one is not another kind of crazy bat shit story… The guy already is a very prolific criminal. He has been caught in the last 20 years for various crimes such as attempted kidnapping (of an adult), attempted extortion, abuse, drugs, traffic violations… For the attempted kidnapping, he had already been sentenced to more than 7 years in prison in 1998 and another 3 years for these traffic offenses. On the other hand, when he was caught in the act, with a minor in his bed in his luxury chalet in the canton of Vaud (Switzerland), the police left him alone. It’s only 10 months later that they will panic, the complaints and evidence accumulating a little too much, and will finally come to catch him at home to put him in his right place: In prison. One can already wonder if his family environment facilitated the slowness of justice… A problem is again highlighted, proving once again that the social services are rotten and not only in France or USA: The victims comes from the social system, in other words: from shelters owned by the CPS Swiss.

Three little pathetic things in the pseudo journalistic work : At no time do they mention his name. It is easy to understand why since he is the son of a politician. So of course they concealed the name. Fools! The guy has such a big criminal record that it took us less than 10 minutes to get our hands on his name and his father’s. Second thing, however, they won’t forget to say that he is the ADOPTIVE son of this politician, as if that detached him a little from his family. Fools ! He is his son, he adopted him, he raised him, we don’t give a damn fuck whether he is adopted or not ! You will not escape the wrath to have in your lineage a pedophile. Last but not least, the strong desire to protect and not to offend the LGBT lobby, as there is young boys as victims. They will hide this with the following sentence while talking about the victims : “mostly young girls”. Frankly, honestly, journalists, all of you, change your profession. There, now, immediately. Go back to prostitution, because that’s already what you are doing, but under a misleading and false label called “journalism”. Shame on you, shame on the police who took 10 months to put the pedophile on ice, and shame on the scum who could seem very/too easily used in social services homes to abuse children. These same children who, already at the grassroots level, are in a deplorable situation within these pro-pedophile and unhealthy institutions that are the social services for children .

Source 1, 2.

